
Discussion in 'Discussion' started by T3F, Jul 17, 2010.

  1. T3F Chaser

    Mar 16, 2008
    Have you ever had a dream, so good, and so realistic that you're dissapointed when you wake up? Its happened to me a number of times, when I think something actually happened or i accomplished something, but I wake up and think 'none of that actually happened...did it?" If you've had something like this before, post it!
  2. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    I think there's quite a few threads on dreams and nightmares...<<

    I've had several of those. Mainly when I'm worried about school. I dream that I complete some assignment in a day, turn it in, and get a near-perfect score on the assignment. I wake up thinking it happened until I give it some thought and remember that I'm a slacker(who will still get that near-perfect grade XD). I guess I work well under pressure. << Usually my dreams are like that.
  3. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Somethings like this^ but not quite.

    Things like something awesome happens at school that might actually happen in real life, but with it's a small chance.

    Or other things I'd rather not talk about on here lol

    but sometimes, it's actually at the point where I'm about to wake up and I realize it and try to stay asleep
    but the moment I start thinking that, I'm conscious and wake up
  4. xXRhian+RoxasXx Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 19, 2009
    England, Europe
    I often have dreams that reflect on real life. Like if I've lost something or I have something I need to do.
    I remember one time, I'd lost my DS. I'd been looking for it all that night and just gave up. When I went to sleep, I dreamt that I looked in one of the boxes in my room and pulled out my DS. The next morning, I went to that same box and guess what? Found my DS.
    But it's the same with Nightmares too. It reflects on real life or fears that I have.

    Does anyone have dreams that they can control?
    Or dreams that show the future?
    I've had many of those. When I want to wake up during a dream, I can. Or if I'm at crossroads, I can choose if I want to go right or left, carry on or go back. I also had a dream that showed me taking a test. I saw all the questions and the answers and got it all right. That morning at school, I took a test - the same in my dream. xD I got 2 wrong from where my memory was hazy.
  5. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    1. Yes. It's called Lucid Dreams. They happen when people have Vivid Dreams. Vivid dreams are those dreams that you can remember every single detail of it and are often realistic. If you have those constantly and can recall the details of it for a long period of time(not just right after you wake up), you should be able to have a Lucid dream. Google it or something if you want to know more.

    2. Ehhh...depends on what you want to believe. Scientifically, not really. Otherwise, your mind sees possibities that your concious thoughts never run across while you're awake and you can possibly "see" the future out of sheer chance. Like if you dream of failing a certain test and you do fail it. Then it probably happened because you either primed yourself to fail it or just didn't study for it. It's all chance and tricks of the mind.

    I know this thread wasn't exactly intended for that kind of discussion but I wanted to answer those. Unless they were rhetorical. <<
  6. Radiowave ITSA PIIINCH

    Apr 2, 2007
    You know, across the universe
    I think its only natural for someone to have had that dream at least once in their life...usually when I want something badly I start to have dreams like that. Even when whatever I want doesn't come true, it always encourages me to try and get it though.
  7. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    The dreams I have are always...odd and at times extremely creepy. I tend to have nightmares a bit frequently now and either it's me being chased, I'm by myself in an area, or someone wants to kill me. A friend usually tells me that all my dreams have a meaning to them and they probably do, but mine are just completely weird.

    I've had several others of relatives passing away, someone I know committing suicide, a friend or just someone I know disappears or dies, or of me being kidnapped. I've had several dreams in the past as well that made me start crying as soon as I woke up.

    It's extremely rare when I do have a decent enough dream. And if I do, I don't remember it for long.
  8. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    I have a tendency to dream about things that are really creepy but funny or cool in the context of the dream. I also have dreams that tend to link together as if they were being dreamt in sequence. In addition, it's very hard for me to seperate reality from dreams because I'm one of those people who wakes up irl when I fall asleep in a dream. I've actually once gone two or three days thinking that reality is the dream and then get extremely disorientated when I wake up to reality actually being reality. It really screwed up my sense of time for the rest of the week. It only happened once though and it was when I was very little (4/5 years old). Does anyone else get what I described? Sequenced dreams or dreams where you wake up when you fall asleep?
  9. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    I'm not sure if I am a lucid dreamer or not but I do know I can wake myself up at a certain time(without an alarm) or from a nightmare simply by telling myself too. I'm not sure how, I think it's just very light sleep that allows you to still think so you can determine what is happening.

    I have had dreams where they seem so real. I've even had dreams where I wake up in the dream, thinking what I was dreaming was real, and then I'll really wake up.(That make sense?)
  10. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    My dreams tend to be random and uncontrolled for me. I usually dream about exploring an old house with many rooms, running and hiding away from someone or something that's after me, or I dream about exploring a city and doing the most random things.

    The creepy part about my dreams is that sometimes I go back to a place I dreamed about before, but I do something completely different. For example, in a previous dream I could've been running from someone in a city. Next time I dream, I could be back in the city I dreamed about, but I'll be doing something fun with friends instead of running away. Strange, right? O.o
  11. Tahno The official Charlie Sheen of Republic City.

    Jun 24, 2008
    Pro-Bending Arena; Republic City
    My dreams usually conclude as being this:

    "Prophet" Dreams(Similar to Rhian-Roxas): I dream about things that actually happen. I am NOT lying. For example, I had a dream that a fight would occur between two people in my class, and those specific got into a fight, not in accordance to the dream I had, but the fight did still happen. I thought I had the gift to see the future, but the next few dreams are unrealistic, and never happened. =(

    Scary/Haunted Dreams: I don't have these too often, but when I do, I wake up and usually can't go back to sleep. These dreams rapidly take place when a death happens, or something goes missing. I would get into detail, but most of the dreams I had in this area are too personal.
  12. Shadox D. Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 13, 2009
    I have had dreams where I have seen the future.

    One was that I woke up and got scared from my alarm clock, it happened right after that.

    Another was that the person I hate wouldn't leave me alone. He kept trying to talk to me and all that. It happened the same day that I had the dream.
  13. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    I agree with Arch with this because i've experianced this also. Often if i fall in love in a dream i always long over it for awhile. It feels painful but it gives me a feeling i don't experiance too often. my dreams and nightmares are my greatest secret keepers and allow to experiance stuff which i have yet to experiance in real life or haven't felt for a long time. Not necessarily love but other such things like survival, uncompromised innocence and complete hatred.
  14. light^_^yagami Merlin's Housekeeper

    Quite random but awesome, I was kidnapped, taken to area 51 and turned me into...

    PUGMAN - ever ready to fight dirty dog doo doos

    and when I woke up, I screamed
  15. Crumpet In your shadow, I can shine!

    Jun 28, 2007
    Sometimes my dreams make me have dejavu. I dream about something then months later it happens.

    Usually my dreams are really out there. I had a dream about a pokemon world recently, one were people were being taken and stuff like that. My imagination is really weird, but with those dreams, I usually wake up wanting to go back.
  16. SORA! Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 7, 2007

    Me too! like I went to a one year olds party on sunday and the wind blew napkins on the ground and as I went to pick one up,someone said something fimiliar and I was like "Wtf...has this happened before?" and My boyfriend looked at me like I was mental...but I'd dreamed it months before.
  17. C This silence is mine

    Sep 30, 2006
    Of course I've had, I've had most kind of dreams, I've had happy dreams, nightmares and just normal dreams where I quite simply live my normal life. It all depends very much on what kind of mood I'm in, but I'd rather take a normal dream if I could pick. I like routines.
  18. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    I hate when dreams I like aren't real D: but most of my recent ones aren't really bad, but I don't really care if they're real or not. I miss the dreams where I would try to fall back asleep to make it last a little longer ;-;

    And my dreams too sometimes predict the future sort of o-o usually minor things though...not only that, sometimes I'll have a dream just like an exact scene in a horror movie, and the next day my dad will rent one and I'll watch it with him, and I've never seen or heard anything about this movie, and all of a sudden one of the scenes is EXACTLY like the one I had dreamed the night before D: it's so weird
  19. KeybladeMasterJoe Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 24, 2010
    Ruling Over My Forest Kingdom
    this is gonna sound crazy but back when i was in elementary school, i use to have a crush on this girl well over the period of 2 years i had 17 dreams that she was in. then when i had another crush on another girl i had 2 dreams that she would reject me, i asked the girl out and she rejected me. i've also had random dreamswhere there was nothing but static on the t.v screen then balloons came out of it and then snakes popped out of the balloons and bit me O.o i actually felt like i was being bitten too. then i've had random dreams of stealing cars, being the main character of grand theft auto 3 then dieing by being in a phone booth, i mean the list kinda goes on with the randomness of my dreams lol
  20. Ŧiмє Яǽрεѓ King's Apprentice

    Dec 17, 2008
    Inside your mind.
    I dream about normal life mixed with bizzare things. Like, if I'm worried about something happening the next day I'll dream about it and halfway through something random happens. They always seem real when I'm dreaming about it, and for some reason I just don't question the wierd stuff at the time. But when I wake up I'll always remember that I had a dream, but what it was about quickly fades from my mind.