Dream Drop Distance: Intro Screenshots From Square-Enix (EU)

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Mar 29, 2012.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York
    Hello KH-Vids. After a full 24 hours since Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance was released in Japan; Square-Enix (Europe) is trying to create hype for fans internationally. In that case they're doing a better job than Square-Enix North America...

    Their blog post relates to Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance with some new screenshots from the opening of the title. These are not new, because they were featured in Famitsu Weekly back a couple of weeks ago. At any rate, it's good to see that Square-Enix is posting content for fans. Plus, these screenshots are the highest quality we have so far.

    [advthumb]http://www.kh-vids.net/gallery/albums/dream-drop-distance/intro5.jpg[/advthumb] [advthumb]http://www.kh-vids.net/gallery/albums/dream-drop-distance/intro6.jpg[/advthumb]​
    For more screenshots, head over to original post or our gallery.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Mar 29, 2012.

    1. phoenixkh93
      Xion looks so purty here :) Thank's for sharing!
    2. Iskandar
      I really enjoy the Xion picture, but what's with mickey and the book? Is that supposed to be like Jimminy's journal?
    3. Misty
      Maybe one of Yen Sid's books? Or the Ansem or Xehanort Reports? Could be anything, really.
    4. Iskandar
      It's probably a good guess for Ansem Reports, since that's been a big thing during the games. And I've even thought they were the Ansem Reports at some point
    5. phoenixkh93
      I kind of thought it was the one from 'The sorcerers apprentice' in Fantasia. Just an assumption though, could be anything really
    6. Dinny
      I was hoping to see these or something like it soon <3
      The screen caps are gorgeous and the quality is great!

      Thanks so much, Mike!
    7. Krown
      These pictures are great! Mickey and Xion look so cute.~ ♥

      Thanks again, Mike!~
    8. Excasr
      I really enjoyed the Xion and Mickey ones, I can't decide the best. SO COOL.

      Thanks for the updates too!
    9. Iskandar
      I might really have to make that Xion picture my Sig for how nice it is
    10. Aojiroi
      These scenes really make me wanna buy a 3DS. D:
      The Xion one is def. my favorite! ^.^
    11. Bliss
      Xion looks so cute! I hope we get to see more characters come back in flash backs or something > w < I'd really like to see the Twilight Town gang and the Organization, of course!

      The sceencaps are lovely~
    12. Blader
      Gotta love the AMAZING quality. Especially Xion.
    13. chibiwings
      I love these pictures. ^.^ So pretty. I saw them on NA's KH Facebook today and saved some. xD
      I've been following the official NA KH Facebook lately and they seem to be promoting it a lot.
    14. nickoboyzx
      cool, i like the xion one

      it was really cute when xion smile like that
    15. venster
      Yeah, saw these on the Kingdom Heart Facebook page. They're just gorgeous. Seeing Xion in HD cutscene just makes me miss her. D=
    16. Korosu
      These screenshots are lovely~ The quality is great, too. I love the Xion one.

      Thanks, Mike.
    17. Shikou
      I am so going to set the Xion picture as my background on my PSP <3
    18. Llave
      Nice to see good and clear screenshots of the opening. Now all we need is a clear video of KH3D opening and we're golden.

      Thanks Mike!
    19. strfruit
      Ooooo! The quality is amazing! They all are beautiful :3