Dream Drop Distance: Secret Ending Revealed!

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Mar 31, 2012.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York

    Hello KH-Vids. First we were able to watch the ending from Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance. Today the secret ending has been revealed. It's shorter than we thought, but what a very interesting ending indeed. This secret ending also features translations by goldpanner. Special thanks to KH13 and http://www.twitch.tv/crimmyice.

    Source: Also thanks to our member greater_bloo for letting me know.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Mar 31, 2012.

    1. Evilgidgit
      Well I'll say that I am thrilled with this development.
    2. Krowley
    3. kngdmhrts2
      I dunno how, but I just had this feeling that the end to that would go like that...seriously super happy it has too.
    4. Blader
      I already tackled this, earlier, but it's good to let others now. Best ending yet!
    5. Mnyuu
      I had a feeling it might have ended this way. Team Somebodies = Sora, Riku, Kairi, Team Original = Ven, Terra, Aqua, Team Nobodies = Roxas, Axel/Lea, Xion/Namine. That's how I always kinda pictured it. Since its Sora - Ven - Roxas. Kairi - Aqua - Namine/Xion. I figured Axel/Lea had to represent someone as well since he was part of a trio & he does. Riku - Terra - Axel/Lea ~ Gah! I'm so excited
    6. Iskandar
      That's interesting. We have everything coming together finally. And also, am I the only one that noticed that they say there are 7 warriors of light coming up, and there were only 7 Organization XIII members left in KHII? I know it's meant for the 7 princesses of light, but I just find that little thing interesting. And also, it explains a lot about what happens in the first game, considering all the Princesses of Heart were taken away, so the worlds were falling. It's actually interesting that they bring Kairi in, when they say they need 7 lights to protect the princesses, when one of them is a princesses as well. How's that for a plot twist.

      But I wonder, could they be planning on leaving Sora out for the last game, and bringing him in for the games after the Xehanort Saga? It seems like since he wasn't chosen as the Keyblade Master, he wouldn't be able to fight in this upcoming battle, so he would need to train himself. Not too mention, we still have Aqua and Ven. Maybe we won't get Ven and Aqua in KHIII, but in the saga after xehanort. This is just a hunch though. I'm really looking forward to what's coming up. We're nearing the end, and I know it'll be good.

      One last thing. If they say that the Princesses of Heart are holding the light that brought the world back, does that mean the X-blade was the catalyst for that light before it broke? And if the real Kingdom Hearts is lost in Darkness, than does that mean what they said about the Princesses being the key to opening the Door in the first game, were they really talking about the real kingdom hearts in that darkness?
    7. mCahill
      I doubt they would leave Sora out. Nomura has always said that KH is Sora's story and any numbered title would have Sora as the main protagonist. Also, Ven and Aqua are too important in the Xehanort saga to not rescue them during the same one. But, only time will tell.
    8. Shiki
      EDIT: NVM, my bad.

      Wow...I just...
    9. Patman
      Nomura said that Kairi' s grandmother story was indeed the Kingdom Hearts creation myth, but in a fairy tale form (= wildly inaccurate).

      Long ago people lived in peace, and bathed in the warmth of light.
      Everyone loved the light. Then people began to fight over it. They wanted to keep it for themselves. And darkness was born in their hearts. The darkness spread, swallowing the light and many people’s hearts. It covered everything and the world disappeared. But small fragments of light survived in the hearts of children. With these fragments of light, children rebuilt the lost world. It’s the world we live now. But the true light sleeps, deep within the darkness. That’s why the worlds are still scattered, divided from each other. But someday, a door to innermost darkness will open. And true light will return. So, listen, child. Even in the deepest darkness, there will always be a light to guide you. Believe in the light, and the darkness will never defeat you. Your heart will shine with its power and push the darkness away.

      In BBS if you compare this tale to what Xehanort says about the Keyblade War in his secret reports you start to notice the two stories overlap, though wild speculation as to what it all means still applies there.

      Apparently we' ve only seen the Kingdom Hearts world in its remnant state (composed of little "islands", all kept apart from each other by vast amounts of darkness), whereas originally all those little dots formed a single massive world (I like to think of it as Toontown in "Who wants to frame Roger Rabbit ?")

      I gotta say though, imagining Kairi, Alice, Snow White, Jasmine, Belle, Cinderella and Aurora wildly wielding keyblades around and giving a serious beating to 13 darkness badasses in order to re-birth the world gave me a few chuckles. ^^
    10. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      Interesting, so the seven lights refer to both the princesses and the 7 keyblade wielders who will face Xehanort. It's clear from the end that Xehanort is still using Terra's body, so Terra can't help us. The 7 lights, then, will be Sora, Riku, Kairi, Aqua, Ventus, Mickey, and Lea. That's going to be a really interesting game. Nomura said that any game with a number on it will have Sora as a playable character, so there's probably going to be a side game where Sora, Kairi, Ven, and Lea officially become masters, then we go fight Xehanort in III.
    11. Fearless
      Wow, I'm starting to think Nomura is more of a troll than Andrew Hussie.

      SUDDENLY KAIRI. /clapclap
      I honestly wasn't expecting it.
    12. Roxasnobody13
      How can kairi be oneof the keyblade wielders to fight MX, she has no experience plus they have to protect her since she would just get easily be beaten and they would be down on princess for the X-blade?
    13. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      She's currently being trained by Yen Sid and Mickey. That's probably what Reconnect will be about.
    14. Shiki
      Did you forget she fought with a keyblade in KH2?
    15. Mako Tsunami
      Mako Tsunami
      And was really bad at it.

      Kairi won't be forged into a hero overnight. It's not like with Lea, who's had over a year of experience in fighting while under Org.XIII's thumb. Honestly I'm disappointed they revolved all of the secret ending around her, it's not that unexpected that they'd recruit her and it isn't exactly that intense of a big reveal. Just my take on it.
    16. Dangostreet
      There may be a chance that if Master Xehanort finds out that one of the princesses is actually a Keyblade wielder, it may be possible for him to take advantage of that by trying to create the X-blade again.

      He may even have more of a chance now that he could be using a natural born heart of pure light instead of ripping a person apart forcefully. It's just speculation, but since this is possible, Kairi can be the biggest secret weapon in the heroes' arsenal, but can carry the biggest risk as a princess of light.
    17. Daxa~
      Oh my goodness me,the story gets even more complex.
      Cannot wait to actually play the game,and then KH3...oh god,all the tears. All the tears.
      Merci Mike,for keeping us up to date with the news and stuff <3~
    18. nickoboyzx
      well,it was nice secret ending

      if only this ending come with english

      and i can't wait to get the game