Dream Drop Distance: Ending Revealed in Two Video!

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Mar 30, 2012.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York
    Hello KH-Vids. If you're wondering what happens in the end of Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance; the wait is over. KH13 has provided the complete ending of this title which was captured by fellow fans across Japan who are recording live streams. Major spoilers, but yet so worth it.

    Please note, I will not be providing links to any live streams.


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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Mar 30, 2012.

    1. Iskandar
      No, Sora is awake at the end. It's not like Inception or anything. What I mean is if he might have gone back to the dream worlds or something after all that stuff with Riku becoming the master and everything. Although, since Sora's clothes changed when he went to the dream world, maybe it is the real world, since his clothes are the same black clothes from KHII
    2. Cloud4012
      NO WAY!! Lea gets his own keyblade Awesome
    3. key dragon
      key dragon
      Compared to Final Fantasy XIII-2, I don't really see anything "dark" about this ending. At least Sora scored some awesome pets.
    4. Mish
      WHY MUST I WATCH. Oh, how I spoil myself.

      From my limited knowledge of Japanese, I was only able to decipher the following dialogue:

      Lea: Sup, I have a keyblade now.
    5. greater_bloo
      Alright. You've left me with no other choice (Some fool on youtube who spoiled me). I have to release the desire in my heart. The dark desire that I've been holding back. *takes off blindfold* Even...if it changes me forever. *Watches ending*

      I-I don't even know where to begin! Heck, I don't even know how this will continue to another KH game! So Sora becomes a hermit and a Dream Eater Master?, Meanwhile Ven is all like "Still waiting...", Lea becomes a Keyblade wielder, and THEY'RE HAVING A TEA PARTY!? Looks like Nomura wanted people to go "WTF!?" when their friends try to explain the ending to them lol.

      Anyway I like how animated everyone's movements are, it really matches their personalities more. Heheh Sora didn't show any sadness at all when Riku was the only one chosen as Keyblade Master. Which is kinda a relief I can't really imagine anyone respecting Sora as a master anyway. Anyone learning how to use a Keyblade under him would probably just learn to do goofy faces. xD Kidding I bet Sora would be an acceptable, yet fun master.

      Also this whole ending seems to be drawing on past games quite a lot. I really doubt anyone who is starting with this game will get much from this...unless that Memoir feature does its job right.

      I believe this is the regular ending? So the secret ending is still out there to shock and awe right?
    6. nemohljsem
      I really appreciate the videos, but is there a way how to record videos directly from 3DS while playing or extracting them from game's card in HD quality?
    7. Mixt
      For 3DS, no. I'm trying my hardest to keep in touch with that, and the is one developer that seems to be close to a breakthrough. Until then recording on the 3DS really comes down to how well you can setup a camera to point at the screens.
    8. nemohljsem
      Thanks, so extracting it directly from game's card is not an option too. But nothing is impossible and maybe one day somebody will find out how to do it.
    9. Maggy
      definately the most epic moment in KH history....

    10. greater_bloo
      It seems everyone is getting a Keyblade nowadays. Wonder if Lea can even use a sword type weapon, I can see him using Strike Raid more than anything else. xD
    11. nickoboyzx
      that was the long ending that i ever seen in kingdom hearts game

      but i was really a great ending

      thanks for the news
    12. smeen
      I can only go 'WHAT THE HELL' at my screen right now.

      Thank you Nomura.
    13. Light-Rune Maven
      Light-Rune Maven
      Considering i cant speak japanese, their isnt a single spoiler in here. So Im going to enjoy This
    14. Mako Tsunami
      Mako Tsunami
      Dude, not true. Stop watching if you don't want your mind blown!
    15. dirk123
      Reminds me of the Final Fantasy 1 plot with the time loop of Garland sending the Fiends to the present so they can sent him to the past, this loop continueing so he becomes immortal.

      Also, part 1 of the ending is subbed, hooray
    16. Roxasnobody13
      I Would like to know exactly how did Xehanort become a heartless and has a nobody, as we saw after aqua saved Terra/MX, He was landed in Radiant Garden and was turned into a scientist was Ansem the wise, I really don't get how he was revived when he had Terra's body to live anyways, **** im so confused