Dream Drop Distance: A Number of Scenes Are Revealed!

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Mar 31, 2012.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York
    Hello KH-Vids. Finally we're seeing more content from Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance. In fact some of this content has been around for the past 24 hours. I've been debating on how much we should post and what should receive the spoiler alert. Below are links and information of the videos. If you don't want to access this update anymore, do not click on "spoiler".

    *More videos will be updated to this post when it becomes available.

    All cutscenes have been provided by KH13
    Sora Encounters Braig: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EZyHl3cTvE
    Sora Meets Roxas: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NN5ZdsmRzm8
    Sora Remembers Aqua: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1QdUQl6krA
    Riku Encounters Red Eye: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVSDSk2o0G4

    Mysterious Figure Battle: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCLDSjSLu0Q
    (Special thanks to Mako Tsunami for letting me know)

    Secret Boss (Julius): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCsykz3TSX0
    (Special thanks to (Krowley for letting me know)

    Second Secret Boss Battle: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AMZzdBaNlw
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Mar 31, 2012.

    1. Sanya
      I take it these were ripped from the livestream... that talking is really annoying. I'll wait until we get some better quality vids.
    2. Iskandar
      Sora Encounters Braig: There's a huge spoiler in this one.
      I never would have guessed that Xehanort/Ansem SoD was the reason that Xehanort became a keybearer in the first place. So it's like one of those time loops huh? Sending off yourself so you keep going to learn more, or whatever his goal was? That's a huge thing, finding this out. And the fact that Ansem traveled through time because he was just a heart, and right after that went to Destiny Islands; this is some big info. Now I really need to see this as a whole. But if this is true, than does that mean that Xehanort turned himself into a heartless while being Ansem's apprentice on purpose? Do you think he might have remembered something about needing to lose his physical form?
      Sora Meets Roxas: This is depressing. When Roxas touched Sora, did he show all of his memories, even from Days?
      Sora Remembers Aqua: Not sure I followed what was happening here. So basicall Xehanort and Braig wanted to experiment to see if they could make new hearts when they didn't have one? That was what all of KHII was about? And why is Xemnas listening to Braig? I thought Xemnas was Braig's superior
    3. Marluxia912
      At first when it said Riku vs Red Eyes
      I thought they meant Hunter of the Dark from BBS Final Mix...my dreams were crushed >_>
      Still, it would've been nice to see the fight instead of seeing the cutscenes.
      At least then we would've known what we're going to be up against once the game comes out.
    4. HeartofFire
      Ugh. The quality's.. bleh. I'll wait. But thanks anyway. It's cool to know Sora will remember Aqua.
    5. kngdmhrts2
      *sees the name of the secret boss*...No?...it couldnt be? *checks video* Holy moly it is!!...now THAT'S a secret boss xD
      And the amount of HP that goes in one hit...oh dear, could be a loooooong battle.
    6. Ability King KK
      Ability King KK
      Oh Julius is going to be a ***** to fight. I wonder how he got into Traverse Town, 'cause obviously he would be a resident of Disney Castle/Disney Town considering his origins.
    7. nickoboyzx

      how could my friend name in there??

      but who cares....

      thanks for the news
    8. Mike
    9. Krowley
      (Deciding to post any new videos I find here)

      Another Secret Boss video has emerged;

      The Frog Prince.
      His HP is just as high as Julius.
    10. Mako Tsunami
      Mako Tsunami
      Ridiculous secret bosses must be a theme for this game. =/
    11. Krowley
      A Short scene from destiny islands.
      I think it's pretty good quality for having been recorded from a Camera.


      Also, look what happens when you defeat Julius!