Dream Drop Distance: **** Meets *****

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Apr 2, 2012.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York

    Hello KH-Vids. In the last twenty-four hours, greater_bloo, Tummer (V@nit@s), hlmactiii and I have completed a scene from the Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance fandub production. Yes, I made a HUGE deal out of this video due to the responses that I've recieved from KH-Vids. It started with a coundown ten hours ago and many of you have proven that you are indeed interested in the video that I mentioned earlier.

    The main goal of **** meets ***** was to give an English voice over to both these characters. It so happens that our member Tummer (V@nit@s) has provided an amazing script. Along with the scripted lines, greater_bloo, hlmactiii and myself have provided our voices giving fans a special treat. This is as official as you can get to the game until we receive more news on the release date of Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance.

    KH-Vids, expect our fandub team to also dub the "ending" and "secret ending" of Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance.

    Vocal Team:
    Sora: Voiced by greater_bloo
    Riku: Voiced by hlmactiii
    Roxas: Voiced by Mike (CGNET)

    Production Team:
    Translation/Script: Tummer (V@nit@s)
    SFX: Mike (CGNET) & greater_bloo
    Video: KH13
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Apr 2, 2012.

    1. strfruit

      No worries ^-^

      suspeeennssseee!!!! :P
    2. Krowley
      11:41 - Just a few more minutes! Editing post and video...

      11:57 - [​IMG]
    3. Mike
    4. Krowley
      I am being Patient. I just like using excuses to post the Cat.

      You would not believe how often I used this today.
    5. adamboy7
      A little longer a wait than I would have expected, but it shall be worth it! :D
    6. Maggy
      Whyyyy is this taking so loooong. Lol

      (I know who the memebers are, hoho)

      Just a guess
    7. Mike
      The video is now up! Everyone can take a look at the fully scripted and voice scene of **** meeting up with *****.


      Hello KH-Vids. In the last twenty-four hours, greater_bloo, Tummer (V@nit@s), hlmactiii and I have completed a scene from the Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance fandub production. Yes, I made a HUGE deal out of this video due to the responses that I've recieved from KH-Vids. It started with a coundown ten hours ago and many of you have proven that you are indeed interested in the video that I mentioned earlier.

      The main goal of **** meets ***** was to give an English voice over to both these characters. It so happens that our member Tummer (V@nit@s) has provided an amazing script. Along with the scripted lines, greater_bloo, hlmactiii and myself have provided our voices giving fans a special treat. This is as official as you can get to the game until we receive more news on the release date of Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance.

      KH-Vids, expect our fandub team to also dub the "ending" and "secret ending" of Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance.

      Vocal Team:
      Sora: Voiced by greater_bloo
      Riku: Voiced by hlmactiii
      Roxas: Voiced by Mike (CGNET)

      Production Team:
      Translation/Script: Tummer (V@nit@s)
      SFX: Mike (CGNET) & greater_bloo
      Video: KH13
    8. Krowley
      Hey, I was right!
      Kind of figured it was going to Roxas and a dubbing since Mike was editing it.

      Still well done nonetheless.
    9. adamboy7
      Well worth the wait, great work :D
    10. strfruit
      YOU ALL DID AMAZING!!! Very very very well done!!! Thank you guys!

      Was definitely worth the wait! :DDDDDD
    11. BladeOfFlame
      (applauds) Great job, you guys! :D
    12. Mish
      Wow, Bloo, you make a pretty good Sora. c:

      and ofc Mike is our resident Roxas~

      Great work, guys. I can't wait to see this scene on my own 3DS when the time finally comes.
    13. Maggy
      Aaaweeeeeeeesoooooooomeeeeeeeee job you guys!

      I love it!
    14. greater_bloo
      Ah the cat's out of the bag! (Or filing his nails again)
      Yup, I was playing dumb sorry if I contributed to making this seem like some uber hyped up thing. I myself think the video itself was very awesome! :D

      Mike you did an awesome job as Roxas again!

      hlmactiii I like your voice for God Riku but I think the line needed to be said with a bit of urgency like you're worried about Sora. The way you said it sounded as if you were scolding him.

      Tummer aka V@nit@s great job with the lines! It flowed pretty well with the lip flaps. Though I feel it was a mistake on my part when I just sped through the "Listen, Roxas" line.

      Mike the video quality was good for it was, hope we get some ripped files of the cutscenes soon!

      As for me lol I need to work on yelling parts. My take reminded me of this, except without the echo:

    15. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Haha, it was fun playing dumb with you guys.

      This was fun to adapt. I really thought about the lip flaps to make sure that they would match okay. I also wanted to do something that was like the sub I saw (which I believe is a verbatim translation) and change it around a bit to have a good flow. You all did a great job doing the lines. I can't wait to do it with everyone again. You all captured each character perfectly.
    16. Light-Rune Maven
      Light-Rune Maven
      AWWWWWW Man... I was kinda hoping it wasnt this after it showed up in the replies...... Great voice acting though......
    17. hlmactiii
      I agree, Mike, you did perfect in this video, once again. You're greatest character is also your greatest curse XP

      greater_bloo - Definitely nailed Sora, I think there were a few forgivable puffs here and there, and the scream was fine, but a easy way of getting more emotion into your screams is by lowing the input volume to a negative db, and just go crazy. That way, your volume probably won't peak. Also, did you call me God? :D

      As for me, this was one of the toughest lines I've ever had to do as Riku, simply because I had hardly anything to work from. The original video's quality had Riku's voice to an incomprehensible muddle, and too add insult to injury, he was offscreen, so I had to facial emotions to work from. I do agree with the urgency, and I just wish I had some more direction to go in other than just lines.

      Script worked much better than the subtitles, good job V@nit@s!

      Good job to everyone for getting this awesome video out in 1 day! It's definitely higher quality sound than the original. BTW, it's not much of a spoiler, is it?
    18. Llave
      Oh I see now **** is Sora and ***** is Roxas. At first I thought you had two curse words in there lol.

      Very nice. I actually saw this vid yesterday before you put it up. Nice to see it dubbed! You guys did a splendid job!
    19. ShibuyaGato
      This was pretty good. Though I had wanted to avoid major spoilers, I already knew that he met him from having read about the secret ending.

      The V/Os were well done and the script seemed very canon. Great job guys!
    20. Shinichi Izumi
      Shinichi Izumi
      Okay, that was awesome,m the voices were amazing!

      I do not want more of these videos, I NEED more of these videos Now!