Dream Drop Distance: Information from Famitsu

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Sep 21, 2011.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York
    Hello KH-Vids! If you thought the news regarding Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance has stopped; wait until you read this update. It's been about a week from today since the Tokyo Game Show kicked off and to say the least; fans from the Kingdom Hearts series were quite impressed.

    Now we have a big update on recap news and additional information from Famitu, but seriously you don't want to miss this one. Are you ready!? I know, I'm such a tease. I should be like Nomura (laughs). Also special thanks to our forum member "P" for letting me know and SQEXGAL for translating the new article from Dream Drop Distance. Special thanks to Toma_Kisaragi from Twitter.



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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Sep 21, 2011.

    1. Llave
      They may have a battle remix if any, but i'd like them to keep the same Traverse town "lobby music" if you will. Nostalgia with a whole new twist.
    2. Excasr
      Wow this is very interesting! I wanna play it! +_+
      When I first saw Wonder Cat I though it was the Cherese Cat (the cat from Wonderland), but -maybe thankfully- wasn't he. xD
      No that I don't like him, he is funny and bizarre! But I think he wouldn't do many thinks beside "I know where you have to go, but i'm not telling useless you give a gift".
      Anyway, great post! =D
    3. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      Yush! Possible TWEWY SEQUEL! I can not wait for that game XD

      and I guess there's going to be a Dumbo world too from the looks of the article. 3D come out now XD
    4. Mike
      Sorry guys it took so long, but the scans are up now too! Go crazy!
    5. Shift
      Neku 3D model <3
      I kind of wonder if we'll get playable segments as him now that I think about, seeing as he has his own Dream Eater and whatnot. That'd be fantastic.
    6. key dragon
      key dragon
      Wonder if Notre Dame's world will have Hellfire as its battle theme?
    7. Llave
      Scans are looking pretty boss, i really like the fish Dream Eater and the cat by Neku, i hope we can get spirit versions of them!
    8. ♥♦♣♠∟uxord♥♦♣♠
      There are still some Disney movies that have not yet been used. They could use another Stitch world. Hawaii or something. They still have not used Emperor's New Grove or Treasure Planet.
    9. masterofhearts
      I hope they do more with Xehanort than just the begining. The cut scene with Braig was amazing.
    10. Day~Dream
      This is amazing!
      I really like that they're going back in time (by that I mean reverting to their younger selves) to learn to "properly" use the keyblade. Does this mean that they're going to go to every world Terra, Ven, and Aqua went to, to awaken it?
    11. Shift
      Nope, only new worlds this time around.
    12. ♥♦♣♠∟uxord♥♦♣♠
      I doubt that. There'd be no point for deep space and I don't think it's time travel as in they go to the worlds before they ever got there in KH1.
    13. Llave
      I think of it as another dimension, a place where worlds do not exist in the light, nor the darkness. Almost like a purgatory...
    14. Day~Dream
      I know that, guess I should've phrased it differently XD
      So they're not going to awaken worlds? I'm confused. O_o
    15. ♥♦♣♠∟uxord♥♦♣♠
      Well they are going to awaken them. I'm not sure though if those worlds need awakening. Just because we didn't see them in KH1 or KH2 doesn't mean they vanished.
    16. Day~Dream
      I thought they did to be honest. Well, only one I know that definately needs awakening is Cinderella's world which was shown.
    17. Gelatinous Ghost
      Gelatinous Ghost
      I don't know how much I like the idea of them learning the "proper technique" for wielding the keyblades. I always found that each person who used it had their own unique style of battle in regards to their blade strokes, postures, aerial attacks, etc. I don't like the idea of all key bearers conforming to one discipline of combat. That would make it stale.

      But the idea of entirely new worlds is sweet, the new outfits look great, and the combat looks fast paced and wild. Those things I look forward to.

      However, I am also sort of sad that total 3D play may be difficult on the eyes. Not actually owning a 3DS yet, I was looking forward to testing that aspect of the machine on my favorite franchise. I guess the perception of it is different for everyone, so I will just have to see for myself. Thanks for being on top of things, Mike. ​
    18. Stella Nox Fleuret
      Stella Nox Fleuret
      The Neko cat turned out better than I thought, and Neku's CG Render is pretty sweet. And I FINALLY get the Dream Eaters. Thanks, Mike!
    19. key dragon
      key dragon
      Wonder if you can still get new keyblades in this game? Hopeflly something similar to the X-Blade.
    20. Llave
      If they keep the tradition of a world keyblade, we should be seeing many new ones as almost every world is a new one we have not yet ventured to. As for as something like the X-Blade, i think it is fairly plausible that it could be emerged in "sleep".