Dragon Ball Z Tenkaichi series

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Kaihedgie, May 14, 2008.

  1. Kaihedgie Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 20, 2008
    Whilst ze new Burst Limit game is set to be out some time soon, thought I might concentrate on the Tenkaichi series

    Also known as Budokai Tenkaichi in the US, the series uses a completely different fighting game engine vastly different from Budokai. In essence, it actually emulates the fights often seen in the manga/anime series. Whereas Budokai was simply a traditional fighting game with a few tweaks, Tenkaichi's engine allows for combatants to completely full-roam the arena, where the entire landscape itself is the battleground instead of bein' restricted to a preset area in pseudo-3D.

    Talkin' about the gameplay itself, it's pretty easy to play. As said before, players can free-roam the entire playing field. All arenas also contain destroyable obstructions which can be destroyed by rushing into them at full speed or smashin' yer opponents into them or by a powerful blast. Close quarter combat is done with the Square button whilst ki blasts are done with the Triangle button. Characters can build up Ki by holding down the R2 button. Characters can take flight by pressing the R1 button and dash whilst holding X while moving Players can actively chase their opponents by Dragon Rushing, in which they chase their opponents like a bullet and proceed to smash them away. Special moves are easy to perform. Unlike other fighting games where powerful, uber moves are executed by complex direction inputs, special attacks are done with with R2+Triangle. Some of these moves like the Kamehameha can be charged and stalled while holding down the Ki button before releasing to fire. All special moves can be given a power boost as well. Some stronger moves like Goku's Spirit Bomb or Broly's Omega Blaster can cause battle damage wounds on the targets such as torn clothing and some form of bleeding, and if knocked out by said attack, disintegrates completely. Featured also are world-ending attacks which causes a planet's landscape to change drastically when hit successfully

    Tenkaichi is known for having an insane amount of characters, more than any fighting game alone contains, though some of these characters are various forms or incarnations of other characters. Most of the fighters in the series can transform in game by pressing R3 when they have enough energy. Some transformations are permanent whilst others can be reversed. Also, all forms are treated as separate characters so one could start a match as SSJ3 Goku instead of having to waste sh*tloads of times trying to get it and stay in said form. Typically, while in a new form, the character's movelist will change. The Tenkaichi series is also the only DBZ series which gives players access to characters not normally playable elsewhere, allowing for some dream matches and includes a sizable amount of characters from DB to DBGT, including the more obscure characters like Devilman and Arule as well as Android #8. Also, all members of the Ginyu Force are playable instead of just Ginyu and Recoome. The series also contains playable Oozaru forms, even ones not seen in original source material such as Oozaru Nappa or Oozaru Turles.

    Some of the Budokai fans and other fighting game fans had complained about the characters' special moves being too identical such as the common Full Power Energy Wave, though it should be noted that said characters do use these kinds of attacks in the series and that they never had any unique ones to begin with. Others have complained that the system was too awkward or too easy, though not EVERY fighting game has to be mind-numbingly complicated.

    Well, maybe that's just meh, but the Tenkaichi series really does capture the essence of the DBZ fights we grew up watching.
  2. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta The Demon Slayer

    Jun 24, 2007
    The Plains
    I play those games too!

    I just love them!

    Especially Tenkaichi 3.

    At first I thought it wasn't possible for them to make a better DBZ game than the Tenkaichi 2.

    But man...Tenkaichi 3 REALLY proved me wrong.

    When I bought it I found it superior to Tenkaichi 2 in every way.
  3. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Tenkaichi 3 owns the original Budokai series imo. I absolutely loved how they re-did the story-mode,and the loading times dont suck anymore ^^
  4. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    PSSSH! Budokai Original 1 and 2 FTW!
  5. Kaihedgie Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 20, 2008
    Budokai 1 was alright cause it had cutscenes. Budokai 2 was alright cause it had more forms for Buu.

    Problem is: What kind of fighting game forces the player to unlock special attacks for characters? D:

    But like I said, only Tenkaichi lets ye play as the big guys. o:
  6. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    True, true. I liked the capsule system in the first 3 Budokais. Also, I love Tenkaichi though.
  7. Kaihedgie Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 20, 2008
    Lookin' back at it now. The Capsule thing was pretty...stupid, ya gotta admit. The only way you could get a character's entire moveset was if you had a Breakthrough capsule, but that takes up ALL slots. Same thing for Fusion capsules
  8. BlazBlue Calamity King's Apprentice

    Dec 19, 2006
    True but budokai ssj 4 gogeta fusion was powerful any way i prefer tenkaichi the damage system was good as you take damage it shows when your at a certain amount of health and the fields are great
  9. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    cutscenes in Budokai 1 was the only reason it was good.
  10. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    I'm gonna miss full 3-D fighting...I'm not good at 2-D fighting. Burst Limit looks great but I still like flying around.