Does text talk make you seem stupid?

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Saintlikesgirls, Apr 8, 2008.

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  1. Saintlikesgirls Chaser

    Nov 6, 2007
    honestly what do you think?
    do you think that by using text talk you think someone does not have an education?

    my opinion: no it just means either 1 of three things..
    1.) they're lazy
    2.) they just accidentally got into the habit
    3.) all of the above
  2. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    not at all. it's just a habit, or something different you do in a different situation, like writing cursive at school. as long as you keep text talk to cell phones and the Internet then there's nothing to worry about. IF however it goes to school and official documents, that person needs to STOP.
  3. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    I would say 3 so they could sneak talking through classtime and then sometimes some gets caught and gets it taken away from my school and sent to teh teacher. Nowadays, you're allowed to use it at before school,, break, lunch, and or after school.
  4. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    xD I txt tlk sometimes. But mainly with people I know that do the same. I feel stupid doing it, and it makes my friends look kinda stupid too. But hey it's all fun.
  5. Nailpolish <3 Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 14, 2007
    where the hell do you think?
    no actually, most people that text are people that can't talk on the phone. unlimited texting ftw.

    its just that we aren't alowed to bring cellphones to class, so usually we just text under our desks. mostly to get other people's phones to ring :]
  6. Zandyne King's Apprentice

    May 8, 2007
    Where the sun is hella bright.
    I believe that by "txt talking" the implications of sincerity and thought are sucked out. You can be a perfectly sane and academic human being, but omission of letters on purpose comes off as being annoying, lazy and rude unless there is substantial reason otherwise (such as ludicrous costs per letter). However, given the majority of unlimited text chat options being unleashed upon the cell phone community as well as more convenient ways to type correctly and efficiently, there really is no reason why one cannot fully type out their sentences.

    Also words are a bloody GIFT, USE THEM. It's like the gift/skill of reading, you didn't spend years learning how to read and write properly just to use some sort of butchered and mangled *******ization of the language just so you can POSSIBLY get your opinion down faster. This (well in this case) is a forum not the tangled horror of exchange known as the NASDAQ or a debating Senate.

    And we wonder why the older generations are afraid of the future.....
  7. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    It's only convenient on a phone, when you actually pay by the letter. I don't talk online to people who choke out garbled, half-finished sentences.
  8. Erkz Kingdom Keeper

    Jun 18, 2007
    In a place far removed from mankind.
    Whilst all that you say is verily accurate, I would recommend you do some research into communication studies. Methods of communication adapt to the situation. You wouldn't speak to a toddler in the way you would speak to your peers, and you wouldn't speak to your peers in the manner that you speak to your superiors. Likewise, you wouldn't communicate via cell phone the same way you would communicate on a forum's intellectual discussion board.

    Therefore, I object to your statement and as such quote the well-known adage...

    "Just because you can doesn't mean you should."
  9. TheMuffinMan Banned

    Sep 30, 2007
    I wouldn't say that I automatically assume they have no education, that would be too extreme of an assumption to make, however when I see people typing improperly and not spelling words correctly I most certainly think less of them. If they don't see it worth their time to spell properly and I have to decipher everything they say, it's an insult to everyone having to read what they type, and to their own intelligence. I wouldn't say anyone assumes that they have absolutely no education, but you certainly don't come off in a good light if you're not respecting yourself and those around you by atleast making an effort in typing.

    The only time I really accept people's usage of "text speak" is when actually typing on a Cell Phone, where spelling complete words is not only a tiring process, but depending on your text plan will cost you more money based on how many characters you're using. So, for these reasons I can understand when people text me with shortened and abbreviated words to save time and the trouble of slaving on the phone keys to spell properly, but when it comes to a computer when you have a full keyboard in front of you, continuing to use text speak is just laziness.
  10. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    Honestly, it really annoys me whenever i get a text that appears to be in some sort of computer virus but is a message that could have easily been called to me in the same amount of time it took to type it all out.

    I text with full diction. No cutting corners unless it's adding a number instead of typing it. and if i had to pay for my texts, i'd use every freaking slot to get my message across.

    I'm not saying it's a bad thing, it's convenient for those who text 24/7, but I personally hate it.
  11. Zandyne King's Apprentice

    May 8, 2007
    Where the sun is hella bright.
    TITISW? tl;dr kthxbai

    Well someone didn't fully read my post, and research into communication studies? Interesting choice or words, however forgive my preference on choosing "in my honest opinion" over "IMHO" when there is veritable time to type it out and no letter-cost strings attached (as said in my original post). Also if toddlers (or anyone for that matter) can fully employ cell-phones texting options they need to understand what the abbreviated versions mean and if they are supplied with unlimited texting and full miniature keyboards (for whatever reason this toddler has something like that, I will never know) they would typically be encouraged by their parents to use proper sentences (or at least I would believe of nurturing parents caring for a growing child). In which case the child could....dial the number and speak verbally, but I know this is a rather unique concept of communication when using a phone.

    I never said nor implied any point pertaining to how one speaks comparatively from one individual to another. I also mentioned the valid points and instances for abridging one's words and excusing them, however briefly I may have stated it. (Please reread my original post if you are confused).

    Also I partially object to your last statement, though we ideally wish for people to comment intelligently on the intellectual part of the board, you (on average) do not have to scroll very far to see mincing of the English language. Ironically, even in the first posts on this board you can see some of these grievous errors/neglects of basic English for reasons you and I may never know. (I may sound picky, but I can easily over look the occassional error, but some of them are riddled with numerous and silly mistakes.)

    The way I view text chat is that they are spelling many things wrong on purpose, by the time I finish coercing my brain into translating whatever was texted I am in no mood to reply to it or my respect for that person drops down a notch in terms of their grasp of the English language (however relative to their phone plan as I understand it). I don't want a "oi, meet @ SB? @ 2 4 lnch" in my box, I'd rather have a to-the-point, "--- want to meet up at Starbucks at 2:00 for lunch?" and if the "arm-and'-leg for text words" exists, a voice mail or call would more than suffice (the main reason why we have portable/cell phones).

    Basically what I am trying to say about texting is, if you are chopping up your sentences "because they are too long" just so you can text, what is preventing you from CALLING this person? And texting in class is not proper at all (I rebuke any person who texts when they should be listening unless that teacher happens to literally be an axe murderer), texting for a quick bit of information in a Library (or some other location where silence is necessary) I will concede is fine and even then having more details proves to be for your benefit:
    "pg 4 hw?" vs "Page for math homework?"/ "What page was the math homework on?"

    -but having ENTIRE conversations when one is otherwise able to move to another location where talking is acceptable? That is called a "social disconnect" (yes gasp in offense from my accusations avid texters!). Also I'm not barring anyone from using their precious tidbits of marred "omg hi" and replies of "o hi" instead of a simple phone call, or dare I say meeting up, but I'm merely sharing my opinion of this to the original post ("Do you think someone who uses "text chat" is stupid?") to which I heartily say "Why yes I do -unless they are in a life-and-death situation and they for some reason must contact help using crapped up words-." (Especially on the internet.) There are several other ways to communicate with a cell phone (one of the most common occurrences of text chat) which make the texting option obsolete most of the time save for the one or two instances when "we need" to get a quick check on information.

    Anyway if I missed addressing any of your points do tell me. But maybe I should do more research on this subject!

    (I'm not even going to begin to comment on your usage of the adage as the implications of what you are hinting at scares me if it is indeed what I am thinking. Also, cell PHONES are meant for talking, not texting, I don't know if that counts as a fact though, maybe I have to do more research. Then again we slap on so many extra features onto a phone it's disturbing, such, net explorer, and other untold horrors.)
  12. Repliku Chaser

    Hmm, I suppose to me that the answer is 'it depends on WHERE' they are text talking. If it's over a phone where text costs money, sure, it's appropriate. If it's for cute little sayings and such, sure, I don't consider that dumb either.

    Now, when it becomes annoying and I start doubting intelligence is when I see from someone all the time text talk. I.e. I don't want to read endless text talk from someone when I am trying to talk with them seriously over something on a chat channel or forums. It shows an ignorance and I can't help that it really does come across that the person is dumb. It's not right, but if that is -all- I see from the person in serious topics, it just kills it for me.

    Another place it doesn't belong which kids try to get away with is in school. Sure, on book covers and stuff, why not? But it does not belong on -homework-. There are people that actually try to do this and it just is ridiculous. It implies to anyone that they did not try to do this assignment seriously and took it as a lethargic joke. Perhaps I'm **** over such things because I was raised that if I put my name on some project I did I should have pride in that work. I'd rather not do the assignment at all than put text type on an assignment.

    So, really in the end, I'm not against people using text talk itself, but I think people need to learn where it is appropriate. It's kind of like saying profane words. There is a time and a place for text talk, just as there's a time and place for crass language. There are also times you don't do these certain behaviors and it's just in the wrong audience. I sometimes type out text talk on phones or do cute expressions with it amongst friends but when I'm being serious or cordial to others it just does not belong. Hope this makes sense because in the right environment it works. In the wrong area it really does make people seem dumb, self-absorbed and witless.
  13. Mielé Banned

    Oct 27, 2007
    i liek txt tlk all th tiem cuz its rly cool u kno?
    no srsly (lol did it again) its cause i'm lazy and it becomes habit when i type on a keyboard, and secondly, so tht i don't waste money when txting to people on my cell
  14. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    Like most have mentioned, cell phones I can handle since in most cases, you're pressed for time or it's far too cumbersome to be typing words out completely--even if I still do that on a cell phone anyway.

    I agree with TMM that I don't automatically assume they're not educated, but it does make me think less of them. It's subtle, but in an online medium such as instant messaging, I'd prefer it if you actually took some time and get off your ass to type out the words properly. It's showing a sense of respect to the people you're talking to, and there's no excuse to be using 'shortcuts' when time isn't an issue. This is particularly more relevant with forum posts, yet it still happens. University professors stress it all the time to students during opening lectures that if they want to ask them a question through email, they are expected to use proper spelling and grammar; the reasons for doing this are exactly the same.

    Don't get me wrong, I use a select few 'txt tlk' phrases myself over MSN mostly because the connotation I'm trying to convey is better communicated using the abbreviation rather than typing everything out, but even then, those are among close friends.

    Just as how one usually speaks more politely to strangers they haven't met before, I believe there is an etiquette with text speak as well. It's completely irritating to have someone just type out garbage to you during your first conversation.
  15. Erkz Kingdom Keeper

    Jun 18, 2007
    In a place far removed from mankind.
    ... your post makes my brain hurt. Ow. I couldn't speedread that monstrousity at all. Anyway, at least we know where we both stand. And I do agree with you. Except the life-or-death thing may be a bit too harsh.

    But honestly, do you really judge people like that? Do you really think that a person is stupid because they use txt tlk or chat-speak? Because, alot of people in my year at school use chat-speak, and they're definitely not stupid. Which brings back the topic.

    "Does it make you seem stupid."

    No. It makes you look like a big n00b when used at the wrong place at the wrong time. Like a public forum. However, most people jump to the conclusion that n00bs are stupid, and as such, people have come to associate anything n00bish with anything stupid. You were a n00b once, were you not? Were you a stupid n00b? I think not. Hell, I was a n00b, and I made Coder.

    And, yes, if you're thinking that I'm thinking what I think that you think I'm thinking, the adage did mean that. Then again, you seem to dislike contractions of any sort, so, to each his own, I guess.

    ... You make lazy people look bad. =|
  16. Zandyne King's Apprentice

    May 8, 2007
    Where the sun is hella bright.
    (If that one hurt your brain, here's some more reading pain. Please try to read more carefully this time.)

    Given that this is a debate forum speed-reading might not be the best way to go about when attempting to rebut or otherwise "call someone" on their point of view. That being said and to address your question, why yes using minced words does make someone seem stupid, or at least from my perspective (and it doesn't help whatever impression they were trying to make if they were text chatting on purpose).

    And "life-and-death" thing a bit too harsh? If you read what I typed properly I was saying "if it's to save your very life, use TEXT CHAT", but maybe your speed-reading missed that, I don't know for certain. But the thing is that Text Chat is cutting corners, and when talking to someone one doesn't usually cut corners, unless of course you cut corners with your friends then be my guest. (Cutting corners when speaking with friends is like cutting corners when you're giving them something, say a gift, you wouldn't give them something that's been USED...and if you do, wow.)

    I will repeat what I have been trying to say.

    2day i wnt 2 shp 2 by mor fod
    Today I went to the shop to buy more food.

    Now both can be written by the same person, but WHICH in all honesty sounds more intelligent? If you say the first one we both have very different perceptions of intelligence. Hands down the sentence that is typed properly will sound more intelligent (but that could JUST BE ME).

    Also the meaning of contractions is that one abridges one letter between two words to make them "one word" as taught by school and other academic facilities (do not = don't, should not = shouldn't) and the other "contraction" you are suggesting shears off entire WORDS (see example) as well as possibly using acronyms (tl;dr, IDK and others). The only exception to the rule I can think of that would still fall under text chat that is semi-acceptable would be emoticons because text words do not convey emotion and even then I don't consider those to be a mark of great textual worth. (Especially '^_^' a plague upon anyone who wants to be taken seriously with that thing in their words)

    Also do you know the connotations of 'n00b'? Being a 'n00b' means you are a NEWBIE (which is where the word 'n00b' comes from) which means inexperienced, not to be held accountable for their actions and ignorant which is, last I checked the opposite of being intelligent (which makes 'n00b' accurate to the word it is based on). And yes we were all newbies at one point but you are supposed to surpass your previous newbie-dom as soon as possible shouldn't you (unless of course you like not being held accountable)? Also, though it may surprise you, some people can actually type in full and coherent sentences after being introduced to a keyboard! They may type slower but they can still type nonetheless! (Given the typing speed you can gain from typing properly, even more people should be encouraged not to use "TXT CHT.")

    To quote a professor, "If you have something important to say on your cell phone, dial the number and TALK, your friend isn't going to die just because you didn't send them an 'lol hi' to READ on their precious cell-phone screen!"

    As for your adage, I say the implications were terrifying as you are saying you support "tlking lik tis" to "talking like this" for the some lame excuse that you're saving time or space as well as saying "well you don't need to type smart to sound sound" which in text chat would be "u no hav 2 b smrt 2 sond smrt". Quite frankly I find that horrifying unless you're stuck in a dangerous situation. Sitting in a hallway (or in class) and texting because you are bored is not an example of a life-threatening situation. And if the texts cost a lot of could always...*gasp* call this person!

    PS: We all judge people, people who say they don't aren't being honest. We judge on appearance, demeanor, habits, mannerisms, speech, tone, speech content and several other factors that we, as individuals value on a personal level. I happen to judge people on how they type and how well they happen to read/interpret information, but I guess my opinion is just too HARSH.
  17. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    The weird part at my school was when a teacher finds them texting or using the phone, the people would refuse and then some would give up or some go referals and then they came back to school to get caught and then they got expelled and then they came back and then police arrested them. -_-;; seems like a cycle if you ask me but there is an ending.
  18. Erkz Kingdom Keeper

    Jun 18, 2007
    In a place far removed from mankind.
    This one didn't hurt actually, I do believe that it was a lack of sleep that caused any pains earlier. Please, disregard my earlier comment.

    ... With regard to the manner of your post, however, I say this. Don't get your knickers in a knot. Seriously. Or use all-caps to stress on words when there's bold-face available. Gives on the impression you're yelling at them. *cough*

    Anyway, all you've done is prove [or tried to prove, at least] that a basic grasp of grammatical and communicational skills seems to be more intelligent than the communication of someone who has obviously acquired a grasp of the language to the extent that they can contract it and still get their point across.

    Also, while your definition of "Contraction" holds true to some extent, the fundamental definiton of "Contraction" is "That which is contracted". To "Contract", would be to shorten or abbrieviate something. In this case, words. Hence, chat-speak still falls under the definition of "contraction".

    There is a difference between a Newbie, and a n00b, said difference being defined by cultural associations. A 'newbie', is, as you put it, a novice at something. A 'n00b', is generally a more arrogant, egotistical newbie, who can often be heard spouting hot air at any given chance.

    Another interesting point. What processes data faster? Your eye, which processes data at the speed of light, or your ear, which processes data at the speed of sound? Any given person can read an amount of words that equates to more than double the lyrics of their favorite song while listening to it.

    And no. I do not support 'tlking lik dis' to 'talking like this'. Then again, phonetically, there is no difference besides a strange accent, so... I'll assume you meant typing, and there wasn't an easy way to shorten 'typing'. The answer is still no. Not on a public forum at least.

    One more thing. Cost is but a minor factor in whole txt tlk thing. Text messages were originally limited to 244 characters in length, and as such, the need arose for short messages that could completely convey their message. Also, say you're in a movie theater, and the need arises for you to communicate with someone. Yet you don't want to miss the movie. What do you do?

    Yes, we all judge. Without judgement, decisions cannot be made, and the very fabric of our existance crumbles. Either way, there are many kinds of judgement, and they lead to different things. Harsh judgement leads to oppression, unfair judgement leads to tyranny, the list goes on. One must learn... to judge wisely.

    Enjoy your day~! ^.^

    PS - Less intelligent does not mean stupid.
  19. Crumpet In your shadow, I can shine!

    Jun 28, 2007
    i agree... it does depend on where you do it... over the fone is fine, hhonestly i have no problem (except when i cant understand) other places it depends on what your saying... i mean saying "u suk big tyme", that like died years ago ... in the way of big small text like "yOu SuCk BiG tImE", if you saying stuff like lol wtf omg etc, then well that's acceptable everybody knows what your saying (except parents) and in where you say it shows what type of person you are.

    You just have to keep with the times, like one day, our way of talking won't be "in"anymore and some other talk will,

    I'm not saying don't follow every trend but you know, learn the talk
  20. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    Text talk doesn't mean you are stupid, someone could be highly Intelligent but just wants to use text talk because they really cant be bothered typing normally.
    A lot of people, now this Is just what I have experienced, use text talk because they want to seem cool. Others use text talk because they cant spell very good and want to hide that fact.

    Text talk doesn't bother me, Its their choice If they want to use text talk, thats fine.
    We're all people and make different choices, someone who says another Is stupid because they don't type normally obviously are stupid them selfs and don't see or look into why the other person uses text talk.
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