Dream Drop Distance: Nintendo Direct Trailer

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Misty, Apr 22, 2012.

  1. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Hey everyone! Looks like we've got a new trailer from Nintendo Direct, which offers a look at English gameplay, and some of Haley Joel Osment's battle cries. Also it has French subtitles which is cool. The Kingdom Hearts goodies begin around the 21:00 minute mark.You can check it out below:


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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Misty, Apr 22, 2012.

    1. strfruit
      So exciiiiiiiited!!!!!!

      Haley Joel <3

      Thanks Misty!! ^^
    2. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      You're right Misty, those French subtitles are so AWESOME! It'll be the biggest disappointment EVER if they get rid of those French subtitles in the final game.

      Anyway... It's great to hear English audio from the game!
    3. greater_bloo
      I like Haley Joel Osment saying "Come on!" Reminds me of KH1.
      As for his voice, it sounds similar to Re:Coded.
      As for David Gallagher, thanks to that panel interview I now think about Link whenever I hear him do those battle cries lol. But it sounds good too, his voice hasn't changed much though, at least not as much as HJO.
    4. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      Wait, I thought Goofy was the one who always said "Come on!" Or was it both?

      (Sorry, I barely pay any attention to battle cries in KH games)
    5. greater_bloo
      Yup they both say it but to be honest your comment made me realize that the "Come on!" battle cry is pretty common in KH...did I just unintentionally do some sort of pun? o.O
    6. ShibuyaGato
      Ooh. This is quite nice.

      (French subs should be in every NA/EU release, lol)

      It's good to see that our release date draws nearer and I'm hoping that we'll get to see a trailer with english dialogue sometime soon.
    7. NemesisPrime
      I swear I told Mike about this last night.

      Regardless, I can't wait for it to come out!
    8. Willis
      I need to stop checking these need updates. It's just getting me more and more excited for this game. It might get to the point where I fake sick from both work and school on the release date. :/ Only game I've done that for is call of duty mw3. I hope I don't do it again.

      No promises though. ;D
    9. Krown
      Aha, this is undoubtedly amazing.

      Thanks, for the update, Misty.~
    10. Tienewman
      very good indeed
    11. Peace and War
      Peace and War
      Oh look, subs for Forks.

      Not the most charismatic or persuasive vid, but interesting nonetheless
    12. Krowley
      Enjoyed watching the news for Theatrhythm, Epic Mickey, and others.
      Thanks for the update.
    13. eentje
      I could wath this on my 3ds, with my own subs, but YAY! I saw 3 games that I added to my wish list, and I absolutly loved the battle cries.
    14. Miles
    15. Misty
      Indeed, but as of now it seems to be a Japan-only demo. Didn't think it was newsworthy.