Dream Drop Distance: Ultimania Cover Revealed

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Apr 4, 2012.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York
    <center><a href="http://kh-recharged.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/040412.jpg"><img src="http://kh-recharged.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/040412.jpg" alt="" title="Dream Drop Distance (Ulitmania)" width="404" height="574" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4563" /></a></center>

    Hello KH-Vids. The artwork cover for Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance Ultimania has been revealed and added to the <a href="http://store.jp.square-enix.com/detail/9784757536159" target=_blank">Square-Enix e-Store</a>.

    Just a quick reminder that this is exclusive in Japan. Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance Ultimania includes 432 pages filled with strategies, tips, character renders, artwork and the future of the Kingdom Hearts series. It's expected to release in Japan on May 1 2012.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Apr 4, 2012.

    1. HeartofFire
      Cool! I always liked this picture. ^^ Too bad it's only for Japan.
    2. Llave
      Oh wow didn't see that cover art coming. /sarcasm

      Anyway, I am rather jealous that they get the goods, but it's nice to know they release them nonetheless.

      Thanks for the update Mike!
    3. Krowley
      Still upset that it wasn't a new picture, but oh well.
      The artwork is still admirable.
    4. Korosu
      Oh woah, that looks pretty neat.

      Thanks for the update. <:
    5. strfruit
      Same picture but, nonetheless, a very nice cover ^-^

      Thanks for update! :)
    6. Daxa~
      That picture is ever so pretty,and I adore it.
      But once again,I am very jelly of those lovely Japenese people.
      They get all the good stuff ;;

      Merci Mike,for the news <3~
    7. greater_bloo
      Can't wait to see all this content online! xD
      As for the cover...s'alright. As people have said before, wish it was something different but I guess they had to use this art for something other than a poster and postcard.
    8. Misty
      I'm a little disappointed, the Ultimanias have long had my favorite covers, so it feels a little lazy for them to just reuse this one. Still, it's a nice picture and all.

      Anyone know if there are any sites accepting preorders/imports for NA customers?

      Thanks Mike. =]
    9. nickoboyzx

      too bad it release on japan

      wonder why it's not release in english

      but thanks for the news
    10. NikkiNoNo
      Times like these I wish I lived in Japan T-T
      I Can't wait for it to come to America!!!! EEEP xD