Dream Drop Distance: Famitsu Weekly (FULL Interview)

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jan 21, 2012.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York
    Hello KH-Vids. The new Nomura interview we just posted earlier this week from Famitsu Weekly has been full translated by SQEXGAL. The full interview can be found below. Axel/Lea fans will be excited to know why he returns in this new Kingdom Hearts title. Yes...he's back - in human form with all his memories as a nobody. "Got it memorized?"

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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jan 21, 2012.

    1. phoenixkh93
      ┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ) Chill out, that table had my hot chocolate on :o

      I was convinced Terra was Leon as well back in the day :) Glad I'm not alone there!
    2. nightbane30
      Epicness Overload *Explodes*
    3. greater_bloo
      I like interviews with Nomura they're always so informative yet vague, and apparently funny. (Laughs.) So apparently we have a Time Traveler in the series, with that we have everything Ms. Suzumiya is looking for Espers (Neku and co.), Aliens (Stitch and co.), and a Time Traveler (Goldie-eyes). Well we're still missing a Slider but I'm sure Nomura will bring that up one day...unless you count Sora as one...or everyone in this game (They can jump from the 2nd dimension to the 3rd dimension with the adjustment of the 3D slider!)

      Anyway I'm still kinda weirded out and confused on how Sora and Riku will switch mid-gameplay. Not only in terms of gameplay but also in story does it mean Sora and Riku will experience the same events? The explanation just made me even more confused. @_@
    4. Ability King KK
      Ability King KK
      Maybe, but remember that a lot of the Org. XIII members changed a little in appearance when they became Nobodies, so there could be a very small chance that Luxord had gold eyes when he was a Somebody.
    5. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      Nomura said in the interview that the change from Sora to Riku and vice/versa won't be forced because they didn't like it. So we can switch whenever we want to, but we have to switch to continue the storyline. For example, If you went too far with Riku, you can't continue until you switch to Sora to continue the story. That's pretty much what I got from the interview for this whole switching players issue.
    6. redhairedking
      Well well well, the MF has finally been unveiled.
    7. Ventus PSP Aqua
      Ventus PSP Aqua
      Wow..this game keeps getting more interesting and exciting to play. I'm gonna be really looking forward to the members of org.13 Stories and mysterious figure. Finally he won't be mysterious anymore lol
    8. Shiki
      So this means the best way to play through the game would be to go to each world and explore as Sora/Riku then switching to the other character?
    9. Mixt
      I'm fairly sure it is a mixed system like they have on the site currently. After so long it will happen on its own to make sure it is done, but you can also force it to happen when you want to.
    10. Bledsoe34
      Speaking of some of the Organization members being brought back to where they lost their hearts, I wonder if they'll ever show anything of them WHEN they lost their hearts? I'm just oddly fascinated by this thought for some reason.
    11. NamineArtistOfLove
      Yay <3

      I'm so glad org.13 finally reached it's goal. (sorta...) It made me really sad knowing they were all doomed. :'( I wonder what Lea/Axel could be searching for? Roxas-kun maybe? I guess I'll find out, ne? Still, the more I hear, the more excited I am. Thank you so much for this! *Is trying not to cry.* STUPID AMERICA WAITING FOREVER FOR JAPANESE IMPORTS!! Grr.... This is one of the MANY reasons I'm moving to Shibuya after college. T_T So maybe Sora will have Roxas' memories as well? *Thinks of Xion.* Maybe not... The same for Namine/kairi? It's very confusing after a while...Speculation hurts. xD
    12. Krown
      Aha, awesome.
      I nerdgasmed.

      Thanks Mike~