Do you believe in best friends?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Daenerys Targaryen, Jun 24, 2009.

  1. Daenerys Targaryen ok

    Apr 4, 2007
    Okay,so recently I have noticed how some people just don't believe in having a best friend.They don't believe you should get too close to one person and be clingy.
    I don't really agree, but I don't disagree.

    Like,I have only 3 real best friends.
    That I can count on with anything.
    One of them I've known since I was 3.
    And the other two since 1st grade.
    (One of them is i <3 poptarts)

    I don't believe in saying everyone is your best friend...Because then you don't take the friendships seriously in a way...But in other ways I agree, like not being too clingy to a person.

    What do you think?

  2. Kaiionel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Nov 4, 2007
    In my imagination
    I think it's fine to have best friends. You don't have to make it like a friend hierarchy or anything (for example, don't rate your friends as best, second best, etc.) but it's great to be close to someone. Of course everyone isn't going to be your best friend. I count the people I know best, who know me best, and who I enjoy being around as my best friends. As for being too clingy, it's possible to be good friends with someone without being like that. Just don't depend on them too much and give them space to breathe when they need it. But if that friend wants you around a lot and you like being with them, then it's not clingy.
  3. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    I don't think I have to give my friends special titles. If they're important to me, they know it. It can be easier in some cases to call someone your best friend, but I don't sit around all night determining who is my best friend and who is just my friend. Yes, I have friends that I'm closer to in comparison to others. In fact I really am only close to one or two of my in real life friends.

    I think giving people the title of 'best friend' can just lead to bad things, and can alienate other people. All of my friends have special traits and interests that I could never deem one my best friend. One of them I can share music with, the other I can get advice from. Another I can talk about my personal values with. Some I share less interests with, but that doesn't mean they're worse friends.

    So, uh yeah. I'm not totally against having a 'best friend,' but it can be a bad idea in some situations. I suppose I'm indifferent to the phrase.
  4. Repliku Chaser

    I suppose I do and don't rank people as to how close they are to me. It's mostly based on a trust issue in the end.
    * Acquaintance - someone who I know and am familiar with, work with or hang out with now and then but do not know extensively well and would not consider telling personal stuff to. I'll help the person out but I'm just not as close to him or her because the person is questionable in intentions.
    * Friend - someone I hang out with more or generally get along with well and we have similar interests and I trust the person more. I could feel semi-comfortable telling the person of some problem I have and feel the person may help me genuinely. I also will of course be the same to that person.
    * Great Friend - Someone who I'm there for and is there for me. We'll go out on a limb for one another and the person means a lot to me. The person is generally straight up and I have little to no doubts about the person.
    * Sibling Friend (Best friends) - Someone who I'm around so much, the person may as well be a sibling. We may argue, mock each other, etc but we always have our best interests at hand. I can tell the person anything and he or she can tell me anything. We discuss nearly everything whenever and can be counted on.

    I do not tend to 'tell' people other than my greatest friends, where they 'rank' since at any time things can change etc, but it does help me to know what to take serious and what not to and also to not depend on people to be more or less than who they are to me. I can't say though that I am selective as in who is placed where other than saying whether I trust the person enough or not. I have some friends who have a great many interests shared but yet I know at times, they screw over people or have done so to me so they won't be trusted as more than what they show. Some people also take and take while giving very little, so they aren't such great close friends either.

    I guess instead of 'best friends' I prefer to say sibling friends or close friends and well, I would never want to rub it in anyone's face that I do not feel so close to them so most of the time, I keep my opinions to myself. Those who are very close to me know it anyway as we all call each other out like family. Can't say I ever appreciated the silliness of school and how some girls and guys rank people and will say it to others like it's super important to have close friends. I do think though it's more important to have a few great friends rather than using the term 'friend' indiscriminately as well because those who you can actually trust and make life enjoyable with are more important to me than popularity contests where a person finds out that people are only around for superficial reasons. Hope this makes sense.

    Also, I don't feel particularly clingy to those friends who are closest to me, and they don't seem clingy to me. The closest of friends I have all are rather relaxed as am I. We aren't afraid we're going to lose each other to the things that normally destroy friendship. Maybe the clinginess factor is desperation some people have at looking for approval etc and well, those I am closest to realize they have nothing to worry about in the end and vice versa.

    Jan 30, 2007
    czar casm
    I don't believe in Best Friends, they come and go and sometimes betray you, which cause even more ache.

    Eventually your interest's will change and the things that you have in common with your friends and then you slowly move apart

    It could just be my experiences, since i never had a solid relationship because of my dad moving all the time and that of moving literally every 4 months.But i do remember we lived at this place for 3 years, I had a best friend and she stopped talking to me just because this other girl told her not to talk to me.
  6. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    This. I have friends that I hang out with more than others but there's nobody I trust completely. They know of me whatever everyone else is allowed to know of me. They hardly have any privileges over others.
  7. In explicit Angst Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 18, 2008
    Hidden in a messy room
    Hmm... Well I believe that it would be good to have at least someone to share your joy and sadness with. I have one best friend and one heart friend. My heart friend I've known all my life and she means the world to me. She is the most precious thing to me in the whole world. And my best friend I met in kindergarden. I can talk about really everything with her. We are very different people but we get along really well.
  8. Shuhbooty moon child

    Mar 12, 2007
    I do and don't believe in best friends.
    It's more of a personal issue.
    Like some one that knows me for me. I have one best friend on harr [JapAnimeFanatic] I've know her since she was in sixth grade.
    [currently a Jr. But she's quite younge]

    But most of my friends just come and go...

    But I'd have to really agree with Rertar.

    Once I'm friends with someone we have things in common in the beginning but then it all goes down hill and we never speak to each other..
  9. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    i have only one best friend. James. what i like about him is if he promises you something, expect it to be done. he is very nice. i've know him since i was 9. ^_^ we really trust each other since we've been friends for nearly 15 years. ^_^ in short, yes. i do believe in best friends. but only if there is one or two.
  10. Cleopatra King's Apprentice

    Mar 9, 2009
    Skyway Avenue &lt;3.
    I agree with what Misty &Repliku have said.

    I believe in friends, I don’t give them special titles. My friends are important to me and whatever happens to them affects me as well, because I care. I care a lot. I tend to make their problems mine and help them through it. I don’t need to name the “best†or “#1†friend. Sure I may not speak to each and everyone of them every day, but they all know that they mean a lot to me. They all have special things about them that I <3 about them. Like what Misty said about sharing music interests, sport and other values with, in the end we’re all different in our own special way x)

    I think the people who don’t believe in best friends are that way because they have a past of losing friends/family issues/moving around a lot etc… I won’t go into detail, but I feel sorry for these people. I can understand that they don’t believe, and y’know what? It’s fine to feel like that, I don’t have a problem with them as long as they’re happy.

    I guess it’s ok/fine/easier to call some friends “best friends†but like Misty said, I don’t sit there all day choosing which ones are my best friends and which ones are just friends. In some cases it causes fights where those so called “clingy†friends need reassurance of their status, which really ****ing pisses me off. I hate to say it, but I really don’t like clingy friends. And then there’s a difference between “clingy†and your friends who aren’t the “clingy†type & are naturally attached to you hip with permanent glue <<Those are what I would call best friends. They’re there for you for life. As that old saying goes “A good friend will come and bail you out of jail, but a best friend will be sitting next to you laughing and saying “damn, that was ****ing awesome!â€

    ^^This sums up what I would say about friends. There’s different types, but I’ll say it again: I don’t sit there and put my friends in categories.

    I have two best friends. We’re a trio and we’re awesome :’D They’re Miele & Crown Clown, the two people I couldn’t live without. Known them almost all my life. Since kindergarten I think :’D Oh, and who could ever forget my lovable/hateful sister? Yep, she’s another person I couldn’t live without.
  11. TheVader74 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 24, 2008
    United Kingdom
    I can get along with pretty much anyone who I share interests with, and I have met a few people here that I would easily classify as friends, but IRL, there are three people who I would consider Best Friends, cause we can talk about anything to each other, and trust each other unwaveringly. Best friends to me isn't as such a concept as it is a part of my life, since I'm a very untrusting person by nature. One of whom I've known since I was 6 is almost like a brother to me, and another we've known for about four years who we gell with very well. The final friend is a girl who I've fought with, made friends with, fought with, made up again, and finally have just given up the fighting over five years. We never really seriously fought, we just argued over everything, until we could only laugh at it. I probably talk with her more openly than the other two, despite being at war with her almost as long as I've known her.

    IMO, I don't feel there is a "time boundary" for being a friend with someone, let alone someone who would consider closer to you than other people. It certainly takes some time, of course, but nowhere near as long as I know other people would consider it.
  12. Mako Tsunami Kingdom Keeper

    Jan 18, 2009
    In the ocean. Giggity.
    I'd say... hmm... it depends, I guess. I don't really have a personal definition of 'best friends'.

    If it's a matter of feeling comfortable in spilling everything about yourself to them, then no. I don't believe in that. 'Cause nobody in this entire world knows what goes through my head better than myself. =/

    If it's a matter of me trusting them, then yes. There are a good few people that I trust greatly, Despite me not telling everything about myself. There's also numerous people who I tend to forgive rather easily. And when I say easily, I mean easily. Guess that's just the way I am.

    I'd list a few more matters on this subject, but I'm half asleep right nao. So ch'yeah.
  13. int2646 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 5, 2009
    The &quot;Other Side&quot;
    I used to believe in "best friends", in fact I had one for nine whole years unfortunately after the ninth year he became "too cool" for me and we grew distant.
    After this I stated to believe that there is no such thing as a friend who would be able to understand us completely and stick with us for the rest of our lives, instead I started to believe that the greatest level of friendship is being "close friends"
  14. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    I believe in best friends. Even if that friendship someday fades or those people drift apart, there was still that time that they were best friends. I'm a little picky about who I call a best friend though. My best friend from life I've known for around 7 years and no matter what I've told him or what's happened between us, he's stayed by my side. @ @ That's what I would call a best friend. He's unconditional and I love him dearly. <3


    However, I have other good friends as well. They're my friends and I care about all of them. I normally wouldn't give my friends titles or anything, but "Koko" has been here for like ever. And I don't know what I'd do without him vice-versa. D:

    But yes, I do believe in best friends. But I don't believe that you can make a best friend. Friendships are made, you can't just grab a random person and suddenly decide they'll be your best friend, in my opinion.
  15. Tahno The official Charlie Sheen of Republic City.

    Jun 24, 2008
    Pro-Bending Arena; Republic City
    okay, i hate to say this but i think that there is no such thing as a real "friend" but it is possible for people to notice their similarities and they develop a social relationship. i don't think that i have a friend close enough that i can trust, regarding the fact i have quite a bit.

    there's a saying that goes around: "everyone has a friend", which means that everyone has someone that they can tell your secrets to.
  16. Kites Chaser

    Nov 25, 2008
    I guess I believe in best friends. I have only one, maybe two best friends that I can tell anything to and they would never double-cross me. I'd have to know them for a while and all that, but I do have a lot of CLOSER friends that I keep in touch with often. I don't know what I'd do without those few "best friends", they are a great support circle.
  17. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    I believe in best friends but since I'm somehow always betrayed even though I'm told I'm VERY trustworthy, the whole believing in best friends has kind of begun to fade. I still believe in them but not as much as I used(If that even makes sense).

    But, obviously if you're in a relationship and you don't consider your boyfriend/girlfriend your best friend, then that relationship may fall. May or may not. Can depend, I guess.

    I actually have two best friends right now. My boyfriend and a friend that's also a member here(walkergirl-_-). I trust them both with so many things, especially my boyfriend.
  18. keyblademaster_wannabe+ Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 4, 2009
    nope. it's just an urban legend...
  19. Dredica SNES was the best.

    Sep 6, 2007
    Press Ctrl+W to find out
    It's fine to have a bestfriend to's just that they always stab you in the back, well that's been my case so far.​
  20. kaseykockroach Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 2, 2007
    Since the only friend I really have in real life isn't human, and therefore couldn't stab me in the back (right...?), sure! =P