I adored that game until I got stuck in those mines and my shield caught fire. Now I can't move without dying instantly D:
I still remember the goddamn puzzles of the ice temple (if I'm not mistaken). And the last battle was epic. Link was my first video game character crush :,D and will always be <3
xDDD Why didn't you just return to Kakariko village n' buy a new one? I always thought the Statue puzzle before you recieved the Master Sword was a killer. Took me ages to figure it out. D: Awww, same. <3 He's still my absolute favourite n' probably forever be. It's difficult as you reach the central room with all the levels, but once you complete few of the linkin' rooms it becomes a lot easier.
Yeah dude the place up in the sky owns my ass that's that owns my ass D: I can't beat the final boss ): srsli I've beaten everything BUT him D:
Urgh! The City is the Sky was mega hard! The boss was so weak for such a difficult dungeon. A fun boss, but too easy. Reminded me a lot of the Eagle boss of the Eagle's Tower in Link's Awakenin'. xD C'mon, keep tryin'. Don't pull a KH2 n' complete it waaaay later than you should've. xD