Our dog did something yesterday with her back and is now somewhat having a hard time getting around. Just about any time she moves, if it's just right, she cries. This has happened before -- and, luckily, it's not frequent -- and it usually lasts for a day or two, but is there anything we can do to ease the pain? Obviously, we can't give her aspirin like humans use for sore backs since it's for humans. Thanks in advance for any advice.
About the only thing you're going to be able to do is go to the vet and ask them about it. If that isn't an option, just try and let your dog sleep. Maybe wrapping her in a heated towel or something while she sleeps. Seeing as it's not frequent, going to the vet isn't necessary. However, if you'd like to get pain medication for your dog, if it's even necessary, going to the vet is the only way to go about it. You'd need to seek vet approval before giving your dog any form of medication.
We could visit the vet, but since it's not serious, we'll just let her rest and avoid a bill. Yeah, it's not very frequent at all. I *think* it started in 2011 (and I don't know if early, mid, or late), and it only happens once or twice a year.
Doesn't seem bad enough to go to the vet then. Just let her rest, and if you want, apply a heated towel on her back. If she lets it lay there it could help with the pain. Hope everything works out ^^
Thanks. The only difference this time is that she seems to crying and whining a lot. She seemed fine when I woke up around 6:00 AM yesterday morning. It was around when we left at 8:00 AM, since I take my mom to work, that she changed. I'm thinking she just moved wrong.
As Nights said, just let her get plenty of rest and a warm towel may actually be helpful too. If anything, though, as difficult as it can be, try to keep her from moving around so much. It will get better much quicker without the strain if moving around a lot. I hope your pup gets better soon! =)
Wait ... how can you tell ? Are you a vet ? If this happens regularly it could be something that never healed and/or will worsen over time. I know it' s quite typical for westerners to go to the doctor only when something' s wrong, or worse, only when it has become unbearable, but usually the sooner you detect a problem the easier it is to treat. Not to mention cheaper. Routine checkups are a must to be safe rather than sorry. tl,dr : even if you don' t go to the vet right now make sure you don' t forget to mention this when you eventually do.