Dream Drop Distance Play Arts announced!

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Misty, Feb 7, 2013.

  1. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Late last night PLAY ARTS -KAI- announced they'd be releasing KINGDOM HEARTS: Dream Drop Distance play arts. The figures feature Sora and Riku in their KH3D gear. They appear to be packaged with two Keyblades each.

    [parsehtml]<center><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>New updates! KINGDOM HEARTS 3D [Dream Drop Distance] PLAY ARTS Kai visuals uploaded! <a href="http://t.co/qyNW3MtK" title="http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.125771174265906.24565.100004990716473&amp;type=1&amp;l=aca3909a50">facebook.com/media/set/?set…</a></p>&mdash; Hidemi Matsuzuka (@hidemi_mad_EN) <a href="https://twitter.com/hidemi_mad_EN/status/299372402708713472">February 7, 2013</a></blockquote>
    <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script></center>[/parsehtml]
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    No word yet on when they'll be available but we'll keep you updated!
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Misty, Feb 7, 2013.

    1. redhairedking
      These will definitely be day 1 preorders for me
    2. 61
      These look so good I'll probably end up breaking down and buying them, at least Sora.

      ultima looks really nice. I didnt really care for the design till now.
    3. Misty
      I agree, these are the first ones to tempt me in a while. I love that it looks like their knees bend now--that bothers me about my KHII era ones.

      Still hoping they'll do an Aqua figure one day though... 8(
    4. Krowley
      DiveWing and the Ultima Weapon seem to be very recurring weapons in the KH3D Play Arts.
    5. Calxiyn
      I'm so getting these :D they look awesome. Sora's face does a little stiff though...
    6. Light-Rune Maven
      Light-Rune Maven
      Divewing is a pretty awesome keyblade.:cool:
    7. StrawhatSoul
      This looked really convincing and was really considering purchasing it... until I saw Sora's face.
      Oh... OHH! What's wrong with your face?!?
    8. DuelRoxas16
      These look so awesome I want o get them all
    9. Orangethousand19pro
      Wow. These are the first figurines that I would like to get. I'm not dying to get them, but it would be pretty cool.
    10. Serenacake
      ... Wow, I've always admired some of the figures from each Play Arts Set, but this is just... not good.
    11. 61
      well they are two of the coolest in the game.

      why not?

      the only real problem I see with them is that the joints on Riku are a little obvious and hard to ignore, other than that I think they look great.
    12. Serenacake
      I just don't know why I don't like it. I think partially because of the crappy keyblade design (Which DDD lacked in, in general).
    13. 61
      Hm. I think the Keyblades look great.

      And I though the Keyblade designs in DDD were great, much better than BBS.
    14. Serenacake
      Don't even talk to me about BBS. LOL. I personally, don't really like ~any~ KH keyblade's designs, asides for the first ones designs. Eh.
    15. Cutsceneaddict
      Wow. So cool. I love that Riku figure, and I certainly wouldn't mind picking up that Sora either. I wish they'd go back and make a Deep Dive Riku figurine from KH2. He totally got left out of the KH2 figure line (which, as popular as he is, really suprised me; I mean, even Kairi got a figure!).

      That Way to Dawn Keyblade is looking might fine too. Definately buying these! :)
    16. Railos
      I never bought a KH figurine before, but these look good. I'll probably but them when i get the money, space, time, and after I get DDD.
    17. Krowley
    18. Labrys
      That play Art is kickass!
      I actually want it but yet I'm too poor to get it :/
    19. Airi Ban
      Airi Ban
      They look awesome!
      Now to gather money from the humans