Dream Drop Distance: **** Meets *****

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Apr 2, 2012.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York

    Hello KH-Vids. In the last twenty-four hours, greater_bloo, Tummer (V@nit@s), hlmactiii and I have completed a scene from the Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance fandub production. Yes, I made a HUGE deal out of this video due to the responses that I've recieved from KH-Vids. It started with a coundown ten hours ago and many of you have proven that you are indeed interested in the video that I mentioned earlier.

    The main goal of **** meets ***** was to give an English voice over to both these characters. It so happens that our member Tummer (V@nit@s) has provided an amazing script. Along with the scripted lines, greater_bloo, hlmactiii and myself have provided our voices giving fans a special treat. This is as official as you can get to the game until we receive more news on the release date of Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance.

    KH-Vids, expect our fandub team to also dub the "ending" and "secret ending" of Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance.

    Vocal Team:
    Sora: Voiced by greater_bloo
    Riku: Voiced by hlmactiii
    Roxas: Voiced by Mike (CGNET)

    Production Team:
    Translation/Script: Tummer (V@nit@s)
    SFX: Mike (CGNET) & greater_bloo
    Video: KH13
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Apr 2, 2012.

    1. Iskandar
      Are you saying it's an actual video you're going to share? Or is it something else?
    2. Mike
      Yes, it's a video I will share. It's nothing HUGE, but fun and informative.
    3. Daxa~
      And now I am hopelessly excited,like the fangirl I am.
    4. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      First off, your posts fits perfectly with you new avatar. XD

      Can't wait to see what it is dude!
    5. Iskandar
      when you think about it, everything could be considered huge right now, since we're actually getting videos of the game and getting more info
    6. CloudStrife2k9
      Could it possibly be
      *drumroll for the spoiler*

      Sora meets Roxas ? :OO
    7. Stella Nox Fleuret
      Stella Nox Fleuret
      I have something to look forward too, just because that's the kind of person I am, and I'm interested in mysterious stuff.
      And also because every single time I see that avatar I start to giggle, because of the Cravendale advert.
    8. HeartofFire
      Can't wait! I'll be here!
    9. JustANobody
      If it is Sora Meets Roxas, could this perhaps be a fandub? And if it is a fandub, I have a script already ready for use. c:
    10. Blader
      I'll be here. Don't know if my phone will want to pick up the video or not. I will still be here.
    11. CloudStrife2k9
      No need for a script, because they actually meet in the game:p
    12. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      If that's it, they probably have it done, and just growing anticipation for it.
    13. Mike
      Interesting conversation everyone. Seven hours to go and counting!
    14. Excasr

      I love your avatar. Also, looking forward for what it will be. :O
    15. Shinichi Izumi
      Shinichi Izumi
      God you guys are slow,sora already met roxas, its

      Sora Meets Ventus.
    16. CloudStrife2k9
      No, sir. YOU are the slow one.
      TROLOLOLOLOLOLOL. Mike put 5 stars, meaning FIVE letters. Ventus is 6 letters. xD
      Also, when he met Roxas before in Kingdom Hearts 2, he didn't REALLY meet him.. iunno how to explain it, but yeah lol.
    17. Mako Tsunami
      Mako Tsunami
      Ventus is six asterisks. Roxas is five.
    18. Noroz
      What about
      Terra. 5 letters.

      I have no idea. Haven't seen any cutscenes.
    19. Miles
      Is this video a "spoiler"?