So I've been trying to get this emulator to work for me all day, and I've finally gotten it to play the game I want. But now it's giving me the black screen of death problem. Anyone have any suggestions? (inb4noemulatortalk)
A Gamecube one, FF Crystal Chronicles. It goes to a black screen after selecting single player on New Game. From what I've searched, it seems to be a common problem =/
Does this happen when you load the game or is it before hand? I tried the Dolphin Emulator but couldn't get the controller settings to work or even appear, so it may be an error like that where it can't detect a plug-in when it is clearly there.
well i played the game 2 months back and well it still works fine for me anyway here are my settings Spoiler
Hmm, that could be it. I don't have NVIDIA GeForce 8500 GT The game itself loads fine, it's after you select New Game on the menu screen that it messes up.