Does age matter in a relationship?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Shikou, Apr 23, 2012.

  1. Shikou Kingdom Keeper

    May 13, 2009
    I personally for some reason go for older guys that are at least a year older then me (I sometimes make exceptions) but recently I've been attracted to guys more then 4 years older then me(without knowing that they are in the first place). My limit would be at least 7-10 years older then me (Im 17). In my opinion I think it's ok just as long as you two love each other and everyone is fine with it and wouldn't get butt hurt about it but if for what ever reason everyone is not ok with it and you two love each other then that is a different story.

    What do you guys think? Does age matter in a relationship? Do you limit yourself when it comes to age?
    (btw Im not a girl x_x)
  2. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    Well, as long as there isn't a huge gap in between, then I say it doesn't really matter.

    If you love the other person, and, say, you're 17, but they're 14, you should still go out on a date or whatever. Love is love.
  3. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    I find the standard rule of creepiness always works: Your age divided by two, plus seven. So, for example, I'm 17...
    17 / 2 = 8.5
    8.5 + 7 = 15.5
    Following this, I should not date anyone younger than 15 and a half. It tends to get a little muddled as you get older, but it's good for general calculations.

    Really though, I don't think age would bother me as much as maturity, i.e. I would not date someone that was immature or far more mature than me. With age (usually) comes life experience as well, and I find it'd be a bit dull to hang around someone with a significant amount more than me. Nothing that we (or I) did or experienced would feel new or fresh to them, and I would (knowing myself) feel inferior in wisdom and intellect. Numbers, I find, don't always have a bearing on this.

    To comply to what is being asked, though, since I'm still in my teens I could really see myself only going a few years older than me (maybe three or four max), and probably not younger. Maybe when I'm older, but I already feel out of place with those my age. :u

    But again, maturity & personality supersede a simple number.
  4. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    I'm attracted to women who are my age physically, but only attracted to ones who are very mature, the way they usually aren't until they're into their twenties. It's quite a conundrum.

    I would feel uncomfortable dating a woman much older than me because I feel like as a man I should be more dominant in the relationship (Queue feminists yelling at me), yet I would not like to date girls much younger than me unless they were very mature. So this is a pretty awkward stage for me. But I suppose it's preference.

    I've only really wanted to date guys who are around my age, and very few of them. Still kind of figuring that part of myself out, so not much to say about that.
  5. nasirrich King's Apprentice

    Jun 7, 2008
    I'll end you on the spot so watch your six
    I would say not, then again depending on the enviorment you are surrounded it will either make or break you when it comes to things such as that. I am 17 going onto 18 when the Avengers comes out, but I think my limit if a girl is younger than me like1-2 pushing it but maybe possibly in a case where its like wow I can't stop it 3 years. But as Misty said the gap between ages means mature level, how well balanced they are in life, how ready they are for something as serious as dating an younger/older person.

    As for older ummm uhhh wow I would like like 2-3 years cause like the person is a lot more wiser as the age is greater than mine so I could try all I can with all my heart to satisfy their needs for like a sec, minuet, hour, day, week, but if its not a constant thing than I could just be like a toy to em they can easily get bored of because I won't understand what they do until I hit that age in my point in life. Love is love yes, but as you grow much older and wise the way you see love is love will differ from that of someone else older/ younger than you.
  6. Mysty Unknown

    Dec 7, 2011
    Age should not be a factor. I will date only 4 years older/younger than I am It honestly should not matter though. If you are in love then no one can tell you otherwise. Ignore the negative comments people throw out there about it. They just haven't experienced enough in the destiny of love to know anything about it. Be with who you want and don't allow age to effect your decision. :)
  7. Noroz I Wish Happiness Always Be With You

    Apr 3, 2011
    Does it matter? Yes.
    Should it matter? No.

    There is such a thing called pedophilia, but that is something new. No, no, I'm not attracted to children, I'm simply saying that it was accepted before. What is accepted age gaps is subjective, because people find some things scary/gross. But in love, age is but a number.

    However, I personally prefer girls that are 4 years under my age. I could potentially date someone who is 17, but I generally not go lower, as I am soon 21. I say generally, because you can't decide who you are in love with. I do believe I would date someone as old as 27, because going up in age is a bit different than going down. Sure, I may think it is weird if a 21 year old is dating a 50 year old, but who am I to tell them what is right or wrong?

    The average age of the ones I've dated, I believe is 2 years younger.

    Do whatever makes you happy, as long as it is legal, is my opinion.
  8. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    I personally feel like some people's age limits for a dating partner are way too strict. If its meant to be love, why only look based on age? But anyway, I like to think there should a limit based on how mature and competent each person is with each other.

    My personal preference is a girl younger than me, but on my own competence and maturity level. Seeing as how I'm 19, I'd say the youngest I'd go would be...16? That's like, a Junior or Senior in American High School I think.

    Though I'd be fine with dating someone older than me, but not a lot older. Oldest would be around 21 or 22. I guess my personal range would be my own age + or - 3 years, but if I really loved someone, it wouldn't matter.

    But like other people have said, it starts to not matter as you get older. My parents are 13 years different. I think, once you're in your mid-20's, you can pretty much go with anyone, long as they're not younger than a Freshman in High School, and if you are in you're 20's go with someone who's going to at least graduate High School really soon.
  9. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    It does for me personally, but I don't judge other's. It's a preference. I find myself generally (romantically) unattracted to anyone younger than me despite maturity. Unless said person has a lot going on in their life and is ahead of me in terms of schooling or career or both, I am usually disinterested. I don't know why. I guess because I'm still young, so anyone drastically younger than me is a baby in my eyes. I'm a baby in my own eyes, how can I take a 15 year old seriously? Plus, I would feel like a pedophile.

    Older than me is different, somewhat...Honestly I would be turned off by anyone younger than me in any way, but older than me has some more room. Now that I'm an 'adult', I'd be comfortable dating someone 1-5 years older than me without feeling like they were creeping on me. My perspective on the number-aspect will probably change as I get older.

    I'm not one to religiously cling to these 'limit's I have. I'm sure that if I fell deeply in love with someone who was say, 18, I would be pretty open-minded about it. And like I said, I'm more concerned about what's going on in their life. I can't imagine trying to get a career going for myself and moving out, etcetc, while my partner is venting to me about high school homework. So long as we're on the same page, or they're ahead, I'm cool. Otherwise I would feel more like their parent or older sibling. This is said from experience and is simply my opinion and personal preference.
  10. venster You never heard of me, but I pop in time to time

    Jan 24, 2007
    I have a boyfriend who is 3 years older than me and there is one problem where he can go drink and I can't. That's the ONLY little problem I get with my relationship.

    When they're older, it's kinda easier to think of them as someone who will take care of you cause they have more exp in life.

    In my opinion, I would not like dating someone younger than me... I think it's cause I'm a girl and want to be taken cared of and I normally can't find that in someone younger.
  11. Soap Hollow Bastion Committee

    Nov 10, 2008
    What a lot of people have said in here, I agree with, age is nothing but digits (word play yay) when it comes to love, but we do also have laws about how young we can date. If your a adult, and you love a minor, let's say 14-15, and they love you back the same, I'm sorry, but they need to wait. I'm all for love, but you also have to follow the rules that the bs government give us.

    I'm a 21 year old guy, and I personally would prefer to date someone younger than me. Why? I feel that guys should be older in relationships, not saying that girls can't, but I personally like to take care of my girlfriend (if I had one :( ), but I have no problems with dating someone my age or older. The youngest that I will date (currently) is 17, and thats with parents consent (which I dislike). Older, I will go 22-23. I don't want a girl to be much older than me, because I feel like I would be the one being taken care of.
  12. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    Age does not matter to me, but I prefer younger people because I am naturally attracted to people who are more innocent than I am. I love cute things and I am extremely protective of them. Judging by my previous tastes, I fall in love with people who are more innocent than I am regardless of age. I have a sort of parent complex, you might say. I almost always have younger partners compared to others.

    I have no respect for something like an age of consent and I see all voluntary interactions as valid, no matter the age, sex, race, or species. It does not matter what kind of partner you have unless your goal is reproduction.
  13. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
    It shouldn't matter. I'm 40 and I'm in a wonderful, healthy relationship with a 12 year old.

    But seriously, it shouldn't matter.
  14. The Twin My, what a strange duet

    Mar 30, 2007
    The Devil's Carnival
    It does to me, too young and I feel like I'm cradle-robbing; too old and I feel like I'm being cradle-robbed.

    My first (and so far, only) boyfriend was a sophomore in high school when I was a senior. It was only a two year difference, but it made things tougher when I traveled halfway across the state to go to college. We didn't get to see each other much, and when he finally graduated from high school we broke up because he was going to upstate New York.

    I try to stick within a range of no less than 2 years younger than me, or 5 years older than me (because there's one really close friend I actually adore to pieces, he's 27, I'm going to be 24).
  15. miaulement Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 8, 2011
    The Nether
    As long as it isn't a huge, huge gap, it doesn't really matter to me.
    In all honesty, I think it should be up to the individual if it matters or not. With me, if anyone's older or younger by four years and wanting a relationship with me, I wouldn't accept. In all seriousness, I'd find it a bit creepy. It's because my parents are four years apart (weird reason, sorry...) and since they've been around me all my life, I don't find it too creepy. Sorry if I didn't explain that part well enough.

    So my answer is I think it should be up to the individual if age matters or not.
  16. Willis Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 8, 2012
    Jacksonville Beach, FL
    I laughed a lot harder than I should have from the 40 year old pedophile's post... ;D

    I've always been attracted to younger girls. But too young and too immature gets old quick. As a general rule, a 3 year difference is ok with me, whether it be older or younger.
  17. sora awsome11/10 Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 10, 2011
    Meh. I really don't care about age. As long as they love each and all.
    That all that should matter.
  18. Mish smiley day!

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nuke York.
    I don't think that age should matter too much. It is, after all, just a number. However, I usually think that the older person in the relationship must be quite immature if they pick someone younger all the time. Take my ex, for example, he gets older while his girlfriends stay the same age, lol.

    As for me, I'm currently with someone one year younger than me and.. to be honest, I doubt I would have considered him as a boyfriend before I got to know him and he asked me out. He can be pretty immature at times and it's annoying but hey, so am I (annoying and immature, that is P:)

    In the distant future, I can see myself with someone older than me. What attracts me most is charisma and stability, which comes with age and life experience.
  19. Sabby Sleepy Panda Assassin

    Oct 16, 2006
    in your hearts
    It really depends, on the person. I prefer people older than me to date. In ways, I guess it's level of immaturity. There are exceptions where younger people are more mature than others. For now, the oldest i date is 5 years and the youngest is my age.
  20. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Not greatly bothered, I don't look at a number I look at a compatibility and my feelings. Generally this usually encompasses people of my own age range or similar so Ihave little to worry about at the moment. Still, wouldn't likely make a difference on my choice.