Dr. Tifa~Unleashed

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by chula-claire, Dec 16, 2007.

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  1. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    OOC: Alrightie then, cloud's buddy and squish, go away... far away...

    Rei sputtered out between laughs, trying to catch her breath from the constant heaving. Hehe, she knew who the Ancient was, for it was indeed the beautiful Aerith. But Tifa had one-up'ed her somehow, because she had obviously "done it" with Cloud.
  2. squish Banned

    Dec 15, 2007
    Winry took the microphone"Who here thinks Tifa should tell us how she knows clouds cok"She said with a seriouse face,luaghing a bit as she giggled looking at the audience a big grip on the microphone.

    Yuffie yelled "Yeha I agree!"And then she got more then almost half the crowd going yes
  3. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    OOC: squish! Please leave. I'm reporting you as well if you don't.
  4. squish Banned

    Dec 15, 2007
    ooc:Sry that was after you said that while you where posting it sry and ok....Hahaha now I got the mury show rp in my head but I'ama not going to make it lol byez
  5. Axel smirked pleasantly at Cloud's outburst, finding that he had hit a touchy subject. Of course, he knew about it, but Tifa was all altered, and it was his turn. "Make me, Chocobo. I was just going to tell everyone the beautiful story, and who knows, maybe we can even have Aerith be here, if she isn't already."

    Tifa was rubbing her temples by now, groaning at what was happening to her beloved show. Okay, she was a doctor, all she needed was some good meditation, pills, and to calm down. What was Axel excactly trying to accomplish? Aerith is one her closest friends, and this whole topic...was dangerous. She looked at Cloud for a second, before her eyes were placed on the redhead again, this time, serious. "Axel, give it to me."

    He just raised a hand to her, as if to wait, before glancing at Cloud. "Why don't you tell us, Mr. Strife? How hard is love, truly, and how tough was it for you to decide between two gorgeous ladies. Or did you simply go for the bigger bust?"
  6. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    Ooh, this sounds interesting! Uh, Larxene and Zexion please. :)​
  7. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    OOC: Sure thing Nymph :D
  8. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud drew his sword and held it in one hand,he glared coldly at Axel"...Why tell you?..you'll only find some material to rant about...you've humiliated Tifa on her own show... and you wont humiliate anyone else!"Cloud shouted as he grabbed the sword with both hands

    Cloud was obviously pissed off,and at the moment it was best not to provoke him,because he'd fight to the death,NO ONE messes with his friends...
  9. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    "...Cloud?" Aerith had been walking down the left aisle near his seat ever since Axel had mentioned her. "Please, let's not fight." She looked up at Tifa and smiled, yet quickly turned to Axel with disdain. "You should be ashamed of yourself!" Walking up to the stage, she jumped up and was soon standing next to him. "Why are you trying to humiliate Cloud and Tifa? And me?"

    Rei watched the scene play out, taking her feet down to lean forward. This was very interesting...
  10. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Cloud was a little shocked to see Aerith here,but he could not smile at her appearance,he was still angry

    Cloud looked back at Axel and gripped his sword tighter"Yeah...tell all of us A**hole...what have we ever done to you!?''he asked
  11. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    Aerith pointed a scolding finger at Axel, wagging it in his face. "If you don't give Tifa her microphone right now, you will be escorted out by security."

    Rei sat there in her seat, covering her mouth as she tried to keep in something she had been wanting to add for a while. Letting go of her resistance, she suddenly shouted, "Zexion and Riku are emo too!!"
  12. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "Or in a bodybag...now drop it" Cloud demanded coldly,he was glad that Aerith had come,Axel had the audience on his side and Cloud thought it would be 1 vs. 100,but Aerith's presence had always given him hope and courage,and if he even thought of ranting about Aerith...
  13. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Ugh......I started reading it up to like page 3 or 4 but then decidecd to stop.....too many banned n00bish posts......so......recap so far?.....please?........and....where am I supposed to be?
  14. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    OOC: Hey Fire ^^

    Our starting segment was about being emo. Tifa is talking with Axel, who outright shouted that Cloud is emo. Tifa's trying to maintain her composure (not working), and Cloud is snubbing it all in the audience. Then, Axel took the mic and mentioned Aerith, and Cloud went nuts. Axel and Cloud were on stage, and Aerith came out of the audience and is scolding Axel.

    Well, you can sit next to Rei in the audience, or join the 'emo' segment after Axel's thrown out (most likely xD)
  15. Axel just kept blinking as Aerith kept scolding him like he was a child, which admittingly he was acting like it. He just wanted to have some fun, and that meant pissing off Cloud, he just needed he right arrangements. He did have to dodge his attack though, so he was not even near Tifa when Aerith came along. Boredly, he merely held the microphone in his hand, before it began to burn, smoke billowing out as the metal melted, the screeching that happens setting off in the room.

    It was soon enough that a heap of metal slump to the floor with a thud, and Axel dusted his hands off. He turned to the long, brown haired beauty. "Sorry, Aerith, but I hate being scolded. And contrary to what you think, I didn't mean what I said, I just wanted to get Cloud here. And I'm bored. See ya."

    With that, he portalled out, but not before giving the finger to the blond as he disappeared.

    Tifa squeaked when she saw Axel burn her mic, and followed it listlessly as it clumped to the ground, which didn't even look like a microphone anymore. Fantastic. That was her lucky one, now she had to get a replacement. When this show was over, she was going to castrate Axel so bad..."Argh!"
  16. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "Coward!"Cloud spat as Axel dissapeared,he placed the sword back in its holster and clenched his fist's

    AXel really was a oward,when everyone was on his side it was the opportune moment to strike the unsuspecting civilian,but whn 2 or 3 friends on the one he's picking on join the fray he runs.what a c*nt...

    Cloud walked over to Tifa"..Sorry about your microphone''he said,seing how much it had apparently it meant to Tifa,but for gods sake Tifa it as a god d*mn microphone,boo hoo!
  17. Tifa shook her head, waving it off, too late already. She squeaked more on the fact that it was Axel who did that, not expecting it. She was going to answer back to Cloud to forget it, when she heard a a swoosh from in front of her, and there was Axel holding a microphone for her with a smirk.

    What the hell...?

    Axel raised a eyebrow at Cloud, obviously hearing the coward yell, but he simply portalled into the audience to see the reaction. He could easily prove the blond wrong if he was still up for a fight, and to kick his a**. Turning to Tifa again, thinking he should explain, he said, "The one I burned was another mic, this one the real one, yours. I kind of switched them when no one was paying attention, I had one hidden in my pocket. This microphone event I had planned before I went on this show...you're still up for another segment?"

    She took the mic from his hand cautiously and suspiciously, and when nothing out of the ordinary happened, Tifa went to study the mic's head, looking around for her mark that nobody knew about to see if he was telling the truth. Ignoring Axel's weird glance at her, she spotted the small, scratched letter "T" hidden, the same way as she had left it. Blinking, she stared at Axel surprised, but with a frown, "I still want to kill you..."

    He smiled pleasantly. "Doesn't everyone?"
  18. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: Axel came back chewla!

    Cloud glared at Axel when he returned,and apparently he had burned a fake mic just to upset Tifa,did the idiot really think that was clever?

    at least he had the decency to return it,Cloud began walking back to his seat
  19. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    Aerith put a friendly hand on her shoulder, smiling. "Yeah, let's get on with the show!" She turned to Axel disappointedly, but shook it off. "But let's try for a different guest, shall we?"
  20. Axel rolled his eyes, but rested his case as he went to walk back to the audience, going through few people as he sat next to Rei. He wanted to see what else Tifa had in stored, because her first guest finished a bit too early. Sighing, he relaxed back down. "That's no fun..."

    Tifa simply gave a nod to Aerith, before clearing her throat, composing herself after the....recent happenings. Forgetting what she was suppose to do, she simply improvised for the moment, trying to think of a topic. "The next guest, would be Rei! Welcome her!"
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