Dream Drop Distance: Information from Famitsu

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Sep 21, 2011.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York
    Hello KH-Vids! If you thought the news regarding Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance has stopped; wait until you read this update. It's been about a week from today since the Tokyo Game Show kicked off and to say the least; fans from the Kingdom Hearts series were quite impressed.

    Now we have a big update on recap news and additional information from Famitu, but seriously you don't want to miss this one. Are you ready!? I know, I'm such a tease. I should be like Nomura (laughs). Also special thanks to our forum member "P" for letting me know and SQEXGAL for translating the new article from Dream Drop Distance. Special thanks to Toma_Kisaragi from Twitter.



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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Sep 21, 2011.

    1. Kaidron Blaze
      Kaidron Blaze
      But the "sleep" is meant to be a keyblade you can only get in the relms of sleep so it must be a new one maybe a keyblade with simmiler abilities as the X-blade, I would of thought if it was that one they would of done the whole sleep thing in BBS
    2. CloudStrife2k9
      Finally, more Riku gameplay! I loved playing as him in KH ReCoM.
      Will Riku have like, a Darkness mode? Like in Re:CoM ? I'm assuming not, but aye, never know.
    3. Void of Self
      Void of Self
      I agree with you. But i think it's going to be pretty awesome, whatever they have come up with. Well, in theory at least.
    4. Llave
      Well essentially, there really cannot be a keyblade to rival the powers of the X-Blade, as it is the ultimate key. I dunno if the "key" is a keyblade, or even the X-Blade itself (too vague to fully support however). But it could be an alternate route MX took... (doesn't make too much sense, but Ansem the Heartless and Xemnas are there, so there should be some sort of connection besides conquering the ultimate "nightmares".)

      It could be, he was uncertain at the beginning of the exam whether or not he was worthy to be a master, so there may still be some darkness left...
    5. Geezernort
      It's such a shame they used Tidus as a character already. A KH game all about dream versions of real worlds made by sleep/dreams would've been PERFECT to add adult, FFX-style Tidus as a temporary party member ala Auron in KH2. Then again, I suppose they could always have Jecht filling that role. I'm looking forward to this and I'm hoping Riku and Sora only look younger because of the Dream Worlds. It seems to me Nomura has retconned their ages a little and I really like mature Sora, Riku and Kairi so let's hope they start off looking KH2 aged then look younger in the Dream Worlds then look KH2-like again at the end. I'm hoping they add Hawaii as a world, but perhaps call it something else to avoid using "Real-world" names. I believe they've avoided calling Notre Dame by it's real name. Also, in KH2 they avoided referencing that Beauty and the Beast was set in France. Here's hoping! Can't get enough Stitch, especially because I want to do more fan-dubbing again (I used to be on here as Geezernorts_Apprentice and I did a few Stitch VO's for Mike a while back before I forgot all my details)
    6. Llave
      That's true, if they do use Hawaii, they would most likely change it's name.

      Jecht would be great to add in one of the dream worlds! I hope they have a good bunch of FF characters in 3D as well. Zack was perfect for BBS, but i do wish they added more there too. But regardless, having Neku from TWEWY is a good addition!
    7. ShibuyaGato
      Well, this is a nice update.

      I'm glad they made minimal changes to the outfits for this game, but Riku's hair STILL bugs me.
      Anyway, i'm glad that Square is dedicated to this game and I hope they raise the bar for the quality of their handheld entries.

      Thanks for the update Mike.
    8. ChaosFinale
      KH3D is definitely a must play of the series. It shows how Organization XIII was created. Shows how Sora and Riku become full-fledge Keyblade Masters. I'm really looking forward to playing this next year when it comes out in the states. If the release works like BBS back in 2010, I suspect Japan will see a March 2012 release and the United States and Europe see a September 2012 release date.
    9. Llave
      That is plausible, that's usually the sequence of when the English releases come out... I remember Nomura stating he was making a priority to get this out. I know it will have a release date sometime in the spring of 2012. The only thing i do hope they don't repeat from the BBS, is how long it took to actually get it out for Japan... was it not a year to 2 years behind the planned release?