Dreams: I see dead people(?)

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Mr. Van Whippy ♥, Jan 29, 2007.

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  1. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    My dreams are just always bizarre! But I get dejavu really bad whether I dream or not I just get it and it's annoying! like I had a dream about a baby and then we found out my older sister was pregnant! And I once had a dream I was in this really old churchyard standing by a grave and when i woke up my mom told me my Grandpa had died dring the night :eek: it doesn't bother me anymore when it happens I just take it as a part of me. I've never dreamt of my own death but I've dreamt of other stuff that has happened to me. I don't want to see my own death x
  2. [s y n n e ] Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 18, 2007
    Bewteen the Lines
    I haven't experienced it, but my friend has, and it was like you said, she felt at rest >.> but it wasn't a dream, it actually happen, she got heat stroke and fainted. But she's ok now xD of course she is

    anyways, I have had 3rd person dreams, but ... nothing like I died...hm...blue guy huh? Now I'm curious...
  3. DarknessKingdom The Kingpin of the TV

    Sep 30, 2006
    Haven't recieved any dreams about the blue guy...though if you do see a blue guy similar to that dream and starts to stalk you, get police.
  4. Auxra Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 7, 2007
    Hmm, somewhere bright and sunny...
    Eh, well. I've pretty much wish have had a dream of myself dying, except it didn't make sense since I'm pretty sure i don't even get run over or anything. I just plainly trip from running, saying something (forgot), and ending up crying to only die.

    Oooh, and the time when i thought of how medicine should definitely have even more warnings. The kind that should say something about how it'll definetly have some side affects to your brain, and put images to mind. lol.
    There i was just in my old middle school, during homeroom, just reading, when a bee comes out of nowhere. Then, everyone just pretty much panics and runs around acting chaotic, lol, while i just go ahead and squish the bee finally from being annoyed, when it kept circling around my head as in taunt. XD Eh, that was a bad move apparently cause a huge black vortex circle appeared in the middle of the class room and just sucked me in it, and possibly everything else into darkness.

    And not to mention that the most recent event that's scared the hell, out of me was how i heard a gunshot yesterday, and found out that a fellow classmate did indeed die today.
  5. Fruity~ Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 5, 2007
    ... In a country?
    I don't have such dream. But if I do I wont remember. My mom said when I sleep, I keep on talking and kicking things down my bed but when I wake up, I remember nothing. If I remember, all the things I remember is only school dreams.
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