Dream Drop Distance: RECORDED footage from Demo

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jun 23, 2012.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York

    Hello KH-Vids. The Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance English demo is now available on Nintendo's E-Shop. I'm sure many of you have heard? The demo is roughly 20 minutes long and contains one cutscene from Traverse Town.

    I recently bought the 3DS for Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance to share as much coverage as possible. Sadly, I didn't upload any of the gameplay since it was very hard to hold my camera and the handheld console in my hands at the same time. I attempted to record footage and was able to get something decent, but it can't even compare to the quality I obtained in the video above. If you use the video, please credit both KH-Vids and KH-Recharged.

    There's also a demo report below in which I share my impressions.

    The demo starts off with a cutscene from Traverse Town with Neku and Sora. As the cutscene comes to an end, Sora follows Neku (who glides off the screen). The gameplay begins in Traverse Town. The location is different from anything we've seen before and then we have the original songs that have been enhanced by Yoko Shimomura. As soon as the gameplay begins it's like a WHOLE new experience, but something memorable and familiar. If I had to describe Traverse Town; bright, fun, energetic and pleasant would come to mind. Once the gameplay begins you are equipped with two allies. We know it's not Donald and Goofy. At first I was like "wait, where are they?" and then seconds later I realized that this isn't like previous Kingdom Hearts titles. Fighting with the dream eaters was nothing different than fighting the heartless. These creatures are very colorful, but doesn't this apply for the heartless as well? My teammates as I mentioned earlier was the cat (Necho Cat) and the dog (Meow Wow). It was very easy to adjust to, but my only complaint was that I felt I was playing with Pokemon characters. I was a fan of the Pokemon series when I was younger, but I grew out of that phase awhile ago. While it was refreshing to see something different, I would rather be equipped with Disney characters on my team instead. That's what the real "KINGDOM HEARTS" is to me. In combat with the nightmares, you fight the Meow Wow, Kuma Panda and then there was also those bats, but I don't remember their names. I'm not good with these names, so bare with me.

    As for the "flowmotion", I was very excited to test this out. First off, I felt that it is very easy to use. You can use it at anytime, but I recommend using it around lamp poles, railings and ally ways. When you are near tight corners and the nightmares appear - it's very easy to jump in and attack them. You use "y" to use the flowmotion command. Be careful how you use it. Hitting the button repeatedly becomes a problem at least for me. If your in the middle of the floor and there's not much to bounce off of; you'll find yourself flying everywhere. This command is very neat and is a great addition to the Kingdom Hearts series. At one point I felt like I was playing a Tony Hawk game as Sora when he was gliding the railing. There's just something magical about it. The 3D also adds a very visual affect to the flowmotion. Keep in mind that the 3D feature can give you a headache. If you level it in between, you can find it very enjoyable.

    As for fighting commands, you can find "ice breaker" which I enjoyed using against the nightmares. There's also other commands such as "sparkga, ballonra, slot edge, and prism windmill". I felt that ballonra was the only weak command, so I didn't even bother using it.

    Finally as I reached the end of the demo, I found myself in a quick boss battle. I believe the enemy is known as "Hockomonkey". The battle wasn't challenging, but was quite annoying. At one point you start the battle high up on a roof and then when he uses one of his commands, you'll find yourself at the bottom of the floor in district 4. Your not able to go back up on the roof until he returns. My problem was finding him. I wasn't sure if he was vanishing, but every time I turned around I couldn't find where he was. Once I got back up on my feet as Sora...I felt the battle wasn't too challenging. It was simple, yet annoying.

    Overall, I'm very excited for Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance. Playing the demo was enjoyable and as a Kingdom Hearts fan, I enjoyed every second. The commands, flowmotion, music, graphics and what we're able to see in 3D is seriously breathtaking. If you're a Kingdom Hearts fans, you'll love this game regardless, but maybe this is one of the most anticipated games that we've been waiting for...except kingdom Hearts III. That's another story. Let's track Nomura down (laughs)!</blockquote>
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jun 23, 2012.

    1. Firechakram
      You just bought the 3DS? Ooooh, maybe you should've waited awhile, since they just announced the 3DS XL.
    2. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      Congrats on your 3DS! I can't wait to read your report. Personally, I loved the demo!
    3. Mike
      The thread has been Updated with my impressions from the demo.
    4. greater_bloo
      Thanks for sharing Mike it's always nice hearing other people's opinions!

      For the Dream Eater partners I sort of have a love/hate relationship with them. In my opinion they don't really stand out much in comparison with partners like Donald, Goofy, or the Organization members in Days. But I often mistake them for enemies since they pop in a similar way to enemy Dream Eaters. I do like Linking up with them though it adds more variety in combat options, and combining their two Dream Eater Links is very powerful as well. Switching between Dream Eater partners was pretty easy too, just grab their icon in the touch screen and move them over the active party members to switch them out.

      I agree with you Mike on the Flowmotion feeling like Tony Hawk. I'm not sure if there are any Flowmotion minigames in 3D but I hope Nomura puts more focus on it for the next game. Like for the next game maybe put in a world entirely devoted to Flowmotion, complete with minigames like an Obstacle Course, a Score Attack where you chain Flowmotion actions for points, and Challenges such as "get to this one spot without touching the floor" Throw in Multiplayer with gametypes like Flowmotion Races, Flowmotion Tag or Highest Score wins and it'll be pretty entertaining.
    5. VentusGR
      20 minutes ?! It was less than 10 for me ! I have finished it 3 times already , it's too small !
    6. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      Interesting report. I personally felt Sparkga was the one command that was useless, but that's just me. As for the Dream Eaters, I wasn't sure how I would feel when I get to play the demo with them as allies. But playing the demo, I admit, I fell for their cuteness, and they were a big help when fighting the Nightmares. I don't care if they look like Pokemon, I love them! And it looks like everyone agrees on how brilliant Flowmotion is!

      Probably spent all that time playing with the Flowmotion. That's what I did.
    7. Misty
      Ahhh thanks a lot for this Mike! Really nice video quality (imo), and the impressions were a quite interesting read--especially for unfortunate folk like myself that are too poor for a 3DS. c;
    8. KeybladeSpirit
      This is great! It's good to see that footage is finally starting to pop up. Cat~, Tequila, and I are working on a Let's Play Compilation as well.
    9. VentusGR
      when i said 10 minutes , i also counted flowmotion ... the battles only took me like a minute combined and the boss battle like 1 and a half minutes . My sister was like "why do you spend all your time jumping here and there ?" and i was like "i don't have anything else to kill !"
    10. Noise
      honestly...the game play at first was really too aggressive imo. I felt that, as cool as this stuff is, its hard to really do on the 3DS.

      Then I played through again and was kickin major butt. I think its just that they gave you a lot of abilities for the demo's sake and that's why threw me off at first cause honesty, this is probably the most unique game thus far. Flow motion was INSANE! I loved it as well as the dives.

      When I was fighting the boss I landed a nasty hit on it with my flow motion and smashed the glass ceiling and we both dropped. That was cool.

      I really enjoyed the LARGE world that it has. KH lost that awesome open world feel after the first game and I hated having to run around in small areas and not able to explore.

      This game is going to be fantastic.
    11. Cloud4012
      Nice quality on the the footage but why does sora sound like the version ftom Chain of memories what happened to the
      grown up voice
    12. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      I was playing the demo, and I just realized that there was a third spirit ally (it was that white panda thing, forgot what it was called). Anyone know how to switch spirit allies in the demo?
    13. Misty
      When Kingdom Hearts was recorded, Haley Joel Osment (Sora's voice actor) was quite young--later, when he reappeared for Kingdom Hearts II, he'd gone through puberty and his voice dropped. c: Re:Chain of Memories was recorded after that time, and so was this; they're still using Haley Joel Osment, so his voice will keep sounding like that, at least as long as HJO remains on board. So, still the older Sora voice. He might be throwing it a bit to make Sora sound younger, if you're noticing a difference?

      Dream Drop Distance takes place in a sort of dream as well, but it's post-Kingdom Hearts II, so Sora still may have his "grown up" voice.
    14. greater_bloo
      Yeah in the touch screen you just the press the panda spirit's icon and drag him over one of the other spirit icons let go and it'll switch! :D
    15. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      Thanks for the tip! :)

      Guys! I just discovered something cool in the demo. It was that Link Portal thing that we've heard about many times before. Somewhere in the 4th District, the bottom screen of the 3DS had an option to enter the Link Portal where you had to fight three of those T-Rex looking Nightmares in 20 seconds. I'm surprised at the fact that I've finally discovered it after playing the demo so many times!