Dream Drop Distance: **** Meets *****

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Apr 2, 2012.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York

    Hello KH-Vids. In the last twenty-four hours, greater_bloo, Tummer (V@nit@s), hlmactiii and I have completed a scene from the Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance fandub production. Yes, I made a HUGE deal out of this video due to the responses that I've recieved from KH-Vids. It started with a coundown ten hours ago and many of you have proven that you are indeed interested in the video that I mentioned earlier.

    The main goal of **** meets ***** was to give an English voice over to both these characters. It so happens that our member Tummer (V@nit@s) has provided an amazing script. Along with the scripted lines, greater_bloo, hlmactiii and myself have provided our voices giving fans a special treat. This is as official as you can get to the game until we receive more news on the release date of Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance.

    KH-Vids, expect our fandub team to also dub the "ending" and "secret ending" of Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance.

    Vocal Team:
    Sora: Voiced by greater_bloo
    Riku: Voiced by hlmactiii
    Roxas: Voiced by Mike (CGNET)

    Production Team:
    Translation/Script: Tummer (V@nit@s)
    SFX: Mike (CGNET) & greater_bloo
    Video: KH13
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Apr 2, 2012.

    1. Mike
      This is a spoiler video and has already been out for the past two days...
    2. Light-Rune Maven
      Light-Rune Maven
      sorry to burst everyone's bubble but, whose to say SORA Meets ******. Its 4 Stars not SORA. So it could just as easily be aqua or riku meeting somebody, Right?
    3. CloudStrife2k9
      LOL. This is very true. Didn't even think that ahah xD
    4. Light-Rune Maven
      Light-Rune Maven
      Just Trying to think Outside The Box :)
    5. Miles
      Wow just typed what I thought it was in youtube and I think it was it.
    6. Light-Rune Maven
      Light-Rune Maven
      Really WHAT!!!????
    7. greater_bloo
      Oh hmm...I wonder what it is!? Just thinking about it makes me excited!
    8. Mike
      The funny part is there are two people on here who are playing around to this, because they indeed know what's going on. Hmmm I wonder who they are. Does anyone else know? =)
    9. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      The plot thickens.

      Are you going to tell us who these members are?
    10. Mike
      Hmmmm I don't know. Should I? =)
    11. greater_bloo
      Keep trying to drive us apart with your mind games, it'll never work!
    12. strfruit
      I'm wanting to say yes tell us, but then again, it would be an interesting convo for us to try to figure them out.....but we will need a "getting close" or "yes that's one" etc etc...haha XP
    13. Mike
      Awwww come on
      Don't be like that. =)
    14. hlmactiii
      I want to know what this is already!!! Why make us suffer, Mike?!?! :laughing-smiley-004
    15. Miles
      Just type what it may be.
    16. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      I agree with this.
    17. Noroz
      Huh, Guess I know now. Makes sense. Kind of.
    18. greater_bloo
      I 2nd that! So what do you guys think it is? We have 4 stars meets 5 stars. Names with 4 stars: Aqua, Sora, Riku, Axel, Saix...Mike!? Names with 5 stars: Terra, Kairi, Roxas, Braig, etc.

      ...I'm calling it Mike meets Roxas!
    19. Bledsoe34
      Hm.. very interesting. I can't wait for the video and the chance to see your avatar again haha
    20. strfruit
      That would be quite an interesting meet hehe