Traditional Art Dragons in Flight

Discussion in 'Arts & Graphics' started by Hissora, Jul 16, 2008.

  1. Hissora ahurhurhur.

    Sep 30, 2006
    behind you :U
    After not drawing a dragon in 2 years, guess what I did XP

    Here's da link

    I'm very disappointed in the background, and to lazy to fixit. perhaps tomorrow?
    Ehh, whatevs.

    Critique? Pl0x?
  2. Cherry Berry Chaser

    Dec 4, 2006
    Nudist Beach
    Your green dragon has no jaw.

    The wing seems a little stiff...

    I like your drawing, I think if you add more details, you'd get a damn fine dragon 8D
  3. Hubba-Bubba-Bubbles Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 18, 2007
    In a chair in front of my computer...
    Yeah the Green one has no jaw and it's wings are kinda crazy looking but I like it nice job​
  4. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]

    D8 I beg to differ here, my lovelys... in my point of view, the green dragon's face, or jaw, seem just fine. You've got to look at the drawing through it's perspective, and I'm basically comparing a Brachiosaurus' head to the green one, and perspective wise, it looks just fine. The jaw is emphasized by the tiny, and very visible pencil line right under the left ear, I'm not sure how people missed that, as the slight bump also puts the emphasis on it as well. Also, the oh so curviness of the green dragon makes it quite clear that, that it's a female. Am I correct? The eyes also tell alot as well. ;) The slender jaw, the almond eyes and the slightly curved neck give away it's sex, and I must say she's one hot dragon! <3

    Now before I move onto the whatever critique there is to give on this drawing, I must also say something else too. Hun, I just LOVE how you colored the dragons! 8D Yes, it's true that I'm not a big fan of the background, but you also realize that as well, but love, the 3D aspect is gorgeous, and you deserve a BIG pat on the back for that! However, this only applies to the green dragon. The red one, or the male dragon's colors look a little sloppy. It's really obvious that you took your time with the green one, and she looks amazing. Really good job on that. Now, if you can do this with color pencils, try doing the same thing with a pencil to add depth to your drawings. Watch, try and learn. ^_^- The last thing I absolutely adore about this piece is the fact that the two dragons have eye contact. Many fail to make proper eye contact with the characters in the drawing and the people who look at them. The eye contact between the two are deep and it actually reflects some emotion. So, good job on that as well, love.

    Now for the negatives... The green dragon's body seems fine from the proper point of view, but those are some funky looking wings you got there. Were you aiming for feathers? Because feathers are actually rather difficult to draw, and I'm still a little challenged with them. Dx While the body is fine with her, it's her wings that you've missed the perspective on. The wings look more like upside down Christmas trees than actual wings. Not to mention, the way the wings are, she doesn't seem to be on flight, but looks like she's tucked her wings in, and coming in for a crash landing. So, you're missing the perspective on the wings, and some on the face [only a LITTLE bit]. Her right ear is out of perspective, as well as her right eye. I'd consider them just fine if you's shown some marking indicating her right nostril. If that was done, then I'd have no other complains on her.

    Alrighty... the red, male dragon dude guy...thing. O.o' His head's a little awkward. Too many sharp corners and should've been made smoother. I'd actually say that the RED one has no jaw. And looks more like he's got a fatty double chin. O.o' Hmm... that's all. xDD And you could've left the other wing out of the picture too, love, as the viewer would be able to understand its posture nonetheless. Putting in the second wing, it makes his posture look all the more awkward. Lastly, his wings, you should've started them from more towards his back... think of where the shoulder blades are, I mean from there. Work a little more on the wings, and drawing bat wings is just as much as difficult as drawing feathered wings. I've already said that his colors aren't as great as the green one, but he still looks lovely nonetheless. 8D

    You've improved on shadowing. I are proud! <3
  5. Hissora ahurhurhur.

    Sep 30, 2006
    behind you :U
    Not that I love the CnC, but HOLY CRAP! XD

    I have a few things I want to explain that I should have before~

    For the female's wings I was trying to get that feel of her going into a nose dive and then swoop up, that's why her wings are a bit scrunched up in that position. And yes those are feathers.

    I'll try and work on all that, too. ;]
  6. Cherry Berry Chaser

    Dec 4, 2006
    Nudist Beach
    Lol, but I have to admit, I can't shadow like that, so great job with the coloring.

    I know the dragon has feathers for wings lol xD
  7. Hissora ahurhurhur.

    Sep 30, 2006
    behind you :U
    I was talking to pyro, not you.
  8. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    :dead: I try to make my CnC's small, love... I really do, but I always PHail epically.

    Ohhh.... I can see it now. *nods* I see what you were trying to aim for. However, have you ever seen a pigeon coming in for a landing? Or maybe a hawk swooping down for its prey only to miss it? I can understand why you'd want to tuck in her wings, but for a nose dive like that, a creature with wings would actually spread their wings for balance as they dive, and tuck it in for the brief nano second before they swoop up, only to spread their wings really fast and flap them madly to hoist their body up into the air again. 8D So that's why I was expecting her wings to be open and spread. ^_^-

    To work on feathers, look through paintings or drawings of wings... or look at a feather itself to get a general idea. Feather's are generally one of the most difficult things to draw next to water in motion... :sideways: Well, search google for examples and practice! You know what the slogan is, practice makes perfect.

    And lastly, I love looking at your work, because you actually make use of the advice people give you. <3 Keep up the good work, hun!

    Btw... I'm in LOVE with your siggy. <33 That thing is just E-P-I-C!
  9. Cherry Berry Chaser

    Dec 4, 2006
    Nudist Beach
    I know, just re-pointing it out.