Dream Drop Distance: 29 More Days Till Release!

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Feb 28, 2012.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York
    Hello KH-Vids. Today I'm just making a special update in regards to Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance.

    As many of you know, the title releases in Japan on March 29th 2012. Today officially makes it a month until Dream Drop Distance is released. Today in Japan, it is officially February 29th 2012.

    Now about our release in North America and Europe? Square-Enix! Don't make me call and harass you! I should call as Roxas, just saying. Would that impress them? ...probably not.

    Edit: Just for laughs (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhTHH035U-4).
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Feb 28, 2012.

    1. Gelatinous Ghost
      Gelatinous Ghost
      I am really hoping that the June/July release predictions are spot on. Having all summer to play, free of the shackles of tertiary education would be pure delight. ​
    2. Excasr
      Oh, it is finally coming! One day at time, this make us all wanting to the time of the release comes more faster, and then for English release too!

      Ahahaha. How they could ignore Roxas!?
    3. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      One month!!!! Can't wait! Btw, when do tv commercials for the game start appearing?
    4. adamboy7
      For the Am\erican release or the Japanese release? I would assume the American camercials wont be for another few months. The Japanese ones will probably be airing soon however, thats my guess anyways.
    5. NemesisPrime
      I'm thinking about calling them as Master Xehanort!
    6. Maggy
      Yaaaaaaaayyyyy! I cant wait!

      I need something to keep my mind off real life XD
    7. starseeker3
      Do it, if i sounded like anyone, i would, but i don't have voice emulation skills but still HOW DID THEY IGNORE ROXAS!!! it sounded just like him
      Japanese placed people are lucky...THEY DON'T NEED WAIT FOR MUCH LONGER!!!!!!
    8. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      I was talking about the Japanese commercials. I was wondering how many weeks before the game's release do we need to wait. Can't remember when the ones for KH2, Days, and BBS came out.
    9. Tears_into_Roses
    10. Cloudrunner62
      Lol, you do a VERY good Roxas there, Mike. One month for them. Only a few for us.
    11. shadowlugia2000
      lol you sound just like roxas! its a wonder how they could ingnore you. I still cant wait for them to release kh 3d because eveybody will have all summer to play it :3
    12. greater_bloo
      Let's all call them as Kingdom Hearts characters! Let me get my Vanitas and Sora voice! XD

      But yeah just a little less than a month left people. Get your hype on! Can't wait to see the opening!
      Oh and nice recording Mike made me laugh. :D
    13. NemesisPrime
      Master and apprentice together we shall open the door to Square-Enix and a surge of fandom shall begin!

      Translation: You. Me. Xehanort/Vanitas group call. What do you say?
    14. Llave
      It is very rewarding knowing that the Japanese release date is nearing so quickly! Not only that, but supposedly the NA and EU releases will be in record time. Let's hope they hold up that appearance.

      Hahaa I always love your Roxas and Ventus skits. They are really funny and light hearted.
    15. nickoboyzx
      roxas voice almost like ventus O,O

      and wow 29 days left i sure can't wait
    16. NamineArtistOfLove
      Lol, whut?

      Listening 2 him call Square just made my day. xD I'm in the middle of class and I'm like, "Jeez, how am I even passing this class!?"