Television Doctor Who

Discussion in 'Movies & Media' started by Zexion of the Twilight, Jul 2, 2007.

  1. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009

    Same. Still, there's not much to be done about it.

    Honestly, I enjoyed the episode a lot. It's interesting to see a darker side of the Doctor throughout this whole season, and watching him turn his back on the world that he's protected for over a millenium was heartbreaking. Clara's death was pretty shocking and I have no idea how Moffat plans to explain this one.

    And then Pond. </3 I have no idea how much time has passed between The Angels Take Manhattan and this episode, but with the outside of the TARDIS looking so messed up they've really given us a sense of just how much that loss hurt him.
  2. NightCrisis Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 25, 2012
    Washington DC
    I enjoy watching Doctor Who. There's nothing else to deny from it. Except, of course--that doctor may be crazy, but... CX
  3. Technic☆Kitty Hmm

    Apr 2, 2010
    Indiana, USA
    I agree, it was very interesting to see that side of the Doctor again. Not only that but to see Oswin making a return. There were so many different interesting things going on in that episode it's hard to keep track of. I'm really anticipating the new season. Matt Smith just became my favorite Doctor. I'm sorry David . . . I still love you but . . . things can't stay the same.

    I also agree about the TARDIS. It was always looking nice and clean in the past. I believe the damage done to the TARDIS in the previous episode is what we were seeing. In other words, the Doctor didn't bother to fix it. It was also quite interesting to see the stairs, and the whole way everything seemed like a riddle. It all just screamed DOCTOR WHO!!! lol
  4. Llave Superless Moderator

    Jun 23, 2010
    Tired Dad
    Get the plot party started mates, just finished watching the special @_@

    Onto a few things I really liked and or thought throughout the episode:

    The one word challenge was simply clever. When she said "Pond", I literally had a mind blown moment, probably one of the biggest ones I've had in a while. I just sat there in awe of how clever Moffat made that pun, yet so befitting it was overpowering. Tears in my eyes.

    The ragged look on the outside of the TARDIS, I like that honestly. The inside changed, and I like that as well. Seems more retro-doctor from previous ones only with a more dark twist to it. I wonder how long he's been sulking then when you think about all those changes.

    Since they changed the look on the inside, I wonder if they are altering Matt's look a bit, yet still him like so:


    I would like that honestly.

    Doctor's reminiscing of the bowtie when he instinctively puts it on.

    And all the clever and opposite things Oswin says like "It's smaller on the outside." I love you, clever girl. (But I still miss my poor bby Karen :c )
  5. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    I (or should I say, 'we') don't know much about Clara/Oswin, but I'm really, really liking, no, loving her, a lot. She might end up being one of my favorite companions! Why can't the rest of Series 7 come any sooner??!!! T_T
  6. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female

    Also can I be the first (in this thread) to say that I absolutely love Clara's outfits?

    Anyway, mixed Clara feelings:
    I've been thinking a lot about what Clara's effect on the Doctor will be. Rose softened the Doctor, Martha strengthened him, Donna gave him a friend, the Ponds were his family. On one hand, I think it will be good--it has been good--for the Doctor to have someone challenge him. We didn't see this much with Amy, I don't think. Only really in the Beast Below. But Clara is very clever and her jumping timelines/lives means she could have knowledge unprecedented for a companion (at least, in New Who. Haven't seen Classic). After all, she knew all about the Daleks in Asylum. Clara might be the first companion that the Doctor doesn't need to explain everything to, and who knows at least something about his history.

    However, her "women twice dead" status could go two ways.

    On one hand, I think it's good. The Doctor (understandably) is devastated when his companions die, or at the very least, leave, even if it's of their own accord (Martha). It reminds him of their mortality, as well as isolates him from everyone. He cannot die (for the most part). So when he has a reminder of the pain of loss, he will, as we see in The Snowmen, shut himself to the rest of the world. People will always wither, decay, and die, no matter what he does. Clara has given him hope. Death is not always final. The universe has some miracles up its sleeve for him--it owes him this one.

    But that hope could be very dangerous to the Doctor too. He is, by nature, an optimist--the hoper of far-flung hopes and the dreamer of improbable dreams. I'm afraid that him having this one reprieve from death may give him an irrational hope that it will happen again. He may take death even worse after this, because he may not be able to accept it as final.

  7. SoulboundAlchemist Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 10, 2011
    I agree, if this happens more than once, it could easily get the Doctor a little too hopeful. He might even do something worse than hiding in his box on a cloud next time.
  8. Cherry Berry Chaser

    Dec 4, 2006
    Nudist Beach
    The doctor has always been viewed as a very hopeful, optimistic person, seeing the light in even the darkest of circumstances. Like you Misty, I'm actually quite certain that If something should happen to his new companion Clara... Goodness knows how much more of a broken man he could be. :c

    On the other hand, this could mean good news for the doctor :D Clara is something else, she is. It's not every day someone says it's smaller on the outside, for one~ And who knows? She might not need so much explaining about the Doc, like so many had before her
  9. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    I can understand your thoughts, and I can't help but agree.

    If present day Clara retains her skills from Oswin (hacking) and the Snowmen!Clara (cleverness -- I mean she figured out his whole bloody plan on that roof WHO WOULD BE ABLE TO TO THAT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD???), then I think his optimism might just reach a new high. I agree that this could hurt him even more once she's gone for good, but in the meantime he has a glimmer of hope and light in his life.

    Also, the whole "Run you clever boy. And remember..." is going to play a huge role in her 'reincarnation' cycle. I can feel it. And come to think of it, she sort of reminds me of Yeul from Final Fantasy XIII-2; despite the fact that I've never played it, I know her story and it seems to have a close resemblance to Clara (wiki), not in the sense that she sees the future, but in the sense that once her purpose is fulfilled, she dies over and over again in each one of her lives. Maybe the universe gave the Doctor what he needed, not what he wanted.
    I don't know; that's just how I feel about the whole thing.
  10. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    on "it's smaller on the outside"

    All of the Doctor's companions, they came to him somehow flawed. Rose had really no purpose or direction in life, Martha didn't value her family as she should, Donna was... Donna, Amy was afraid to confront her future (marriage). And they all gave some form of "it's bigger on the inside." It took them time to enter the Doctor's world and see that he was more than the loon he appeared to be on the exterior.

    But Clara is different. She sees through the Doctor's current tough exterior, sees his inner kindness. She knows that the Scrooge-esque man she sees (and he insists on playing) is simply containing a complicated and deep man.
    or am I just thinking too much
  11. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    Whether or not this message was intended, it fits SO WELL.

    The theory is really quite perfect, and I have to congratulate you for that.
    now we need a group for analyzing doctor who to the point of madness and we're set
  12. Llave Superless Moderator

    Jun 23, 2010
    Tired Dad
    In that given scenario, wouldn't it seem that since Clara is more flawless, she's a remedy for the Doctor? A true one, one that will really bring him out of the depths of dispair. The Doctor has been giving a part of him to each of his companions to make them better people. Maybe this time the universe is giving back to the Doctor through Clara's

    I dunno how that'll play out, but it's an interesting concept.

    Also, have to show this:

  13. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    Even if it is a bit late...

    I really warmed to Clara and am very excited to find out how she manages it. I'm glad it wasn't a relative or another "River" incident. However, I'm guessing she remembers her previous 'lives' otherwise why would she use the word "pond" in that game to convince the Doctor also why would she follow him so intently. Also, it would suck a bit if she had to meet the Doctor alllll over again in series 7 pt.2. I wonder if her recarnation thing has something to do with the Daleks or if she was born with it. Also- does she just wake up the same age in a different time zone or has she had 3 complete lives?

    The companion is also a way in for the audience who don't understand the Doctor- like when they ask questions it allows the audience to understand as well as to relate to the companion. I was worried that Clara's intellect would make that difficult but I still feel like I can relate to her so I'm not worried. I enjoy her banter with the Doctor and it really seems that they are equal- what he lacks in common sense she has but what she lacks in intergalactic knowledge the Doctor makes up for. They complete each other <3

    With regard to the TARDIS interior- it's smaller and links back to classic who. At first I had my doubts because I loved the colours of the other TARDIS and the metally walls along with the galss floor, however, I'm feelnig bizarrely content with the new one mainly because I LOVE THAT ROTATING SHAZZ GOING ON AT THE TOP OF THE TARDIS! I think the dark, metallic appearance reflects the Doctor's feelings- he was happy with the Ponds and now he's lost them so his desktop theme is all dark and gloomy but it won't change once he's befirended Clara properly. I have to say, I prefer the console on the older one as it was an amalgamation of loads of mundane objects- I haven't ahd a clsoe look at the new one but I don't recall it being like that. Also, FINALLY SOMEONE SAID "It's smaller on the outside"- Moffat, you read my mind. I also think that the battered exterior shows how he has lost all his inhibitions and can't even be bothered to take care of his home.

    I recon the bow tie is symbolic of him being happy with his companions. While he had no one else he didn't wear it but when he finally felt a glimmer of hope he put it back on : ) THEY ARE COOL.

    Who was it that bought Strax back to life? the Doctor said it was just "A friend" but is he referring to River or another Sontaran? I still don't understand how a Silurian was around in Victorian London, I like the idea I just wish it was explained.

    On the new title sequence: I love the new theme tune and the fact the TARDIS flies toward you is cool however, I still dislike the writing- I prefered the more 3D look. I like how it flies through the sky and other things (it reminds me on the contents of blood... which is bizarre but I like it :3)

    I was amused by the Sherlock Holmes reference and parody with the "fish called Colin". I know Moffat has great understand of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle so I wonder if he'll do an episode where the Doctor meets him or not.

    The rest of the series is also looking very promising and I can't wait to watch them!

    That's all I can think at the moment. Peace!
  14. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    Just going to respond to one bit, all in spoilers.

    I believe that would've been Rory. I was confused at first as well, but then when I thought about it I realized that they were both nurses, so he probably could've asked about some knowledge on a Sontaran's anatomy and restarted his heart/healed his wounds.

    And in regards to Vastra, Moffat briefly explained mid-episode that something being done under London/above the Silurian city caused her pod to activate. You may not have caught it, but you could probably Google the transcript or something.
  15. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    I assumed Rory I just wasn't sure. I kind of wished it was made clearer like you saw Rory heal Strax or something back in series 6.

    I did miss that xD I'll just have to catch it when I rewatch the episodes.
  16. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    I caught that, but I'm really hoping for an episode in the future that will explore that event and how Vastra first met the Doctor.
  17. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    Just had a thought- do you think Clara has anything do to with:

    "If something can be remembered, it can come back."

    Like Amy's parents or Rory the Centurion. I'm guessing it'll be deeper than that but she does seem to keep saying "Remember me".
  18. SoulboundAlchemist Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 10, 2011
    You're most likely right, I wonder how they're going to play this one out...
  19. Itachilives Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 20, 2011
    Think its about time I post this possible spoilers if you want to watch every single doctor who (like me) :D

    This is just Fantastic <<<<< Pun
  20. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011

    Steven Moffat interviewed by his own son. He mentions the 50th anniversary episode. Looks like he still hasn't finished writing it. I really hope it'll end up being epic.