I always wandered whether it was worth buying or not, it really looked very interesting and it looked like a game with the potential to be amazing. I've never played it though but I have a friend who used to play it all the time. She tried to get me into it but I never really played it, but I have heard good things about it.
I used to have this game, and it did entertain me for a while...but I started getting sick of it because of all the collecting you had to do. I stopped playing it a bit after the first boss because of it. But if there wasn't so much collecting I would've enjoyed it much more.
I remember having owned the original. The only thing that remotely entertained me was the customization. I loved making my creations all ******ed! XP
Sure, I like collecting too, I love playing games like ratchet and clank where there are heaps of collectibles, but when I played drawn to life, I didn't feel accomplished when I collected stuff, the game didn't give me the 'well done' feeling like R&C or even Metroid did.
I loved these games but I got 100% in a few hours. I bought the second one used and I turned it in two days after I bought it. Not because it sucked, because I beat it.
I like the series, but it has gone nowhere. I have both for the DS. Fun platformers though but got tired of it fairly quickly, because of the repetitive of the game.
I had actually bought this game for my sisters birthday last year. Iv'e never actually played it myself but she seems to enjoy it alot.