Dragonball Z Infinite World

Discussion in 'Code Vault' started by Terra26, Nov 10, 2008.

  1. nokai Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 27, 2007
    can someone please tell me how to mod games too?
    i really want to become good at it and it sounds like fun:D

    btw i have a question, everyone has something under their names for example: moogle assistent.
    and other people have hollow bastion commitee standing under their names, is it some kind of rank?
  2. 00Roxas00 剛情のロクサス

    Feb 22, 2008

    I have to try that out.

    Anyway, i'm labeling my dumps and testing some codes out to check what there is to this game. So yeah, just to let you guys know i'm hacking it. I'll have fun hacking the Dragon Missions for sure! >D So yeah, if anyone has any ideas on what they want hacked for this game tell me. And keep on the look out.