Does Zodiac sign matters in a relationship?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Shikou, Jan 16, 2012.

  1. Shikou Kingdom Keeper

    May 13, 2009
    This isn't really a help with life related thing so thats why I posted here.
    Do you guys think the Zodiac sign of a person your with or you like matters?
    I like someone who is a Aquarius and I am a Cancer and from a site I read from said in order for a relationship to work we both have to work extra hard to make the relationship work. Aquarius lives for parties (which is true because he parties all the time) and I like one-on-one time (which is also true because I do).
    What do you guys think? Does it even matter? Or is it just silly to believe in these types of things?
  2. Cloud4012 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jul 19, 2011
    I really have no idea. I'm an Aquarius so it's said I can only be with others like me. But I don't believe that
  3. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    When you find that zodiac descriptions are accurate enough then I guess it would'nt hurt to refer to them for playful advice, but they should'nt stop you from pursuing someone you like.
  4. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    I don't know how those things work, and just for the record I'm a gemini, and I really don't think you should bother with them. I mean, maybe they might be right about your personality or things like that, but I believe you should just find out yourself if you're able to be together. Sure some people like to go with that superstitious stuff, but I'm a person that wants to find out for himself, and not base it on something that says it either might not work or could take a lot of work, because it could be dead wrong. But it's your choice.
  5. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    Other way around. The relationship matters in the zodiac sign.

    Synastry is not meant to say, "This is who you are;" it provides a rough outline of people who have come before you, born around the same time, and maybe even into similar circumstances, so that you can better interpret and understand yourself. Not to mention, a formal natal chart takes all the signs and a number of heavenly bodies into account and gives you a personalized, detailed description based on the signs, bodies, and position of each on the chart. No two natal charts are the same. I mean... Unless you're twins.

    The watered-down, condensed version is to take the alignment of one heavenly body, find out where it is, and call this your "sign." This is misleading; some people straddle the line as far as signs are concerned, and the draft description of one may not be suitable for all. For instance, I am far from a typical Aquarius, which I am by the tropical zodiac. Anecdotal evidence suggests that Aquarians are insensitive and not attuned to their emotions, neither of which I identify with. I typically measure my relationship potential by assuming I'm a Pisces, which is where Venus falls on my natal chart, and I express many Pisces traits. I might be more of a Pisces than an Aquarius! But my birthday alone wouldn't tell you that; I had no idea until I brought up a natal chart.

    At any rate, a well-constructed analysis of each sign does not rule out the possibility for a relationship with any other sign; it describes the challenges you face and helps you recognize how steep the climb will be and what sort of relationship is most likely. Ideally, a good analysis should never tell you more than you could have eventually figured out on your own, because it is attempting to characterize what is already there, not determine what will be; and it should never rule anything out, because it's not its place to do so.

    tl;dr It doesn't decide whether or not a relationship will work out, but it can be helpful and a lot of fun, especially if both you and your potential partner are interested in it and willing to take it seriously. Just don't take it too seriously; let your own personality shine, don't try to force one that you read in a horoscope.
  6. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    If we used stars to predict our future, like we do our relationships, we'd probably all be dead by now. 75+ times over.

    Seriously, a Zodiac can predict your relationship less well then you can. If you think you have a chance and believe in yourself, maybe assess the likelihood then sure, go with it. But don't believe that what someone posts online or on paper is genuine fact because they've 'read the stars', almost all columnists in newspapers have a batch of predictions in a Word doceument, copy, paste and edit it till it sounds mystical.

    I do Palm reading and Tarot card Readings, seriously I know bullsh!t.
  7. ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠ Chaser

    Jan 13, 2009
    This is the biggest load of crap I've seen all day. That's pretty impressive.

    All of that stuff isn't going to make a difference at all in a relationship. That's just dumb.
  8. Noroz I Wish Happiness Always Be With You

    Apr 3, 2011
    Doesn't matter what so ever. There is not factual science behind zodiac signs and how people act according to them. If you're similar to the definition it is purely coincidental.
    A relationships survives/lives on love, not what some mumbo-jumbo zodiac signs say.
  9. SonGoku Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 22, 2011
    Domino City
    All I have to say to this;
    Screw science! I mean, really? The only good thing we needed science for was gaming, and of course the Personal Computer!

    EDIT: Darn you Styx, I never really liked you offense *sniff*
  10. miaulement Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 8, 2011
    The Nether
    It doesn't matter at all. It's just a sign, if it says you're not compatible with someone that's just pure bullsh*t.

    It's fine and dandy to look at a zodiac sign thing for fun, but don't take it seriously, especially with relationships.
  11. Maggy Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 9, 2008
    I've actually looked that up on several occasions just to see what it would say about me and about the other person I am interested in. Its mostly just out of curiosity and a way of getting a feel for what a relationship would be like with said person.
  12. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    If you would like to be stuck in the past or be held down to patterns, then it would be perfectly fine to use such signs. However, you should analyze for yourself if you and your partner fit your respective signs; not by predictions, but by how you act now. What the signs tell you is that historically, people with the traits associated with those signs are compatible. If you do not have those traits, then the prediction is useless.

    Compatibility is not something that you should even want to predict. What is love if you did not have a choice in it?

    I personally would challenge patterns and go for what I wanted. There is no reason to follow a predetermined path. I will rise above what is laid out for me.
  13. T3F Chaser

    Mar 16, 2008
    I do find that sometimes it is strangely accurate. I'm a Pisces, so according to astrology I am emotionally-driven, I dream and plan but don't get much done, and I'm creative.

    The past few guys I've liked have been Virgos-while being a direct opposite of Pisces, they're a surprisingly good match.

    However, the guy I currently like is also a Pisces, and all it says is to be careful not to let emotions get the better of you, but the relationship would be passionate and full of fun :D

    I like to base the majority of the guys I like on astrology and the zodiac sign, because I don't see the coincidence in liking Virgos, Cancers and Scorpios but not say, Leo's (which are the worst possible match for a Pisces). I base a part of my life on it, not MAJORLY, but I do find it accurate to my personality.

    I know its all bull though, so if something's off, I don't follow it.
  14. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Think of it this way: if you did not know about the rumored compatibility of your signs, would you have any other serious hesitation in entering the relationship?

    Zodiac signs can be fun and, for some people, they can be pretty accurate. But as everyone has said, they have no legitimate basis, and thus no real bearing on... well pretty much anything. :v Just go for it. Even if your personality/traits are opposed, that doesn't mean that you're necessarily going to have issues.
  15. Maggy Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 9, 2008

    Well, that leaves me out......
  16. T3F Chaser

    Mar 16, 2008
    Its accurate for me, it may not be entirely accurate for you
  17. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future
    I don't care, actually. It's both silly and childish to choose those you love by just something that makes no sense and has nothing to do with how you two act around each other. I mean, really, why would I only associate myself with those of compatible zodiac?
  18. Te Deum Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 25, 2011
    I personally don't believe in Zodiac signs.

    But since my description as an Aries is so spot-on, it's usually easy to forget I don't believe in it.

    Also, you should notice how horoscopes always say good things about that Zodiac sign. If you read another sign's horoscope, it would be as good as (or maybe even better than) the other ones there.
  19. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    Unless you, as yourself, tailor yourself to be where the Zodiac actually matters, then no, in a relationship. it doesn't matter. Besides, I don't think it would be all too healthy if someone did that. I think a relationship depends on the people, not something someone else probably made up.
  20. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    Astrology is a load of bullshit and should not affect your decision-making whatsoever.

    There are so many things wrong with this post that I actually considered sigquoting it so people could have a laugh at your lack of brain cells. And I never sigquote, so that's saying something.
    Science has been more necessary to us than you could ever grasp. Or would you really care to care argue that medicine and vaccination haven't benefited humanity at all? Also, astrology is not and never will be a science. Now go wash your mouth and hands with soap.