a link to a grafix tut. for GIMP i kinda just want to figure out how to like do layers lighting smudging(sucsefully) and all that stuff
In the main Gimp window, go to File->Dialogs and open up the layers one and the brushes one. They have great settings to play with. For lighting, look at where the light is hitting the render/stock, then make a new layer. (Layer>New Layer) Paint a large white blob there, then Gaussian Blur it by a high amount. (Filters>Blur>Gaussian Blur) Set it to Soft Light and Play with the opacity. As for smudging, I like applying the image (Edit>Copy Visible Edit> Paste) then taking out my smudge tool. I generally use the Pepper or Vine brush at 30% opacity and a spacing of one at different rates. Google Gimptalk, they have great tuts.