Television Doctor Who

Discussion in 'Movies & Media' started by Zexion of the Twilight, Jul 2, 2007.

  1. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    You can't remember the plot of the Dr Who movie because it didn't have one, just a lot of plot holes strung together. It did have a lot of flashing lights, though.
  2. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    Well at least it has something to do with Doctor Who then the first two movies who were related to Doctor Who in name only and had the Daleks.
  3. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Just watched
    As Enzy said it was no Asylum, more of a fun in-between episode--which is always good! Arthur Weasley was quite entertaining and I like the father/son relationship being set up between Brian & Rory. I think it has definite potential to turn around into Rory and Amy having kids.

    Also that outliving scene... Doctor ;c

    HOWEVER (and major plot point forthcoming)
    On one of the Ponds dying.
    I stand by that it may be Rory's dad, especially because, in Dinosaurs, the Doctor called Brian a Pond.
  4. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    Just finished watching A town called Mercy:

    I reaaaallly enjoyed this one as well mainly because it was quite exciting with the Doctor going all berserk! I also liked how there was no true monster in this episode just a big argument- you could argue for either side really.

    My main problem with this episode is Amy and Rory play very minor parts in it- the companions last few episodes and they are lesser characters than Isaac who is dead most of the episode xD I thought it centered a bit too much on the Doctor (I love the Doctor and all but it's not just him). The only thing we really got was Amy yelling at him- which I thought was a brilliant scene in itself. I'm guessing they'll play a bigger role next week which is the episode I have been most excited for!

    I felt sorry for the Gunslinger and I thought he was a brilliant cyborg and his ending made me happy : D

    Also- I don't understand why he didn't just cross the line of rocks and wood to get Jex at the beginning rather than waiting for ages. Yes he doesn't want to kill innocent people but he managed to do it when he entered Mercy well enough. Did he just not want to interfere? Well that failed as well xD I would just have rathered there be a logical reason why he couldn';t enter (unless their was and I missed it in which case this point is pretty irrelevant xD)

    However, I thought that western style was brilliant and it really showed how the Doctor needs someone to stop him (Donna, Martha and Amy have said that) and the way it was shot caught some beautiful landscapes. Also, I laughed a lot xD so over all I really enjoyed it.

    Just looking forward to next week, the penultimate episode of the Ponds ;=; however, I think it'll be interesting to see the Doctor living with them and interacting in their lives.

    To the Ponds dying:
    It could be but I have started to think it would be good if Amy or Rory passed because they are such good characters that it would be a finalised end to them. If Rory's Dad died now then it wouldn't feel as climatic. Also, it would involve him taking another trip in teh TARDIS to America... most likely.

    I do also think it's not due to the Angels that whoever dies dies. Mainly because, in an interview with Moffat, he said he originally was going to use the Daleks but then changed his mind which means that if it was linking to the angels sending one of them back in time then it wouldn't work properly with the Daleks. I don't think Moffat changed their departure to fit the angels. However, this is all speculation.
  5. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Just finished A Town Called Mercy! Overall it was plenty enjoyable, but it feels a bit like filler--I mean, important stuff did go on (mostly the Amy/Doctor dynamic), but it could have been a rather standalone episode. But it was still good!
    I agree, I thought that was quite brilliant. It reminds me a bit of Midnight, in that sense. There was, I guess, an evil/monster, but it was mostly focused upon our own concepts of right and wrong. Would you steal bread to feed your family, etc. It's an interesting comparison too, because
    in Midnight, the Doctor, totally on his own, fought to defend those infected by the... monster thing (I haven't seen the episode in a while lmao). In this one, he needed his companion (Amy) to stop him. It worries me for Eleven, and definitely contributes to the whole "the Doctor needs companions" thing. It's a neat comparison between Ten and Eleven, as well--Ten, while he had his moments of rage, they were not to the extent (nor the frequency) of Eleven. Likely because (while Ten did lose Rose), he never went long without a companion. Eleven has. It's scary to see him lose control, and that's true for all Doctors, but especially Eleven.
    And people say Amy is a poorly done character, pswahhhh.
    Aha no, I felt the same way, I missed a minute or two in the middle of the episode so I assumed it was explained then. Guess not. xD
    sldhfkjdhsfkdjsahlkjfhlaskj DON'T REMIND ME
    Enzy don't be cruel, just allow me to hold onto hope that
    I will not be losing my beloved Ponds.

    Has anyone else noticed that in both Asylum and Dinosaurs, there were references to the Doctor playing in famous songs? Once with Oswin and later with Solomon. I didn't notice any in Mercy but just thought it was interesting, iernno.

    The next two episodes tho ; ~ ;

    Edit: Also! Saw this on tumblr:
    • *lightbulb flickers while amy’s talking to her makeup artist*
    • “at long last, it’s christmas!”
    • *lightbulb not fitting at rory’s house*
    • “dad, I’m 31, I don’t have a christmas list anymore.”
    • *lightbulbs flickering and in the wrong time period*
    • “has someone been peeking at my christmas list?”
    Could this be
    Oswin, somehow? Isn't she supposed to appear in the Christmas special?
    And she said to remember her, which isn't much in itself, but it's been bothering me that she looked straight into the camera when she did. Not only that, but Rory was brought back in The Pandorica Opens by Amy's memory, and then later, the Doctor in the finale.

    and the angels????
  6. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    I liked "A Town Called Mercy," but I am very hyped for next week's episode. U.N.I.T is finally back! Present-day Earth is being invaded (by small cubes, but still, an invasion)! I sorely missed U.N.I.T. and Earth invasion stories (not including "The Eleventh Hour") in Series 5 & 6
  7. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Oh are they? That's great! One thing I didn't really love about the Moffat takeover in season five was that we lost a lot of the old regulars (like UNIT, Torchwood, Captain Jack, etc). Glad to see at least something making a return.
  8. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    Agreed. And it'll be nice to see an alien invasion happening in the present day. Reminds me of quite a few Davies episodes (Partners in Crime, Army of Ghosts/Doomsday, Sontaran Stratagem/Poison Sky, etc.).

    I also thought A Town Called Mercy was a really great episode, and it's always nice to see a big moral conflict.

    When he lost it and pushed Kahler Jex over the line, it reminded me quite a bit of Dalek from series one. And whenever he loses it, it's usually for the same reason: he hates and resents his own kindness. I mean, we all know that he's the most wonderful being in the universe and that (especially as Eleven) he's just a big goofball who wants to see the universe and save some lives on the way. But he's killed so many, both good and bad, and he knows it. He does try his hardest to suppress those thoughts about himself, especially around companions, but the issue always seems to be brought back up eventually, whether it be by the Daleks, Davros, Kahler Jex or even River Song.

    Try as he might, he can't run from his past. He has to carry the burden of 1200+ years of pain and death and misery, and when Jex told him about his race's belief regarding death and the afterlife, it reminded me a lot of the Doctor. It made me think of all the things he's done, but it also made me think about what would've happened if he hadn't done them. If he hadn't killed his people, the rest of the universe would've suffered. If he hadn't protected the Earth time and time again, there probably wouldn't be an Earth as we know it. If he hadn't stolen that blue box, countless people would be dead and so many more might never have been born.

    This is also why I was happy to see Amy and the Doctor have a little conversation about this.

    "But they keep coming back, don't you see? Every time I negotiate, I try to understand. Well not today. No, today I honor the victims first. His, The Master's, the Daleks'. All the people that died because of my mercy!"

    "See, this is what happens when you travel alone for too long. Well listen to me, Doctor, we can't be like him. We have to be better than him."

    This right here. This is the Doctor at his worst. This is the Oncoming Storm that the Daleks forgot. This is the warrior of the Gamma Forest. This is a broken man trying to atone for his mercy. And Amelia Pond is the only person who could talk him down from that point. He loves her. He trusts her. And there's even speculation that he's traveling with the Ponds after one of them is dead. He cares about them both, but in his eyes, Amy is still that little girl who waited for him. From what I can tell, he's told her plenty about his past - almost like with Rose - and so she knows him. She knows how he's hurting, and she knows he wants his justice. More than that, seeing Isaac die for a man who committed that sort of atrocity brings him back to reality. It's not right, and if he'd done it, he would've become the same monster that he's saved Earth from time and time again.
  9. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    So I saw the new episode yesterday. Don't have much of an opinion on it, I thought it was good. I'm glad BBC found some actors who could do decent American accents. At least I thought they were decent. They're better then the ones in Daleks In Manhatten and Evolution of the Daleks.
  10. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Guys I've read a really interesting theory on tumblr fffff. It's REALLY well backed up and could very well be true, so spoiler-tagging.
    My theory is that - and I’ve had it since last week - the Doctor is going backwards to the Pond’s timeline. He’s done 7x05 already, and keeps going back. And back. And back. Saying goodbye.
    Rory’s phone charger is in that gif. That’s the preview for 7x04. In the beginning of this episode the Doctor when noticing the electricity Rory says ‘it’s only a few years out.’ and the Doctor says ‘that’s what you said when you left your phone charger in Henry VIII’s ensuite’. Rory looks confused. Because that hasn’t happened for him yet, but it has for the Doctor.
    Also, the looks on their faces when he says ‘give me a Dalek anyday’. He wouldn’t say that if he’d done Asylum of the Daleks already. His face in 7x02 when Amy says he’ll be there til her end. His face every. single. time. they ask to be dropped off at home. The fact that he is so much darker so far this series. Because he’s already lost them. He’s in mourning. And this is how he’s doing it. Because they don’t understand that he’s not done any of it yet. So every time they say ‘we haven’t seen you for x amount of months’ they’re shaving time off. One less adventure to have. One step closer to crossing his own timeline, when he can’t go back and see them ever again. In my head canon I am thinking this is probably - for him the last time he tried to see them is when he goes to their house in Pond life. And no one answers. And then he leaves the phone message. And deletes it.
    Because he can’t be sure if he’s gone too far back.

    Also repeated things so far:
    • Christmas
    • Eggs (souffles, dinosaur eggs, egg-shaped spaceship)
    • Flickering lightbulbs
  11. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town

    ...My god. That means Eggmen are going to invade here, on Christmas, when every lightbulb on the planet flickers!

    But in all seriousness, I never notice that. Though, that could just be a coincidence.
  12. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    The eggs I could see being coincidental, but the other two feel rather purposeful--especially the lights flickering. Weeping angels.
  13. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    I completely support this theory. There's plenty of evidence to support it, and the thing about the lightbulbs really seems to be foreshadowing Bye Bye Pond (or The Angels Take Manhattan; idk what the official episode name is because I've been seeing both go around quite a bit).

    The eggs make me a bit cautious, but Moffat said before this series came out that there wouldn't be a recurring theme leading to the finale. And then Christmas is just him being a troll about bringing Clara into the mythos. Moffat, why must you ruin us so???
  14. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    That and, the season's slogan is something like "everything has a beginning middle & an end, but not always in that order."
    Yeah I agree, I think the eggs might be a little far-fetched (though perhaps they're also a Clara reference?).
  15. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    It was confirmed that the last episode with Amy and Rory is called "The Angels Take Manhattan." And I heard Moffat saying there would be no recurring theme, but after seeing Oswin in "Asylum of the Daleks," I'm not buying it.
  16. Jiηx You're such a loser.

    Sep 27, 2006
    Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.
    Has anyone else been kinda disappointed with this season? I'd say this weeks episode was the first good episode of the series, the others were ok, but something really seems a miss lately.
  17. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    I really enjoyed yesterday's episode as well, it was my favourite of the series as I loved the idea of seeing the Ponds actual life and the Doctor living there for a bit. However, I also felt the episode was slightly rushed in the end.

    I loved the idea that each cube was unique and that everyone was just using them for coasters or golf holes, it was an amusing thought thinking "What would the human race actually do in that situation."

    I'm not sure if the overseas watchers got the same amusement as the british when the Apprentice came on and Prof. Brian Cox but I could be wrong. I was amused by the fact they actually got Lord Sugar to be in this TV show xD and the Doctor playing the Wii as well was a brialliant scene.

    I just felt like the solution seemed a bit anti-climatic and rushed. There was no major battle, just a ship's interface and surgeons with cubes for mouths. I think that should have been more of a focus rather than just the characters.

    It also supports the theory that he's travelling backward from 7x05 but it was mor ethe fact that he did 7x04 first and then after Angels take Manhatten went back to 7x03, x02 and then x01. They did go to Henry VIII in this episode which makes me think "Would the Doctor take them to the same place twice or is he actually going backwards".
  18. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    I really liked yesterday's episode:

    Glad to see UNIT return. I laughed so hard when the Doctor was trying to kill time waiting for the cube to do something. The whole episode had an "Army of Ghosts" vibe to it, which I really loved. I'm realizing that so far, I'm enjoying this series more than Series 5 & 6 combined. Now all they have to do is get Craig Owens in an episode, and I'll consider this the best DW series since series 4
  19. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    I did as well. It was a personal favorite, though this whole series has been pretty great so far - at least in my opinion.

    Honestly, I agree with Axel in regards to it being similar to Army of Ghosts, especially in regards to something foreign becoming a part of everyday life after such a short time (I think it only took a few months for people to start using the cubes as paperweights and such).

    Enzy, we have our own version of The Apprentice over here (though Donald Trump is the host and such) and I've heard of Brian Cox, though I doubt that he's very "big" here. Those cameos also made me think of multiple Davies episodes (likeAmry of Ghosts, The Stolen Earth, Journey's End, etc.) when they have popular culture make a little cameo in the middle of the madness.

    This episode also showed us all just how big a goofball Eleven really is. He plays Wii Sports, he constantly needs something to do (almost like a little kid xD) and he loves his Ponds. Also, Brian and his theories on the cubes (and there was another egg cameo in there, though I don't know if anyone else caught that but me).

    The solution didn't seem too rushed to me, though I suppose you could look at it that way. I actually liked the incorporation of an old "Gallifreyan ghost story" in it, just because it's nice to have the occasional "monster under the bed" show up from the Doctor's past. Honestly, this episode was all about the Ponds, since the next one is the end (they're even bringing River into it for Christ's sake). I really did think it was nice that he stayed with them as well, seeing as how they're either off traveling with him or living out a typical life. We almost never see that sort of balance between the two, not just with them but with any of his companions.

    Now that I think about it, it would make more sense if he went from The Power of Three to The Angels Take Manhattan and then worked his way back into Asylum of the Daleks and to the end of Pond Life. He didn't seem nearly as sad as he did in A Town Called Mercy.

    And I'm sure all the Eleven/Rory shippers have just been fangasming at all the innuendo in this series. >:3
  20. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    I do agree that the conclusion to the episode was rather rushed, but I really don't think it was an episode about the cubes--they were just kind of there to set up the major focus of the episode, which was the Ponds. But overall it was an enjoyable episode, I am happy to see UNIT (now maybe we'll get a little Torchwood??) and the Wii scene was just brilliant.

    I also agree that he did not seem as sad as the last few episodes at the mention of things like death etc. for the Ponds, the actual order I can't comment on but this has to be early in his backwards travel through their life. The conversation with Amy was just adorable.
    I still am kind of holding out hope that they'll kill Brian as their Pond death requirement. Now I love Brian and am by no means wishing death upon him, but I just can't comprehend losing Amy or Rory. With Brian re-appearing now, could they be trying to get us attached to him?