I find as time goes on I often forget things, one minute I would be upstairs thinking about something, I would go downstairs and all of a sudden I haven't the faintest idea why I went downstairs... it's not limited to going downstairs, for example, when I came up with the idea to post this thread, it was about something else... the same something else I have promtly forgotten. Getting old isn't easy, I just thought you younger people should know that and reval in your youthness!
No. Nobody ever forgets. Go seek medical attention now. But seriously, I get that feeling all the time. Well, not all the time but it happens. Pretty sure it happens to a lot of people. There's probably a name for it other than short-term memory loss. Super-short-term memory loss? Let's go with that.
How often does it happen to you? I used to go weeks without it happening, but since my birthday last week (which happened to coincide with the start of my 4 year degree in IT & Computing) it happens every other day x.x
I don't know. Maybe once a week? Maybe more. I'll walk to the kitchen looking for salt, forget why I'm there, and stand around until I remember which is usually pretty fast because dammit I need the salt.