Dream Drop Distance Ultimania: Expect New Announcement Soon!

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, May 1, 2012.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York
    Hello KH-Vids. The Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance Ultimania is now available in Japan. As usual, this is a special book that features artwork, strategies and extra content such as an interview with Tetsuya Nomura and a look at the future of the series.

    Generally from the interview, Nomura explains that there is an upcoming project(s) that will be revealed shortly from the Kingdom Hearts Series. We would like to think that it is possibly Kingdom Hearts III. Nomura explained that there is no plans of a Final Mix version for Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance, nor a Birth by Sleep (volume 2) title.

    Additional Information:
    - There are still plans of using Pixar world(s) in the future.
    - There are familiar character among those hidden by the black coat on the seats at "Where Nothing Gathers".
    - The new Kingdom Hearts title is under production and may be announced shortly.

    Translated by goldpanner

    : Our member "libregkd", KH13, 2ch & Andriasang
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, May 1, 2012.

    1. Peace and War
      Peace and War
      Ha, me and Sabby were just talking about this recently as it was, wondering whether KH3 will be on PS3 or PS4.
      I said if it's not announced in the next year it's on the PS4 However, now it's looking more likely to be a PS3 game, which is just great, no need to buy a whole new console for it! Well I hope.

      Thank goodness for the inclusion of Pixar games. I'm hoping for toy Story, Monster's Inc and Bolt, all could work. Much better then I can see Finding Nemo.
      Sora as a Clown Fish? ha!
    2. Krowley
      Was going to report this once all updates had been made but glad to see its up now.

      I'm truly hoping it's for PS3 if they want higher sales...
      As for Pixar films, I'm guessing it may be Toy Story. In an earlier KH2. If you use the 3d Model viewer, you can see a model of Buzz Lightyear and Woody was found. (Also, Bolt is Disney, not Pixar)
    3. Alpha Sonix
      Alpha Sonix
      The Incredibles could work great as a KH3 world considering it's only one movie and I would like to fight along with Mr Incredible. :)
      Other than that, I'm hoping that they also announce a HD collection. I pretty sure they won't announce KH3 now especially when Versus is seeming to take forever to come out.
    4. libregkd
    5. Ability King KK
      Ability King KK
      I'm calling it now. The next game will be a "spin off" with Riku as the playable character and will tell the story of his and Mickey's absence.

      As for Pixar worlds, the only ones that could really work are Toy Story (needs to happen more than anything and Zurg should be the world boss), Monsters Inc., The Incredibles, and maybe Wall-E and A Bug's Life (fighting Hopper would be awesome). All of the others, especially Cars, would fail epically.
    6. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      No Final Mix 3D? Sadface.

      Still though, this is exciting.

    7. libregkd
    8. Cloudrunner62
      I'd like to see KH3 for the Xbox 360 as well...dont have a PS3
    9. Miles
      I would like to see a Kingdom Hearts HD Collection. SO BAD!!!
    10. awesomeperson
      if there is a kh three dont let it be for the pspvita or ps3 cuz i dont have one :frown:
    11. Menos Grande
      Menos Grande
      It would be only fair that the new KH game will be or in Ps vita or in Ps3. There are more KH games in nintendo's console than in sony's consoles.. this is Lame since KH was born as Playstation exclusive! It would be as you bought "XBOX to play Halo" and then out of no where they began to make only for PSP only or Wii or whatever... (it's a wierd exemple, but it is the same principle).

      It is sad when a game is exclusive, but even worse is when a exclusive game by nature keeps shifiting plataforms. I think is kinda ok to be exclusive, when you think about it you buy a console for what is unique in him, his hardwere, his controlers, and offcourse his titles.. whoever became a "Sony loyal" for KH was backstabed ç.ç
    12. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      Except it isn't like that at all since Halo was a first party game. As a third party company SE is allowed to develop for whoever they want. They should make the next KH game multiplat, in my opinion, to reach out to all of the fans they've made.
    13. Mysty
      Chances are, they'll put the next game on the Vita or P34. It's a sad truth we all know.
    14. strfruit
      Oh this is such wonderful news! Would love to see a little Pixar in the mix of KH!
      I am really hoping it is for PS3...the Vita is nice, however, a PS3 game would be lovely. ^^

      Thanks for update!
    15. greater_bloo
      Well, it all depends on Square Enix if they want KH3 on PS3 or not. Sony is usually open for games on older generation hardware even if they've moved on to the next generation. If development of KH3 is moved to PS4 they'll have to learn the hardware first which would further delay KH3 than if it were to be on PS3 (I think that's also why FFXIII took about 3 years to make). Basically if KH3 is moved to the next generation expect a longer wait. Plus it would just throw out all of Nomura's comments about Versus XIII being a testing ground for KH3, though game development is a place of change so those type of comments should be taken lightly.

      Anyways I'm all for an HD collection and an announcement of it would be perfect for this year since it's the 10th anniversary.
    16. Patman
      All the French sources I' ve looked about that Ultimania interview report that, although Nomura denied BBS2 would be released anytime soon, it is very much a thing going and it will be done eventually. Since KH3 is supposed to end the Xehanort saga I suppose that bit of news propels it in an even further future than BBS2.

      If the next game in line is neither BBS2 nor KH3 then I suppose a KH HD collection is the likeliest option, that or another filler game (which somehow can' t be BBS2 nor take place between DDD and KH3). That is if we are indeed talking about a game here.
    17. libregkd
    18. Shikou
      No DDD FM they say? (thank God) p.gif
      No BBS Vol.2? WHY?!!! icon_sae.gif
      I hope a HD Collection gets some light. I hope it includes the FM content. Oh? No KHIII announcement? Versus XIII isn't finished yet then, HaHa. Dont know dont care, I got Fatal Frame and Parasite Eve games to keep me happy till then.
    19. Chevalier
      I'm sort of expecting KH3 to be on the WiiU and a Sony console.

      But I really wish it was on the PS3. I'm tired of seeing all these great games going to handhelds lately. No more, please. Give us a full-fledged Kingdom Hearts entry already.

      I wonder what this means for Versus XIII?