Dream Drop Distance: Nomura's Announcement on 3D & The Series

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Mar 27, 2012.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York
    Kingdom Hearts director (Tetsuya Nomura) has Tweeted on the official Kingdom Hearts Twitter about the tenth year anniversary of the series, along with Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance.

    Speaking of Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance; the title is finally available in Japan tonight. As I write this post, it's currently (12:33pm) in Japan on March 29 2012.

    Here's what Tetsuya Nomura had to say about the tenth year anniversary and Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance....

    <blockquote>Today, we are celebrating the tenth year anniversary of Kingdom Hearts. Thanks to the fans, the series has expanded. Thank you for the tweets. We will do our best.

    Tomorrow will finally be the release of Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance. There are rumors that it is the masterpiece of the series. I also heard people say "KH is not KH when it does not kick in walls" as a (bold) impression. Be sure to try it out. This time there also will be a way to see the Secret Ending. This includes playing in Beginner Mode, but you have to give your best shot.</blockquote>
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Mar 27, 2012.

    1. greater_bloo
      Hearing Nomura mention that people think it is the masterpiece of the series just kicked my expectations higher.
      "Congratulations you've reached Level 5 of Hype mode! Would you like to search for spoilers?" "...mayb- NO! *runs away*"

      Also I now have a mental image of a muscular Sora kicking down a wall with a Lancer in his hands from Gears of War and smoking a cigar after reading that "KH is not KH when it does not kick in walls" statement. At least he isn't punching a boulder because that would be ridiculous.

    2. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      That just made me wonder if there's going to be a Critical Mode. I really hope so.

      So excited about this game. I'm so conflicted about whether I want to spoil myself. It'll have to depend on the NA release date. If it's in June, I'll wait. Anything after that will be too long to wait, I'll have to spoil myself.
    3. Maggy
      I'm glad you can unlock the secret ending in beginner mode~

      It's good for the crappy gamers like me, lol

      Wow, I didn't expected to be called a Masterpiece...I can't wait! I might spoil myself...
    4. RoxasRox
      I trust Nomura with giving us a good title, even though it is on a handheld.
      Im sure he is well aware were all anxious and waiting for 3 and will give us something
      to hold us over that leaves more of an impact that 358/2 Days or Coded.
      Birth by Sleep was good too though.

      But I feel that Dream Drop will be a very important title and a crucial game in the KH timeline.
      Like one you need to play.

      ... Come out in the USA now gosh darnit. XD
    5. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      Happy Birthday 10th Kingdom Hearts :D

      This game will be awesome and I shall spoil myself to no end so that my fanfic I started can get finished XD

      Now when is it coming out in America would be awesomeness!
    6. Iskandar
      Wait, it's out now? Oh man, I gotta go watch a walkthrough on youtube. There's no way I can miss this.

      And haven't we always been able to get the Secret Ending on Beginner mode? Or was it just normal mode and critical mode?
    7. phoenixkh93
      This instantly made me think you meant pooing your pants :S

      Anyways, ridiculously excited :D I will NOT allow for this to be spoiled for me. Birth by sleep was RUINED for me so the second this is released I will be ultra cautious right up untill I finish the game with secret ending and all.
    8. Korosu
      Happy Birthday Kingdom Hearts~
      I must not spoil myself, I must not. I'm really looking forward to DDD, hopefully Europe and the US will get a release date soon. Beginner mode? Yay. I'll stand a chance ;_;

      Thanks, Mike.
    9. Krowley
      Game releases in under 10 minutes.
      I'm watching a livestream video of the game play and the soundtrack is just wonderful!
    10. Cloudrunner62
      Even more than the DS and PSP, I'll remind you that the 3DS isn't just a handheld, but effectively a mobile console. Just look at the graphics capabilities of it.
    11. strfruit
      It will be hard to resist the spoils, but I will try! Very nice that they included the chance to unlock the secret ending in beginner mode. Can't wait!! Happy Birthday Kingdom Hearts!

      Thanks for update! :D
    12. Daxa~
      Oh my goodness me,I shall make an effort to avoid spoilers.
      But I have a feeling I shall not last until...Saturday maybe. Then I shall give in,and watch.
      So much excitement.
      Thank you Mike dear <3~
    13. Ability King KK
      Ability King KK
      Unlocking the secret movie just by playing beginner mode? ...That kinda seems like a let down, to be honest. I mean, in all of the other games, one could just unlock the secret movie just by getting everything in Standard mode or just beating Proud mode (the former actually being the harder of the two to accomplish).

      As to being the masterpiece of the series, final judgment should not be passed until one actually plays the game. Birth by Sleep was considered a masterpiece, but there were some things that it could have had to make it better. Examples being:

      1. Being able to visit Atlantica as a way to explain how the hell King Triton knew about the Keyblades in Kingdom Hearts.

      2. A boss fight with Lea in Ventus' story mode. Ventus got gypped when it comes to boss fights as Terra got to fight Braig while Aqua fought Vanitas in Radiant Garden. Ventus also could have had a boss fight in Olympus Coliseum as well.

      3. Boss fights in Disney Town. Terra and Ventus could have fought Unversed bosses, while Aqua took on Pete/Captain Dark. At least with that last part, it would have been a legitimate reason for Pete to be locked away, unlike the stupid reason Minnie locked him away for.

      4. The world based on The Jungle Book liked they planned to have. There were not enough worlds to visit and not enough new worlds to the series in BBS.

      Small as they may be, those are my main gripes with BBS. Other than that, I liked the game (mainly Aqua's story mode).
    14. Ventus PSP Aqua
      Ventus PSP Aqua
      Well the waiting for Japan is over...Now the worse has come for the temptation on watching the gameplay and scenes >< I really wish it comes out sooner than expected in NA.
    15. Te Deum
      Te Deum
      I have no idea what that means.

    16. Luxord22
      I´m also very relieved that it is possible to get the secret ending, while playing on Beginner Mode, because I´m also not that skilled. It´s good to hear that I don´t need to fear frustration from failing on higher difficulties.
    17. nickoboyzx
      secret mode can unlock even in beginner
      that great

      thanks for news