I wasn't sure where to put this thread so I just put in the spam zone thinking if I put it in the wrong place the staff could move it. But onto the actual subject. I am pure Sonic fan and I collect the comics and many other things. And I need someone to discuss it with so I'm looking for someone who reads the comics too is anyone out there?
Probably the thread would be best suited in the Discussion section. To answer the question, yes I had been a major fan of the comics. I believe I still have some of the original ones, the oldest is a mint condition issue #32, and then a dab of them here and there afterwards. I stopped collecting them in like 2009-10. I still have a special place for Sonic though.
It can technically be left here if you want, but the Spam Zone lends itself to less serious discussion than a post-counting section. I can move it to Literature if you prefer.
Which? Sonic the Hedgehog (Archie) or Sonic the Comic (Fleetway)? I assume you meant Archie's, since it is the more popular of the two + STC has not been in publication for years. At one point I followed these comics, but a few months' worth of comics failed to reach my mailbox and I thus never bothered to renew my subscription.
Perhaps you are right about where the thread should be but I was not sure. I have not stopped collecting and I would wager that I have a few waiting for me in my file at my local store this very moment. But I will ask who stood out for you during the time you were a reader? And yes I meant Archie comics.
The only other series I remember were Knuckles the Echidna, Sonic X, and Sonic Universe, but I think they all were Archie as well.. @Oda Scourge stood out for me, he was pretty much the true form of evil, being Sonic's parallel universe other.
I like Scourge too after all he did claim his own name with his own power. But my Favorite has a lyric dedicated to him in my Lyric topic I won't say who I'll let you all guess. And for those who want to read the comics why not look here. http://en.sonicscanf.org/comics/sonic-the-hedgehog/
I loved Sonic the Hedgehog while growing up. I was a huge fan and still have a massive collection somewhere. I also bought Knuckles the Echidna and all the mini-series that came out. Archie comics series, btw. I stopped reading when it got weird around 175 or so, though. Like the games, it just seemed way too odd and not part of the universe anymore.
I used to read them pretty frequently. The Archie ones, at least. I jumped in around volume 120-ish, and I don't even remember where I stopped. The main thing I remember is jumping in, and there being so many more characters in the comics, and having no idea what the heck was going on or who all these new characters were and why they were there.
I used to be a big fan of the comics and would read the new issue whenever it came. I started around when 168 came out and it was my first issue. After keeping with it for a few months I bought these "Sonic archive" books which included really old, hard to get issues. After that I just read most of mine online since they're extremely hard to find nowadays. About a year ago I stopped keeping up with it. I've tried getting back into the comics but as much as I used to enjoy them I can't find myself able to keep reading them. I stopped around 215 or something like that.