mods? i was wondering because i'm making graphics update patches for all 3 of the PSX's Final Fantasy games (lately i've been working alot on FF9) i was just wondering because i will be happy to post the mod/patch once i'm done incase you want to re-play Final Fantasy 7-9 with a much better look to it
heres what i can tell you based on FF9: so far yea. more colors are added but the only problem i'm having is the file size (i'm trying to keep it in size to where you can burn it to a cd and play it on a PSX/PS2) the sky and water have been completely remade and i'm gonna update the characters to have a more "realistic" look to it. not quite sure how though =/ i'll recolor the monsters so far in town looks "okayish" but it still needs alot of work the world map (in my opinion) looks amazing =] i added more textures to mountains and rocks. the sea shore has a more darker look, like how sand is darker whens wet so wet sand has a muddy look kinda and i like the ocean and sky alot. ohh well, i hope you all will enjoy it once its finished
I must say I'm quite interested in what you'll do to Final Fantasy IX. Better textures sounds good, but just don't go overboard - it just won't be Final Fantasy IX if you change the graphics too much. Would you by any chance be able to take some screenshots? The things you listed for the changes sound very promising.
Hmmm.....FF8 would sound nice with better graphics but seeing as it is already awsome updating the graphics would be great. But really for that all you would need is to change the characters, monsters and then the backgrounds as well. But screen caps would be nice so we can see what you mean by 'improved graphics' first before we can allow this to happen mk?