Dream Job?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Scarred Nobody, Apr 3, 2009.

  1. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    I know it's surprising that i post in a "serious" thread let alone start one of my own. So say that you had the exact skills for the job, what are you top three dream jobs.

    (in no paticular order)
    1. A Doctor
    I basically got the inspiration from watching alot of Scrubs episodes. It looks interesting and you actually get to do stuff at that job.

    2. Voice Actor
    One of my biggest dreams is to be a voice actor; perferably for anime. I think i have the chops for it and will do very well.

    3. Taylor Swift's Gurtarist
    I always wanted to learn how to play guitar, and i really love Taylor and her music, so how about i mix those two loves together?

  2. fadedphantom King's Apprentice

    Aug 15, 2007
    1. Voice actor
    It would be my dream come true to be a professional voice actor. I live near LA, so after a couple more years of practice I plan to start going to some real auditions. Right now I'm improving by being a part of VAA.

    2. Disney Imagineer
    I looove Disney, and it would be so cool to make movies like Aladdin or Bolt! I prefer the classic style of animation to CGI, so I'm hoping that maybe classic Disney animation will become popular again sometime in the future.

    3. Video game designer
    Guess what video game I'd want to work on... go on, guess.
    I'll give you a hint: It starts with a K...
  3. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    1. AW you copy cat DX J/k. It's a very hard thing to do now days. Hopefully i'll also start getting roles on VAA.

    2. I also think that old school animimation pwn the new cgi stuff. Example: The Lion King can kick The Incredible's asses anyday of the week.

    3. What is it, what is it?
    Mortal Kombat? Katamari Damashi?
  4. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    #1) Korean StarCraft ProGamer. Those guys get PAID to sit around and play StarCraft for 10 hours a day (as practice), and they get paid even MORE to play it in front of hot screaming Korean chicks! Unfortunately, no foreigner has ever made it big in Korea (the home of StarCraft ProGaming).

    #2) Egyptologist. Seriously, this was my first love, and my first choice for a "real" job. I am actually studying for Ancient Mediterranean archaeology now, so I'll be close to Egypt - close enough for a vacation every now and then, I hope.

    #3) Professional student. Honest to God (even though I'm an Atheist, lol) truth. I would LOVE to stay in college forever, on someone else's dime, getting free room and board, and taking every single class that looks remotely interesting.
  5. fadedphantom King's Apprentice

    Aug 15, 2007
    1. Technically, since I'm older, I'm going to bet you copied ME. I've wanted to be a voice actor since I was like, three feet tall... hahaha ^_^

    2. YES The Lion King is the best Disney movie EVER!! But The Incredibles is still awesome, I would be proud to work on something like that :D

    3. BUZZZZ WRONG. -_- Didn't I say I loved Disney? Add that into the equation and guess again.
  6. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    1. I've wanted to voice act ever since i was a three-day-old sperm!!!

    2. TLK Pwns all!!! Except Wall-E for some reason. Why the hell do i like the movie??

    3. It's just a ranodm shot in the dark here. Kingdom hearts? I"m probably wrong, and i couldn't think of any more games with K.
  7. fadedphantom King's Apprentice

    Aug 15, 2007
    1. ....-_- Are you lying to me?? I think you're a liar tummer!!

    2. Yes it does!! I liked Wall-E, it was cute, but it's definitely not my favorite. Still good though.

    3. HOORAY GOOD JOB!! Wow, however did you guess that??
  8. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    1. No I am not a liar, I'm a werewolf.

    2. Yeah, i liked it for some strange reason.

    3. I just took a shot in the dark and pissed my pants a little. The pee on the carpet spelled out "Kingdom Hearts."
  9. fadedphantom King's Apprentice

    Aug 15, 2007
    1. *applauds* Bravo!

    3. Wow, that's magical...
  10. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    1. Thank you *bows*vampy.

    3. I know. I thought i was high for a minute and then i remebered i don't do drugs, just drank A LOT of Coca-Cola (c) product placement.
    See i told you i could never keep a serious subject on this site
  11. Daydreamer  

    Jan 29, 2007
    Los Angeles
    1. Actor in a Drama Series
    I've always loved the idea of teaching lifelong lessons to masses of people while being entertainment at the same time.

    2. Videographer
    Have you ever seen Planet Earth? Traveling, seeing rare sights, capturing the moment, all that jazz.

    3. Program Developer
    I really love it when the developers of a product, such as a program or online video game, keep in touch with their customers through a forum or a wiki. The customers would report bugs or request new features that they would like implemented. They make the customers feel involved.
  12. Cyanide King's Apprentice

    Mar 31, 2007
    I only have vague ideas of what I want to do, sadly.

    1. Art-related proffessions. All I really do from day to day is read, play videogames, surf the web, and draw. I love doodling, sketching things, and I've gotten reasonably good at it. I'm nowhere near being a professional yet, and I don't know if I like it enough to make it anything more than a hobby, but well, there aren't really many professions that appeal to me. :I

    Maybe an animator like some members have expressed interest in, draw a comic strip for newspapers, a character designer for a video game, I don't know. I'm more concerned about doing what I want then being rich.

    2. Something history related. History's always been one of my favorite subjects (tied with Literature as one of the only ones I actually really want to put effort in), I like learning about different time periods, ancient societies and their customs, tracing mankind's long walk towards the future.

    I can't think of a third thing. =/
  13. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum

    A very good attitude.

    I would say, for those particular goals, yes, a general history major, concentrating in whatever area interests you most would be a very good choice, but another career close to that is Anthropology, which is the study of dead and living cultures. Even if you do go in for a history degree, be sure to take some anthropology courses. They'll help a LOT.
  14. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    I honestly have no clue what I want to be (that i actually could be). If i were in some sort of magic land, then these would be my dream jobs:

    1. Video game planner/designer.

    All that coding stuff looks way too hard for me, so i could probably never be able to be this, but being able to design a video game the way i always wanted to play one would be amazing.

    2. (don't know if this job even exists) Music Video writer. I hear so many songs and think of music video ideas, and just go through them in my head every time i hear them...making them come true would be an absoloute dream.

    3. Web designer.
    Again, i've tried coding websites and it is way too hard for me, but if i actually could do this it would be awesome.
  15. Senbonzakura Kageoshi Kingdom Keeper

    Nov 11, 2008
    Kyoto, Tsuzuki-gun, Ujitawara.
    1. would be making music.i love playing guitar and and singing so i could see myself doing that.

    2.Missionary- the world desperately need god.

    3. Animation Production. i have alwayz loved anime and would like to make one of my own. :D
  16. Dark Link Banned

    Dec 12, 2008
    In your dreams
    i already am, i work at gamestop, best job ever, later i would like to go into the computer industery
  17. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    No surprise here, Writer.

    But the other secret dream jobs i've had are:

    Work at Disneyland or Disneyworld in some profession

    Radio Talk Show Host

    Hockey player. Usedtacould. Can't anymore.
  18. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008
    Very simple.

    Whatever I'm happiest doing.
  19. MSUK Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 25, 2008
    I've had so much professions I've wanted to persue. Most of them were phases, caused by intense fanboyism of games/music/Tv/whatever. Most of them didn't last too long, probably at least for like what, a year or so?

    So yeah, first I wanted to be a games designer/programmer and work for high-profile companies like Campcom, SEGA and square enix. I also wanted to work for SNK playmore during the time that I loved Metal slug to death(Mind you, I still do). But then as I started to look into metal and rock music, my mind started to change. Programming could've helped me, but it's not a skill I could have carried on forever.

    So then I went into this phase where I wanted to play in a rock band, drums, to be precise. I used to love the drumfills and breakdowns I heard on certain songs, and I wanted to do this myself. I also wanted to play the guitar, but unfortunately I never got into that either. I'll probably learn to play guitar in the upcoming years, when I get some more time on my hands.

    Lately though, I've really wanted to succeed in the rave scene, to be a drum n bass producer, specifically. I was practically born on drum n bass and jungle, and it's one of my top passions. I've started producing tracks now, hoping that I'll improve as I age and I might get picked up by a record deal(Though slim that could be).

    So yeah. tl;dr - I whore phases.

  20. scarred_heart634 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 13, 2008
    In bed
    1.) singing or in like music
    2.) maybe a docter or a nurse
    3.) hair dresser i guess