Dream Drop Distance: Now with... claws?

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Misty, Mar 5, 2012.

  1. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    For those who have been following Dream Drop Distance lore, Dream Eaters can be both helpful and malevolent, and Sora and Riku will be able to utilize the abilities of the "Spirit" Dream Eaters in battle, via Link Attacks. It appears that one variety will actually allow Sora and Riku to temporarily grow long claws from their hands! Kind of reminds you of that original concept art for Sora, doesn't it?

    You can take a look at some previews below.

    More images and info available at Siliconera.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Misty, Mar 5, 2012.

    1. Llave
      My guess is it's a "Drive Form" or some such when you link with your Spirit like you said. Then the Pink under the Spirit HP will drain until there's no more. The duration is uncertain, but it's an interesting concept.
    2. Misty
      They seem like a mixture of Drive Forms and Summons, yeah. =]
    3. EvilMan_89
      this game continues to deliver very pleasant surprises to me. i never saw this one coming. i hope that claws aren't the whole extent of transforming. maybe wings would also be a nice extension?
    4. Te Deum
      Te Deum
      This game keeps getting crazier and crazier....

      An idea:

      Could this be a part of the Flowmotion that will be incorporated into Sora and Riku's moves, and not them absorbing the Dream Eaters' powers? Riku is kind of "on the dark side", so maybe Sora will get something else.

      Dunno. We'll see.
    5. da johnstir
      da johnstir
      whoa clawed riku

      im kinda surprized about that claw thing im really am, & does this concept art of sora by any chance to be 1 in his anti form?
    6. Llave
      They don't have anything like this to show yet for Sora. But of course, Riku kind of absorbs the power and emits it physically i.e. the claws. Sora rides his Dream Eaters and such, which is more of a limit rather than a drive formish way of doing things.
    7. Krown
      My goodness... this looks very sweet. I wonder if it is a Drive Form, of some sort...
    8. Krowley
      Looks similar to the D-Link usage in Birth by Sleep.
      I don't know what this Dream Eater's name is... but it looks like some kind of Giraffe.
      I poorly translated it to something called; Idatenkiriso
    9. Bledsoe34
      Goodness that's a surprise! I can picture all the uses for those claws now. Can't wait to get enough money to see the extent of these things in person!
    10. Misty
      Siliconera (where the article came from) says Idaten Giraffe.
    11. Krowley
    12. Kaidron Blaze
      Kaidron Blaze
      hmmmm the claw thing reminds me of anti form tehe
    13. nickoboyzx
      riku look like a beast when have a claw
    14. Excasr
      Claws? This is cool! It's like a fusion and another feature for the Spirits Dream Eaters. He, this game keeps surprising and surprising me. Looking forward for more interesting news. Also for buying this game... and 3DS. '>.>

      Well, thanks for the great new!
    15. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      Claws are cool. Can't wait to try it out.
    16. steven4293
      They wanted to give Riku his own version of Dark Impulse like Terra had =P