I've been searching the vast interwebs for a DS disassembler or even a dumper, but I could not find either. What I did find, however, was a device called the "Trainer Toolkit". It is made by the company that makes Action Replay (Datel) and it claims to be able to provide users with relative hacking experience good DS hacking utilities. The downside is that it costs $40.00... I would like to know if there is either a good disassembler and dumper for DS, or an emulator that con do at least some of this before I pay that much for something that I'm not completely confident with. Thanks in advance!
There's an emulator with a disassembler like the one that comes with VBA.(actually it's a debugger, but you get the point) The emulator is called iDeaS. Not all games work with it, tho. Here: http://www.ideasemu.org/index.php?act=downloads
Yea I currently have that one, but the debugger isn't very useful since it has very few functions. I guess it would work though.
those trainer toolkits are excellent i recommend you get it since a emulator isn't campatible/fully campatible with every game
if im not mistaken (correct me if im wrong) if u have m3 ds simply or real or r4 (these devices let u use homebrew on ur ds) there is homebrew made like the toolkit, i think there is, i think i saw it on qj.net
Yea I do have one of those writable cards. I've heard of that homebrew and I might give it a shot. I'm thinking of ordering the Toolkit as well...