Dream Drop Distance: **** Meets *****

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Apr 2, 2012.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York

    Hello KH-Vids. In the last twenty-four hours, greater_bloo, Tummer (V@nit@s), hlmactiii and I have completed a scene from the Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance fandub production. Yes, I made a HUGE deal out of this video due to the responses that I've recieved from KH-Vids. It started with a coundown ten hours ago and many of you have proven that you are indeed interested in the video that I mentioned earlier.

    The main goal of **** meets ***** was to give an English voice over to both these characters. It so happens that our member Tummer (V@nit@s) has provided an amazing script. Along with the scripted lines, greater_bloo, hlmactiii and myself have provided our voices giving fans a special treat. This is as official as you can get to the game until we receive more news on the release date of Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance.

    KH-Vids, expect our fandub team to also dub the "ending" and "secret ending" of Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance.

    Vocal Team:
    Sora: Voiced by greater_bloo
    Riku: Voiced by hlmactiii
    Roxas: Voiced by Mike (CGNET)

    Production Team:
    Translation/Script: Tummer (V@nit@s)
    SFX: Mike (CGNET) & greater_bloo
    Video: KH13
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Apr 2, 2012.

    1. Fearless
      brb flipping out a bit.

      Okay, that was definately one of the best dubs I've ever seen you guys do. Absolutely everything was spot on! I actually thought Bloo was Haley Joel Osment for a second. >_>
    2. Llave
      bloo my man you do a splendid Sora. Far better than I @_@

      Mike, you're just always on. I swear you're the real deal man. Nice job!
    3. greater_bloo
      Hey Mike in addition to the Ending and Secret Ending videos, we should also do scenes of where the TWEWY characters show up, just a suggestion.

      I personally am giddy about having to see those scenes in the official English release since the original game, while it had voices for the characters weren't as reliant on them as Kingdom Hearts is. And from what I've watched they seem pretty fun to watch!
    4. strfruit
      Same same! When it first came on I was wondering how they managed to get the English version of this clip O.O Was great!
    5. Dinny
      That was absolutely stuuuuuuuning * o *

      You guys are such amazing voice actors it hurts. I was just going abububbbu the whole time because you guys sounded so fantastic, the video was gorgeous and the script was A+. Amazing job you guys, please keep making videos like these haha. They are so inspiring, informative and flat out beautiful ; u ; <3 *fangirl scream lol*
    6. Technic☆Kitty
      OMG single most greatest video i've ever seen! You guys were absolutely incredible. I didn't think a meeting with Roxas would be that great but . . . well, I was proven wrong once again. It's only too bad we didn't get to see Riku too T_T
    7. Korosu
      I promised myself I wouldn't spoil anything from the game. ;_; So, I only watched ten seconds of the video. Oh my goodness! I am so excited!

      Whoever voiced Sora, you did a wonderful job~ I'm sure everyone else who took part did, too.
    8. nickoboyzx
      wow that really awesome

      you guys did great of that voice

      can't wait for more

      thanks for news
    9. Sabby
      Ah ****, greater_bloo really got me there. Sounded so much like Sora when he started talking. Good job everyone!

      The part where Roxas was going for Sora's hands... all I thought was this

    10. Dream Sora
      Dream Sora
      best short ever!!!!:wow: