Now it;s like those MMORPGs where you have to pay for specific items or gold or whatever. Why even bother playing the game if you can just pay for it to be beaten?
I wouldn't pay to get my levels up. I might pay the 300 MS points for gald if I had trouble finding gald, but besides that, I wouldn't touch this DLC.
I've played Tales games before, and if you're at least sort of good at the game, then you'd be wasting your time with this. Honestly, there are very few cases where you have to do a crapload of grinding, since almost all of the experience you need will be gained by just going through the story. To me it would just make it too easy and less fun. I'm not planning on touching it either. On a side note, I can't wait for this game.
Reminds me of the MMO's ruined by rich kids who buy their way to the top. I can see how some people might need gald, but buying leveling is so useless in Tales of games since you can get through relatively easy and the second playthroughs have boosted exp gain. Its a shame though, defeating all those uber side bosses that require awesome equips and a high level to beat will seem like less of an accomplishment now with people just buying levels~
to be honest im a big Tales fan but Tales of Vesperia kinda bored me i dont know why but it did Abyss was really good though and as was Symponia and Destiny and all the other but Vesperia really just bored me
Easiest way to burn cash n' ruin the game's experience. Why play games at all if you're not gonna work to play through it?
That's absoloutley laaaaaaaame, I love my money making schemes in games, i refuse to hand over points, i will level up the old fashioned way
Capitalism strikes again, and in a place where I thought we were safe from the imperfections of society. That is seriously stupid, you can't buy the self-satisfaction earned from completing a game.