...unless you can understand what the song means on a human level that you can't really appreciate it and relate to it? I think so but i want your opinions.
I think I disagree, but I'm not exactly sure what you're asking. Do you mean that to truly appreciate/relate to a song, you have to understand it's lyrics?
Yeah, music isn't just for entertaining people... it's also a way of expressing a person's feelings .... That's the way I learnt how to appreciate songs/ music.
Music usually does have a special meaning in the lyrics and tone. In fact, I'm not sure there's any song that doesn't...besides most (not all) rap.
I think that if you understand the meaning behind a song you do get more out of it, but if you don't you still enjoy it just not to the same extent.
I agree, unless you understand the song, you can't really appreciate it, but I'm saying this for the lyrics. The music (instruments) can be appreciated with, or without understand the full meaning of the song. You can enjoy any song, but in my opinion, if you relate to a certain song, or even if you change who you are because of that song, than that's real appreciation. I'm guessing a connection to the song makes you appreciate it more.
I disagree, I do think if you can relate to lyrics that a song can mean more, but lyrics and words are not all a song is <3 you can still appreciate it.
You can appreciate music in alot of ways... The beat itself can alter moods, and make you happy, sad, and even angry. So, uh, yeah. You can appreciate music in ALOT of other ways.
*coughhercough* ;D If I can dance around to a song, I enjoy it (like I Like the Way by the Bodyrockers). But I do seem to be connected more to songs I can relate to. It's not just the lyrics, either. For example, The Theme from The Blood and the Life Eternal by Neverending White Lights. It's completely instrumental, but I can relate to it, and it's one of my favourite songs.