I like the flow of the whole thing, but it seems like the man himself doesn't fit in it. Like he was just put there for room purposes. Maybe if you make him fit in with the whole scene, as in put some of the explosion over his hand, and leg area and such? But I like it anyway. Nice job. :noworries:
Blend the render a bit more, he looks waaay out of place at the moment. I like Rissy's idea of adding a small sort of explosion over part of him (not the hand, I like it the way it is, although you should try to get rid of the small black border around the hand). Something you should start paying attention to is where the light hits your stock, then create the background and effects so that it goes along with that. Because in this tag, the light is hitting the right side of his face (his left) and the background would suggest that the light source is coming from behind him. Also I think some text might be nice below his hand and overlapping his leg a bit if you can make it work. You're definitely improving though.
This literally looks like a picture of an explosion with a render of Doctor Who put on top of it. Render needs more blending in with the background and play around with the lighting a bit.
Since blending seems to be the most outstanding problem, I attempted to blend it... Couldn't think of how else to go about that, but yea.
The only other thing I'd like to say about your work is that you seem to be relying heavily on brushes. While they're useful at times, you're simply using someone else's work to create something of your own. I'm not saying completely abstain from using them, but try to create your own effects by smudging, pentooling, modifying stock images, textures, etc. If you're not using brushes then ignore this lol.
I actually made that explosion by smudging the un-resized render of Doctor Who, then setting it to color dodge and smudging some other stuff over that. I didn't use any brushes on this. I haven't used brushes in quite a while, but yea, my older stuff was complete brush whoring. =P
Oh alright then lol. It's just that I whored out a brush set that looked real similar to those effects, haha. Good job then.