do you like cake? do you know justin bieber? do you like jay-z? do you know beyonce? do you like pie? do you want to a puppy? do you have a puppy? HI
I'm waiting to see how long it takes for a particular Portal reference to pop up... Yes No Meh, sometimes, depends on the song No, she is not appealing Yes 'Do I want to a puppy?' What does that even mean? No Hey
I Freakin Love Cake!! Especially Red Velvet... What's a Bieber?!? He's Aight... Yep Indeed. Not really. Not as much as i love cake... Do i want to what?!? Already have one!! HELLUR
I must say the wrappers for those chocolate bars are always quite excellent - they certainly keep the contents intact.
Who doesn't? Who doesn't? A lot of better rappers out in the world Yes Yes Yes No D: Sup dude Looks like sombody doesn't listen to rap
I love cake but I rep Ice Cream Cake all day No for 200 Yea kinda he's ok Yep I hate pie with a passion never liked it at all I'm not kidding never liked pie it doesn't taste good to me No Yep What's sup you chillin?
Absolutely. Not in a million years. Nope. Nope. Depends on the flavor. Apple of chocolate! Yes, but im allergic. It died..... Hi!!!!!
yes if i did, he would be dead. or grieviously injured no no HELL YEAH what? yes, i have an 8 year old puppy hello. how are you today?
I once attempted to listen to one "song" by every well renowned rap artist so far in alphabetical order. I got through about half before I could feel my brain drying up like a soy bean.