Dream Drop Distance: Translations from TGS Trailer

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Sep 17, 2011.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York
    As the Tokyo Game Show almost come to an end; FF-Reunion has posted information and dialogue from the Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance trailer shown at the event.

    SQEXGal has posted full translations from the trailer. Now all we have to do is wait until the trailer leaks online....

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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Sep 17, 2011.

    1. . : tale_wind
      . : tale_wind
    2. Rhiscx
      Dang!!!!! This is so exciting!! I can't wait to get my hands on this. But why didn't they do it like in Re:CoM??? Play as Sora first then Riku??? I fear switching back and forth will confuse me.
    3. Gelatinous Ghost
      Gelatinous Ghost
      THIS. IS. SO. EXCITING!!!!! I can't wait for it to be leaked online. :D ​
    4. ♥♦♣♠∟uxord♥♦♣♠
      "Dream Eaters? that's a weird name." Lol Sora is such a dolt. Oh I can't wait for this game.
    5. key dragon
      key dragon
      So Sora and Riku see themselves as their younger selves when asleep? Weird.
    6. ShibuyaGato
      My god...

      This is the most beautiful Square cameo I've ever seen. Neku and Sora together make a great team, and with Neku's psychs (which Sora could easily mistake for magic), it'll make for a great story.

      Square has just renewed my confidence in their titles on Nintendo handhelds.
    7. Iskandar
      so is this key of sleep a keyblade? Or what?
    8. ShibuyaGato
      I think so.

      It looks like Yen-Sid used magic to make them sleep for their exam. I think the only way to wake up is to find the Key of Sleep and unlock the corresponding keyholle.

      This is all just my take on the teaser though.
    9. XIII-roxas
      And, of course, now I'll have to buy a 3DS. I hate you so much square...
    10. Maggy

      ...oh just a few more months X]
    11. Mr. Van Whippy ♥
      Mr. Van Whippy ♥
      Birth.By.Sleep. 2 Of course! Now it makes sense! When they wake up they will be Keyblade masters, hence the reference to BBS! Or! I am completely wrong! XD
    12. Mike
      That sounds a about right...which connects to all those sudden scenes and recaps of the past that we didn't see before. Maybe going through Dream Drop Distance will reveal all those scenes as well in a sequence.
    13. Mish
      Am I really the only person who isn't all psyched up about Neku being in KH3D? It would be okay if it was just the character but it seems like he's bringing with him the whole TWEWY mythos, which I just don't think works well in the KH universe.

      I also don't like the look of those stupid Pokemon-esque companions.

      So I'm just going to keep telling myself it won't be as bad as it looks from these previews.
    14. Plums
      My only question about this part of the game is,

      if there's only one key, how are Sora and Riku going to become masters.

      I mean, they could both simply do it to expand on the Riku-Sora R Franz point,
      or Nomura could actually have Riku become a Master, while Sora still has to prove himself (or vice-versa).
    15. ShibuyaGato
      It'll probly just be the test of "o lawl, we r gunna torture dem frenz" and they'll see if they fight over becoming master.

      Although, from Riku's dialogue before the test begins (questioning whether he should be a master), Sora may well be the only one to get the Mark.
    16. key dragon
      key dragon
      Wonder if whatever new keyblade appears here will look as weird as the X-blade?
    17. Llave
      It may very well be the X-Blade D:

      This translation is amazing, the groundworks of the story now makes sense and i am absolutely stoked to get it! I will try to get a 3DS this week, waiting in anticipation for the best game to come out on it :3
    18. ShibuyaGato
      I doubt it, and even if it WERE the X-Blade, it wouldn't be the same one as in BbS.

      Venitas' X-Blade was destroyed by both Aqua and Ven at the end of their respective stories, meaning that the new X-Blade would have to be made out of someone else's heart (their light and dark clashing).
      Riku seems like the best fit for this role, given his past troubles with the darkness, but maybe MX will cave in and do it to himself now in an attempt to recreate it without that hassle.
    19. Llave
      Hmm that's true... But it was told that it was a "Sleep world." And somehow i don't think that we saw the last of Vanitas. You never know, it may be some sort of "Purgatory", that would also be a reasonable place for the dead Organization members...