So, the new update for the Xbox was released today, and it was supposed to disable modded consoles. Which it did. However, it also gave multiple unmodded 360s the RRoD. If you plan on using the Xbox, do so offline. I haven't updated myself, but one of my friends has, and his console got RRoD. I've looked on the Xbox forums, and 29 other people, at least, had unmodded systems get RRoD right after installing the update.
Yeah, this kind of **** happens every time an update is released. I'm going to go ahead and say that correlation doesn't equal causation and will only believe there's actually a problem when some news sources start reporting it.
Well, I'm going to stay on the safe side, since my Xbox is only a month old, and not update just yet.
Same here. I heard Slims were prone to this, too, however. There were two games that came up in complaints a lot: Call of Duty 2 and Black Ops. SO, I'm going to try Black Ops out once I'm done updating. (Finally decided to gamble with my console's life since I'm under warranty)
Mine's the new slim one, and it's running fine so far. I'm going to try Black Ops after SoulCaliburIV.
Oh lordie. So they've actually started bricking modded consoles? Do they just RRoD, or do they give some message about it being a modded console?
Probably just a red ring. Anyway, like I said, this kind of **** always comes up when a new update is applied. I should also point out that while even the 360 S isn't imune to the Red Ring, it is far less likely to get one. In fact, the newer your XBox is, the less likely it is to get one.
Both, often just one or the other. Some people have had bad luck and had both happen, though. What usually happens is one of their games becomes unreadable, usually Reach or Black ops, they restart, and get RRoDd.
I had a 360 since 2008 and not once did it RROD, I sure am lucky, and my 360 has gone through multiple console updates and not once have I ever RROD, I shouldn't smug like this but I still have no clue why everyone else is getting the RROD and I'm not, everyone says I'm lucky, I say it's bound to happen eventually, but oh well, I've had the update ever since it came out and it works fine with my, probably cause I never modded my console, but I hope this doesn't take away my modded gun I have in Borderlands, a friend gave my that gun and it has 9999 damage, I don't use it all the time but I use it when I'm in a tight spot, I really want to keep that gun in case I'm in trouble, anyway I should not change the topic to Borderlands :-P
nothing happened to mine or my friends xbox and we go online and play rockband like all the time so yeah i have an arcade he has the new one so maybe we just got lucky
Actually, depending on what part of 08 you got the XBox, yours might not be very prone to RRoD in the first place. After about August of 08, they implemented a number of hardware revisions to prevent the RRoD. Its not all of the hardware revisions as your XBox is most definitely missing the Jasper mother board, but still, while I don't have the exact numbers I wish I could find, the newer the XBox, the less likely it is to fail.