Drugs: [il]legal

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Princess Luna, Jun 8, 2008.

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  1. Repliku Chaser

    And again, that happens now any way. So what are other solutions since the Drug War has failed? We can't just keep on denying the problem is worsening instead of getting better because of the way drugs are so easy to get and adults are using teenagers etc to sell them and there are streets that just everyone knows aren't safe. Drugs are in all classes, rich, middle class and poor. They have their nasty effects on people of all sorts regardless of backgrounds, ethnicity, religions, whatever. So, if you are against them, how do you make the problem die down so that less people are interested in them as just taking them away does nothing but throw people in jail, keep drugs out there, has people making them and trying new drugs, inventing new things that are worse than the old, etc? Do you want the problem to die down or not? It's fine to have the opinion that legalizing drugs is bad but really none of you who say that doing so would be worse are coming up with any other solutions. At least with legalizing them, we'd put money to better use in education, the truth on drugs, rehabilitation and psychology to help deal with co-dependence and also have a way of lessening the violence on the streets and jail times for minor possession charges. Whether you like it or not, that -is- action of some sort.
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