Dream Drop Distance: Introduction (Premiere Event)

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Mar 23, 2012.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York
    Hello KH-Vids! Another five days to go and Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance will be released in Japan.

    Yesterday we reported about the first video from the Kingdom Hearts tenth year anniversary premiere event. That was a little tease to prepare fans for what you're about to see. The full Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance introduction is now available in higher quality.

    Mike's Note: Anyone notice the little renders of Sora and Riku falling at the ending? I'm very amused by it for some reason. I'm also being a sap when I saw everyone together.

    Thanks to KH13. Both videos are the same, but show the screens at different times.

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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Mar 23, 2012.

    1. nickoboyzx

      i like the ending so much
      when roxas,sora,terra,aqua appear
      and when xemnas shoot so many laser at riku and sora

      still i have to wait so many days before the game realesed
    2. hakamdeebad
      I almost died of happiness when I saw Aqua at the end, that is a really beautiful cgi, this trailer is the best, it showed every moment, from KH1 to where we are now. Destiny Island, then Xehanort's Heartless, then Sora falling in Castle Oblivion, at the same time Roxas coming out and his memories with Axel and Xion (loved that part), his fight with Axel after that, Riku and Sora fighting Xemnas, the fight with Master Xehanort at the Keyblade Graveyard, and then at the end when Sora, Riku, Mickey, Terra, Roxas, Donald, Goofy, THE BEAUTIFUL AQUA, and Ventus wave their weapons was just amazing, I fainted. 5 more days!!! I HOPE WE SEE AQUA IN THIS GAME!!! But I am sad that we didn't see Namine, Kairi, Axel, and Xion there with them :(
    3. Stella Nox Fleuret
      Stella Nox Fleuret
      I am ready.
      Agito Lord, I AM READY.

      Just seeing everyone in that video return like in the Dissidia 012 opening, getting ready to fight, made me gasp.

      I want it to be out already DX
    4. Kaidron Blaze
      Kaidron Blaze
      I noticed that Sora used the animation to summon Simba at the end lolz I wonder if he uses all the old summons again
    5. phoenixkh93
      Right, I'm off to invent a time machine so I can play this game right now. I honestly can't wait.
      N'aww and I love how the crowd all gasped and cheered at exactly the place I did too :3
    6. smeen
      That was beautiful. A trailer on a building! OK not only that but, wow! I love it when they project stuff on buildings. And the trailer was cool itself, of course. And that quality...
    7. Saxima
      /late to the party

      This video was absolutely spectacular, jeezus, I wish I would have been there to see that. I can't believe so much has happened, and we've seen where we've been and are now looking at where we're going.

      It's been a long and rigorous journey filled with ALL THE EMOTIONS, but this is going to be . . . amazing.
    8. Makaze
      That was the absolute best thing. I have never cried over a video game before, but I was so happy at seeing this that were tears in my eyes.

      They sure know how to get someone excited, Square Enix...
    9. Cloud4012
      All the best keyblade wielders together this is gona rock
    10. JustANobody
      I am having literal chest pains from excitement and feel. I've been with this game ever since the first was released ten years ago. My god, I'm almost 19. I feel so old.

      <3 <3 <3
    11. Railos
      Now I really need to get a 3DS.
    12. strfruit
      I....am almost speechless! This was too beautiful! So extremely excited for this!!! Words can't describe how amazing this game series is.....X3
    13. twilighthopeXIV
      This made me stare at the screen for a good 10 minutes with an expression of pure awe O: I wish I could've been there! Can't wait until it comes out for the UK and thanks for sharing this ^^
    14. Iskandar
      Seeing the ending with everyone coming together was really cool. It's always those scenes when you just have a bunch of awesome characters or such that come together that makes me just have a grin cover my face
    15. adamboy7
      That was so awesome! I felt chills! I cant wait for it to come to America! :D
    16. . : tale_wind
      . : tale_wind
      *is anxiously awaiting the leak of every single cutscene to Youtube*
    17. strfruit
      It will be so tempting not to just glance at a cutscene.....they will surely be in my "recommended for you" videos....but I want to wait until I get to play the game and see them myself. The suspense while playing makes the game more fun :P haha
    18. awesomeperson
      that was epic! i cant wait till it comes out in america
    19. NemesisPrime
      Tell me about it! I'm 20!
    20. greater_bloo
      I would only watch the secret ending early if it is done similar to deep dive and birth by sleep. Meaning entirely CG, focused on action, and has that "I don't have a clue what's going on but I'm excited" factor.