Dream Drop Distance: July 1st Release Date?

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Feb 25, 2012.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York
    <center><a href="http://kh-recharged.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/022512.jpg"><img src="http://kh-recharged.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/022512-300x268.jpg" alt="" title="Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance (European)" width="300" height="268" class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-4201" /></a></center>

    Hello KH-Vids. As we reported earlier, Square-Enix Boutique for France updated on the release date for Europe which was said to release July 27th 2012. Just hours later the release date was changed to "summer 2012."

    Now the release date drama continues...

    As Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance releases on March 29th 2012 (month and four days) more and more information on the international release date is being shown. EB Games has updated their page on Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance with the release date set for July 1st in North America. Alright, so we know that Dream Drop Distance will be set around the summer. We're not sure of the exact day though. From EB Games to Square-Enix Boutique, they both state a July release. However the beginning and end of the month is a big difference, right? Can we expect a July release or even better yet, how about a June release?

    Additionally, Square-Enix Boutique has launched the cover for Dream Drop Distance with the pegi rating of 12 shown above. It usually takes months to see this surfaced. Let's recap for a second. Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance is featured in the March issue of Nintendo Power (NA). This is the same month that Dream Drop Distance will release in Japan. Additionally Nomura confirmed that the North American voice cast has already started the project. Finally Square-Enix Boutique (France) and EB Games has updated with a "July" release. It appears the speed of release for Kingdom Hearts II is somewhat resembling Dream Drop Distance. By the way, we can expect a 10th year anniversary special as well, for those of you that were unsure!
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Feb 25, 2012.

    1. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      I've been having a rough day today, so unfortunately, I didn't jump in excitement when I heard the news like I should've. Nevertheless, this is great. I'm glad Square-Enix doesn't have to wait till September just because it'll NA's 10th by then. Looks like I'll know how I'll be spending my summer vacation!
    2. tofudude
      good. I was expecting a fall release (it seems square is getting better about releasing US/EU games close to the JAP release).
    3. Excasr
      Don't mess with me. I still have my third secret weapon.

      Er I mean. GREAT NEWS MIKE! Thank you.~
    4. reptar
      OH MAN.
      I was expecting it to come out later. Now this means I have to get a job real fast and save up for a 3DS and all that other junk!

      Even though I doubt I will get it on release date this is amazing news.

      I do agree with Cat<3Sora, I hope the dubbing does not feel half assed and rushed like re:COM.
    5. Gelatinous Ghost
      Gelatinous Ghost
      Second-rate dubbing is definitely a concern. I hope they take the time to do an excellent job. But the summer release date certainly has my spirits up.

      I always feel like game companies wait until JUST after the school term begins to release games. In September 2010, Birth By Sleep was released just 3 days after I returned to school. And on September 20, 2011(Not that this is KH related) Gears of War 3 was released two weeks after I returned to school. An employee at Gamestop once told me that many companies are hesitant to release games over the summer because they don't want to be to blame when angry parents claim their children spend all day indoors looking at a screen. I'm not sure how accurate that is, but the summer months always seem like dead zones when it comes to game releases. Then the fall comes and we get swamped with great games.

      Oh well. Thanks for the update, Mike. ​
    6. Always Dance
      Always Dance
      Awesome! I'm going to go put $40 in a box so I can definitely buy it on release day. Since this is an important title I'm pretty certain it'll get a final mix (Seriously, you think they're going to pass up the chance to do insane recolors on the already insanely colored dream eaters?), and we won't be able to play it, and that sucks. Hopefully by then the 3DS will be hacked and region unlocked.
    7. Lite
      Wow, that seems a lot sooner than I thought it was going to be. I was thinking around Fall or early Winter for the non JP regions. But hey, sooner is better, right?
    8. Bledsoe34
      Goodness this is far better than I had hoped! My friend (whom is also a fellow KH fanatic) told me it was later December. Though it made me sad that it would be 8 months from now, I was slightly uplifted since I would definitely have enough money for it by then. Now that it's been looking like a summer release, I might actually have to get a job or beg for money since I'd need to buy a 3DS as well >_>
    9. Beucefilous
      Oh this is good news! It looks like it may be getting released sooner than i expected!
    10. greater_bloo
      The suspense! Hope it is June or July, it'll make going dark about 3D a lot more easier. I find knowing as little as possible about a Kingdom Hearts game before playing it equals the most enjoyment out of it. Though I already know quite a few facts about 3D so I probably already ruined that "freshness." I'll probably just watch the opening and that's it.
    11. NemesisPrime
      God, March through June/July are gonna be torture for me since I don't want to be spoiled.

      So no "Snape kills Dumbledore" type spoilers everyone!
    12. Cloud4012
      Thank GOD!!! I thought I was gonna have to wait until 2013 to play the game
    13. KimxSora
      I am guessing that KH 3D will release mid-July at the latest for both the US and Europe. July 1st seems too mich like a default date. Either way, though, I am happy for a summer release; it's always a great time to play a new game! :)
    14. Ventus PSP Aqua
      Ventus PSP Aqua
      Sweet! I guess it won't take THAT long after the Japanese release. Glad to hear this :)
    15. DChiuch
      EB Games Canada have had this date up since sometime in January. It is CLEARLY a placeholder date.
    16. NamineArtistOfLove
      Was Final Mix even shelf-available state-side? O_o I'm stoked for KH3D, I thought it'd still be another few months (like, September maybe) until we even heard of anything coming to America. They're really working fast on this! <3
    17. Llave
      Good to hear we can expect the 10th Anniversary special!
      Things are moving rather quickly and efficiently for this game. I am very pleased with the speed of progression. Now, if only they would follow this for every game they come out with.

      Thanks for the update Mike!
    18. Mike
      That's the case for all titles that are released. I think many of us are excited because we saw the one from Square-Enix in France for the end of July, so it's safe to assume we will have a July release.
    19. Keyblade Heroine
      Keyblade Heroine
      Awww... I was hoping for a May/June release. :( I mean, it shouldn't take THAT long, right? It's just translation and voice recording... *sigh* T___T
    20. super_rocker_90
      Awesome ! just right after my birthday hopefully it means for the usa to this will be a great birthday present im thinking of getting the 3ds special kingdom hearts version box.